The Simulator Chapter 204

Anchoring the Glass God World cost 110,000 Faith, but changing the target to the Wu Ji Kingdom only required 13,000 Faith.


Lu Yao discovered that the ability to anchor worlds was also related to the population and faith of different worlds. The stronger the divinity and divine body, the greater the consumption of the Flame of Faith that drove the Tree of Silvanus.


Now that the Glass God Realm was at war with the Wuzhi Kingdom, the two god kingdoms bordered and overlapped, so accessing the Wuzhi Kingdom was the same, a roundabout entry.


Lu Yao expended a sum of Faith, and the item [Wu Ji Kingdom] was also added to the anchors already.


The [Create Channel] below finally turned white.


Lu Yao clicked on Create, and the viewpoint was suddenly distanced.


The screen focused on two pixelated worlds stuck together.


A large rectangle and a small triangle.


Lu Yao could, like kneading clay, delineate the two areas of the local boundaries of the two worlds to form a boundary docking.


This could be creating a channel, or the mouse could choose to stretch it out and connect it to the Wuzhi Kingdom from any piece of land, sea or even the sky to form a single space.


Most areas were usable green zones.


Lu Yao didn’t rush to dock and first clicked on the [Rule Repair] of the Wu Ji Kingdom.


By reading the World Rule Encyclopaedia, he could get a comprehensive and realistic overview of this world.


This time, he sank his heart into it and flipped through it from beginning to end for three hours, gaining a preliminary understanding of the Wu Ji Kingdom.




The only god in the Uzi Kingdom was King Uzi.


He was a locally born god and one of the earliest Wuzhi people.


Unlike the other beings Lu Yao had already seen, the Wu Ji people were not flesh and blood; the main component of their bodies was the special element [Wu].


Wu was a hard solid at low temperatures, a solid soft body at room temperature, and would turn into a liquid at extremely high temperatures, and the same was true for the Wuzhi people.


A long, long time ago, the Wu element dissolved and fused some metals and other substances, and after a series of evolution became active and self-aware, giving birth to these little people.


Their clan is called [Uzi], signifying that they were formed by the gathering of a large number of Uzis.


The Uzis have an Achilles’ heel, a fear of water.


Once they touch water or humid air, their bodies will burn, release a large amount of poisonous mist and vapour, and explode.


That is why the world they live in is also more special.


The native world of the Uzis is a huge sphere made up of stones and various solid substances, and they live inside the sphere.


By constantly dissolving the stones, the Uzis carved out paths and living spaces within the sphere.


As they continued to carve and explore outwards, they encountered various dangers.


The chief danger was water.


Sometimes they would dig into a water source without warning, or suddenly seep water, which would be the end of them, and basically a death sentence in the narrow passages.


In addition to this there are passage collapses, geological movements, attacks by earth elemental creatures, and internal fights between each other that can also cause death and explosions among the Uzi.


As the number of Uzi people continued to increase and their thirst for space grew, the pioneers created two great inventions one after another, the Earthwalking Boat and the Black Uzi Mud.


As the name suggests, the Earth Boat is a vehicle for travelling underground, shaped like a giant pencil with a sharpened point.


The front end of the boat would continuously drill through the earth and rocks and inhale them into the body, and then spit the earth and rocks out from the tail end through the middle columnar belt, advancing in this way.


The presence of the earthwalker greatly reduced the threat of collapses and earthquakes to the Uzi people.


Over time, the Uzi people also improved and evolved the Earthwalker. This underground vehicle became larger and larger, even large enough to hold hundreds of Uzis, like a town moving underground.


The ground boat became a strategic tool.


In order to fight for the narrow and safe space underground, the Wuzhi people began to group together, and the groups attacked and confronted each other. This chaos between all sides continued for many years and was only contained when the Uzi king became a god.


However, even the most advanced earthbound boats are dangerous when exposed to water, which is always pervasive.


That’s when Black Ooze was needed.


Black Wu Mud was a special substance discovered by the Wu Ji people from underground stones, they were a kind of underground black and brown grease deposit with superb waterproofing properties.


Applying Black Ooze to the body turns it into a waterproof shell that combines flexibility and safety, which makes the survival rate of the Uzis much higher, no longer blowing themselves up and burning when they touch water.


Technically, the black ooze also attracts a small amount of water, but this water is locked to the surface and does not affect the Uzi. Instead, the right amount of water keeps the black ooze more flexible and malleable, making it easier to repair and strengthen.


To be safe, the Uzis also apply Black Ooze in batches and of different consistencies to the surface of the body to create multiple layers of protection.


The man who found Black Ooze and promoted it to his entire community was the King of the Uzi.


He was an ancient Uzi and one of the first adventurers to leave his homeland and dig and explore beyond. As a forerunner, he had many narrow escapes from death, but he also reaped treasures that were beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.


King Uzi’s most valuable treasure was a golden dice that could change his fate.


While out digging a cave, King Uzi fell into the depths of a scorching place where flames flowed like water and red and yellow colours glowed alternately.


The black ooze on the surface of King Uzi’s body began to crack and peel away, and he felt his body liquefying and flowing as his thoughts became frantic and confused ……


He desperately climbed upwards and burrowed inside a crack.


Behind the crack was a large hole, where a broken altar stood.


The altar was shaped like a giant bull’s skull, but it was cast entirely from pale and cold stone, and in the two eye caves, flames blazed.


King Uzi knew that it was not fire, it was warmer than fire, more dangerous than water, and thicker …… than earth It was the power of faith in the gods. Mortals, however, cannot touch this great power.


He was so incomparably excited at this time that he even forgot to collect the feet that were sticking to the ground after liquefaction.


Because the golden dice needed the fire of faith!


King Uzi returned all the way back and brought the golden dice to the temple.


Being placed on the Flame of Faith, the dice came to life all of a sudden, its powers completely unfolding.


King Uzi began to roll the dice.


Before each roll of the dice, he would say a devotional prayer, expressing his humility and gratitude, hoping that the god who had left the gift would bless him with good fortune.


Each day King Uzi only threw twice – as a sign of solemnity and holiness. He believed that each day’s good fortune was limited.


He threw his reward on the fifth time, which was a piece of gold the size of his head.


King Uzi didn’t realise that it would be the 8,658th time when he threw the treasure again.


After patiently rolling for over 4,000 years, he shook out a treasure.


[God’s Grimoire].


With that, King Uzi became the first god among the Uzi people.


He sucked up the last of the faith in the altar, took the vast majority of the Uzi people with him, cut out a three-pronged cone shaped divine kingdom, and officially set sail into the Sea of Boundary Dimensions.


Who knew that he would be caught in a divine war in the first epoch of his ascension to the Order of the Gods.


Facing the invasion of a powerful enemy, King Uzi was at an absolute disadvantage, and was suppressed by the other side from his divinity and body to his world civilisation.


The legions of the Fifth Dauntless Empire had crossed the borderline, destroying them along the way, beating the Uzi people, who were inexperienced in great battles, into retreat, and their population continued to shrink.


The Empire’s goal is to either convert the Uzis completely or use them as casting and smelting material.




Lu Yao found several keywords.


Local Gods, Special Races, Earthbound Boats.


Facing a powerful foreign invader, the Wu Ji Kingdom might need a little assistance.


The Yao world had always welcomed new friends.


Lu Yao set the passage between worlds at the northern New Continent.


Then, he turned his gaze towards the Wu Ji Kingdom, preparing to observe the current state of the world on the ground.

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