The Real Dragon Chapter 4745

Knowing that this place was full of snakes and rats, and that it was not the time to reason with this American prison guard, Elaine asked her in a hurry, “Can I call home now?”

        “Yes.” Jessica Brownstone said lightly, “After dinner it’s release time, you can use your ID card to call home then.”

        With that, she quietly slipped a slip of paper into Elaine’s hand and whispered, “This is my sister’s number, contact her if you want to buy cigarettes.”

        When she heard that she could call her family, Elaine was so excited that she couldn’t even hold a spoon and could only manage a few mouthfuls before hurrying to follow the group to the release site.

        It was surrounded by high walls and buildings, about half the size of a football field, and more than a thousand prisoners were crowded here.

        The first thing Elaine did was to come to

        Knowing that the place was full of rats and mice, it was not the right time to reason with the American guard, so he asked her, “Can I call home now?”

        “Yes.” Jessica Brownstone said lightly, “After dinner it’s release time, you can use your ID card to call home then.”

        With that, she quietly slipped a slip of paper into Elaine’s hand and whispered, “This is my sister’s number, contact her if you want to buy cigarettes.”

        As soon as she heard that she could call her family, Elaine was so excited that she could not add anything.

        She could not wait to go and call Charlie wade right now, crying and asking Charlie wade to do everything he could to save himself.

        However, in order to call her family, she had to wait until dinner time was over and everyone had gone to the playground to let off steam.

        So Elaine could only follow the large group to the dining hall.

        In the dining room, Elaine could only barely carry her dinner plate to a deserted corner because her hands were really weak and she had to hold it.

        When she sat down, Chloe appeared from nowhere and sat opposite her with her plate.

        And her henchmen, the few female prisoners who had just enjoyed Elaine’s foot ma*sage, swarmed around Elaine at once.

        A little alarmed, Elaine hastily asked Chloe, “May I ask if you need anything?”

        Chloe looked at Elaine, smiled, raised her eyebrows and asked, “I heard from Jessica that your family is very rich, charging your card with $10,000 in one go?”

        Elaine could only coyly say, “I …… my son-in-law this person is more filial …… he …… he must be afraid that I will be aggravated in this. So …… that’s why he asked the lawyer …… to save some more money ……”

        Chloe nodded and said with a smile, “Since your family is so rich, then the terms I offered today may have to be adjusted slightly.”

        Elaine asked nervously, “How do you …… you want to adjust ……”

        Chloe laughed, “It’s not much, it’s just changing one cigarette a day, to two a day, which shouldn’t be much for your family’s condition, right?”

        Elaine said with a meaty look on her face, “You …… said before you asked that Jessica to buy cigarettes for four hundred dollars a piece, but she just told me that they cost a thousand dollars a piece ……”

        Chloe wasn’t surprised at all and said with a smile, “What’s $1,000 to you, two is only $2,000, but if you spend that $2,000, I can guarantee you that no one will ever bully you again at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility.”

        As soon as Elaine heard this, she asked, “Are you telling the truth?”

        “Of course.” Chloe said with a smile, “As long as you can get your family to buy two cigarettes a day from Jessica, nothing that happened to you today will ever happen again, and instead of bullying you in the future, my sisters and I will cover you!”

        Elaine was slightly relieved to hear this.