The Real Dragon Chapter 4765

This night, Chloe had to go back and forth between the bathroom and every single bed, and she had to give every single person in the prison a foot ma*sage for at least half an hour, as Elaine had requested.

        Not to mention the sleepless night, she will not be able to stay awake even during the day tomorrow.

        As for her former henchmen and minions, they were forced to lie on the wet beds, tossing and turning.

        They did not dare to lie in one position for too long because their bodies could not stay in contact with the wet bed for long, because in a short while, their bodies would become cold and painful.

        So the only thing they could do was to keep rolling across the bed, like sausages on a grill, rotating and baking.

        Surprisingly, Elaine, who had managed to turn over, did not fall asleep either.

        The next morning.

        Elaine, who hadn’t slept all night, looked more refreshed than anyone else in the cell.

        When she got up from bed, Chloe was still trying desperately to force herself to give her cellmate’s feet a squeeze.

        By now, she had come to know what it was like to be so tired that both of Elaine’s arms were about to give out.

        And this night, she finally understood what it was like to be bullied and abused.

        She was so tired that she was about to collapse numerous times this night, and subconsciously wanted to stop moving her hands.

        But when she thought that Elaine was a vengeful person who would retaliate tenfold or a hundredfold, she subconsciously dared not think of slacking off again.

        Elaine stretched and stepped over to Chloe, staring at her for a moment without saying a word.

        When Chloe saw Elaine approaching her, she was frightened and scared, but after glancing at her twice, she hurriedly lowered her head and continued to knead her cellmate’s feet.

        The only thing was that Chloe’s arms were so sore and swollen that every time she exerted force, the pain was excruciating, and she unconsciously slowed down her speed and strength.

        But then Elaine suddenly lifted his foot and kicked her to the ground, and then he heard Elaine scold her coldly, “D*mn it, move faster! What are you dawdling about?”

        Chloe cried, “I …… can’t really use my arms and hands ……”

        Elaine said with contempt, “Serves you right! You forced your Elaine grandmother to pinch her feet what, why don’t you think about your Ma grandmother is more than fifty years old, how can you get so much strength in your arms and hands?”

        As she said that, the more Elaine thought about it, the angrier she got, she pointed at her and cursed, “With a b*tch like you, you have to be even worse and crueler than the b*tch you are, or you’ll never F**king learn in your life!”

        Chloe truly regretted it, but it was too late for that now.

        For the rest of the day, Chloe had spent almost all of her time squeezing her cellmate’s feet, except for going to dinner and letting off steam.

        Elaine, on the other hand, had a refreshing day.

        Apart from the three female warriors from the Hall of Ten Thousand Dragons, almost everyone else surrounded Elaine with constant attentiveness.

        For the first time, Elaine felt good about the prison, and this feeling of being high and respected made her very content deep inside.

        So, this whole day, she did not even make a single phone call to Charlie wade or Claire.

        Originally, she had planned to make at least three calls a day to urge her son-in-law, Charlie wade, to hurry up and get herself out.

        But today, she felt, again, that it didn’t seem necessary to go out too early.

        It was much better to experience the feeling of one call in here than to go out.


        The next morning.

        Phoebe personally drove Charlie wade to the New York airport.

        When she found out that Charlie wade was going to Mexico, Phoebe was somewhat worried.

        She originally wanted to go with Charlie wade, but Charlie wade did not agree.

        For Charlie wade, many times it was better to have no one around to help than to have someone to help.

        With someone to help, he would have to take care of the other person, which was far less comfortable than being on his own.

        What’s more, when he went to Mexico, he intended to go deep into the tiger’s lair and play the role of a pig eating a tiger, so if he took Phoebe with him, his hands would be tied.

        When she heard that Charlie wade was going to take the place of a potential victim in the other party’s death trap, she knew that if she went with him, she would not be able to play any positive role other than holding Charlie wade back.

        So, she could only give up resentfully.