The Real Dragon Chapter 4768

        He was a compatriot, and when he was in the queue to board the plane just now, he was one behind the other, and he didn’t expect that when they got on the plane, their seats would be right next to each other.

        That would be a bit of fate.

        So, with a rare sincere smile, Calvin hurriedly said, “Aiya, this is really destiny! Come, come, sit down!”

        Charlie wade nodded and put the suitcase away before he sat down next to Calvin and said with a smile, “Looks like we have someone to chat with on this trip.”

        Calvin also took off his original guard towards Charlie wade and asked him curiously, “Right, old brother, do you have any acquaintances over there when you go to Mexico this time?”

        Charlie wade laughed casually, “There is no one I know, I am just going to wander around and see if there is anything suitable for me to do, if there is, I will do it, if not, I will go back.”

        Calvin asked curiously, “Aren’t you afraid that your creditors will look for you?”

        Charlie wade waved his hand: “China is a big place, where the earth is not buried, when the time comes, find a place to settle down first, maybe there is a chance to rise again, when the debt is paid, maybe you can even return home.”

        He said, Charlie wade looked at Calvin, once again asked: “Right old brother, you go to Mexico in the end to do what work ah, there is no way to introduce to my old brother?”

       “Me?” Calvin sighed and laughed at himself: “I don’t have any way, as long as I have a way, brother, I won’t leave my wife and children and run to that ghost place in Mexico.”

        The president spent so much money to build a wall on the border. It’s just to control illegal immigration and drug smuggling there. Who the hell are the Americans who are doing well coming here.”

        Charlie wade nodded and asked curiously, “Older brother, you’ve been talking about this for half a day, but you haven’t said what you’re actually going to do.”

        Calvin stopped covering up and said seriously, “To be honest, brother, I’m going to Mexico this time to be a seaman.”

        “A seaman?” Charlie wade asked curiously, “A ship runner?”

        “Yes.” Calvin nodded, “A friend of my mother’s introduced me to them, saying that the salary is quite good, and that I can get several tens of thousands or even a hundred thousand dollars a year, but it’s just a bit harder.”

        Charlie wade’s eyebrows knitted slightly, not knowing what the purpose behind Olivia Zhen’s deception of Calvin under the guise of a seafarer was.

        But at least one thing was certain, a ruthless person like Oliviazhen could never simply trick Calvin into becoming a seaman.

        Charlie wade did not show his voice and said, “Older brother, you are also a high school student, so going to sea to be a crew member is a bit condescending, instead of that, honestly you should return to China to develop, the speed of development in China is so fast, you can definitely find a good way out.”

      Calvin was startled, then sighed: “It’s not that I didn’t think about it, but sometimes I can’t keep my face down. My relatives, friends, and former cla*smates all know that I immigrated to the United States early, and I also took my old mother. I also received a blessing from the United States. For so many years, they mentioned that our family is not only envious but also envious. If I go back to China to develop at this time, they may say what I will say behind my back…”

Charlie wade heard this, smiled slightly, and said indifferently: “Old man Brother, don’t think I’m younger than you, but it’s a big deal. I see it better than you. The face is something that only cares about after the wife, children, parents, and the whole family are fed and clothed. Now you have to support your family, Why should you care about all this? Can you save your face by going to Mexico as a crew member?”

        Calvin said with a shameful expression, “I’m not going to lie to you, brother, I’ve been feeling guilty about my country all these years. If I were to become a big shot like them, like a top 500 entrepreneur or executive, I would be willing to return home with the money and donate some money to my old alma mater and set up a scholarship fund to help those children who can’t afford to go to school, which would be a kind of redemption ……”.

        The key to this is that I’m not fighting for my life,” he said sadly. I can’t betray my country first, and now that I can’t make it outside, I go back and beg my country to take me in, right?”