The Real Dragon Chapter 4769

Looking at Calvin’s face full of shame, Charlie wade’s impression of him had changed a little.

        Originally, he thought that he was just an egoist who was greedy for glory and wealth, but now he saw that he still had some conscience in his heart.

        Calvin himself had not said these heartfelt words to anyone over the years.

        It was not that he really thought that he had such a great bond with Charlie wade that he could say the deepest hidden words from his heart.

        He had just kept them inside for too long, and had not been able to spill them out, only that he had not found a suitable person to pour them out to.

        The motherland has always been tolerant of its own children, for so many years, so many people like you have gone back, the motherland has always had open arms, for the motherland, constantly sending talents out for further education, not to pursue every one of them can go back to serve the motherland after completing their studies, but as long as there are always some of these people who are willing to go back As for the part that is lost in the middle, it is just a normal loss.”

        No matter how tightly you wrap the ice, it is bound to melt away in transit, but that doesn’t matter, as long as there is still ice left when it reaches its destination, then these efforts are meaningful.”

        Calvin was slightly stunned, and then nodded gently, reciting under his breath, “In fact, back then, we were just attracted by the flowery world of the West, always thinking that the stage was bigger here and that we could give our best to the country, and in fact we didn’t really forget our motherland, it was just that we all held an energy in our hearts that if we got better, we would go back and serve our motherland a hundred times, a thousand times, a million times. It’s just that there are always some people like me, although they were high-minded and arrogant back then, they gradually disappeared into obscurity ……”

        At this point, Calvin said with tears in his eyes, “I really want to serve my country! But I can’t even feed my own mother, she is in her seventies and still has to work in a Chinese restaurant to earn money and support the family.

        Charlie wade asked him, “Do you understand the work of a seaman?”

        Calvin shook his head and said, “I only know the general work flow, but I don’t understand the specific working methods, it’s probably just a miscellaneous job on the ship, after all, when I first arrived, it’s still mainly to learn, this job should be the most is a bit hard, a year and a half can not be home.”

        Charlie wade asked again, “Do you think you are suitable to be a seaman?”

        Calvin shook his head again, “To be honest, I am in the communication technology, if you ask me how to locate a cargo ship, how to avoid obstacles, how to contact the land via satellite, I can tell a thing or two or three, but if you ask me to be a seaman, I am really confused, I don’t even know the basic structure of a ship, I don’t even know if I will get seasick after I get on board. “

        Said Calvin, lamenting, “But it can’t be helped, for a living.”

        Charlie wade talked with Calvin for a long time and learned more about Calvin’s past.

        Calvin used to be considered a talented youngster.

        When others had just gotten their high school textbooks, he had already gotten into a major university.

        And when others were preparing for their college entrance exams, he had already gone abroad to study as a public study student.

        At that time, before they came to the United States, those young people had a heart that was not willing to be ordinary.

        At that time, it coincided with the rapid development of the Silicon Valley and the golden period of the Internet changing the world. Calvin saw Dana, who studied in the United States with him, return to China to found Sohu, and also saw Robin Li, who also studied in the United States, return to China to found Baidu.

        He also saw many of his seniors who stayed in the U.S. to develop their careers in the explosive development of the Internet become rich, some becoming the presidents of listed companies, worth over a billion dollars, while others, as partners in the business, rang the bell on NASDAQ and became worth tens of millions of dollars overnight.