The Real Dragon Chapter 4780

        When Calvin heard this, he became even more nervous and asked, “What exactly are you doing?”

        The Indian doctor looked at Calvin and smiled, “For the sake of the operation the day after tomorrow, there are many things you’d better not know so early.”

        Uncle Ma said to Gibby at this time, “Oh yes, I haven’t had time to inform you of one thing, a Canadian uremic patient, has been successfully matched with Cal, the other party is willing to pay $200,000 for one kidney, the price I offered him is $600,000 for two, for uremic patients, the chance of a double kidney transplant is very rare. “

        Gibby was overjoyed to hear this and asked offhandedly, “So has he agreed?”

        Uncle Ma said with a smile, “He said he would think about it, but I am sure he will say yes, and if he does, we will do the operation together the day after tomorrow.”

        Indian doctor Hardik said offhandedly, “Mr Ma, I already have three operations the day after tomorrow and I have to go back to the US after that, if I add a double kidney transplant, I guess it will be the latter part of the night ……”

        Uncle Ma smiled and said, “It’s okay Dr. Hardik, you work hard, I’ll add five thousand dollars to your surgery fee then, and when the surgery is over, I’ll have Gibby send you to the airport.”

        Hearing this, Hardik’s round and even somewhat bulging eyes turned around a few times, then shook his head and said, “Since Mr. Ma has said so, then I will work a little harder to do one more.”

        Calvin had already vaguely understood the other party’s hook at this point, originally he didn’t know what the other party wanted to take from himself the day after tomorrow, now he even said he wanted to do a double kidney transplant for a successful match, if he really cut off his two kidneys, wouldn’t he be dead?

        Thinking of this, his whole body said with fear: “You guys do such a heartless thing, aren’t you afraid of being arrested?!”

        Gibby laughed, “What the hell kind of conscience is that? Do you know that killing you can save at least two people, and maybe even bring another person back to life, people say that saving one life is better than creating seven pagodas. The merit is immense!”

        Calvin was shaking with fear and asked out of the blue, “What the hell are you going to do to me?!”

        Gibby looked at Uncle Ma and asked, “Uncle Ma, can you tell him about this?”

        Uncle Ma looked at Calvin at this point and said with a cruel smile, “I’m not going to hide it from you, there’s a heart patient who has been successfully matched with your heart, he’s coming to Mexico the day after tomorrow for surgery to have your heart replaced, and if the Canadian client is also negotiated, then he’ll also come over the day after tomorrow to have your two kidneys replaced, and also because transplanting corneas doesn’t require a match, so it’s possible that we’ll be this evening to tomorrow to find another patient who needs a corneal transplant.”

        Calvin was paralyzed with fear, and for a moment he just felt like five thunderbolts, not knowing what to do.

        At that moment, Gibby looked at him and said with a cheerful raised eyebrow, “Older brother, see what I said, you’re of great use!”

        Calvin instantly broke down, he fell to his knees and cried and begged, “I beg you to let me go, I have an old man and a young woman, my family is waiting for me to feed them, if you kill me, my mother, wife and children will all be finished ……”

        Gibby laughed, “I’ve gone through a lot of trouble to get you here, how can I let you go?”

        He said, he turned his face to Charlie wade and said, “Hey, you are also interesting, what is the saying? Oh yes, it’s called “If there’s a way to heaven, you don’t have to leave, but there’s no way to hell, you barged in. Hahahahaha!”

        Charlie wade was not afraid at all at this time, he looked at that Gibby and asked curiously, “What are you going to do with me?”