I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 990

“I thought that you would even be jealous of the doctor.” Rongshu joked.

Fu Jingting wrapped his long arms around her waist in the next second, hooking her in his arms, his forehead resting against hers, his voice low and pleasant, “Your husband, me, is not so petty as to treat a doctor as a normal man.”

To him anyway, Lin Tianchen was not a normal man.

Since it wasn’t normal, it naturally didn’t matter.

Rongshu giggled out, “Yes, yes, yes, our Mr. Fu is the most generous.”

“That’s.” Fu Jingting raised his chin, although his face had a bland expression, it could be seen that he was still quite proud of himself.

Rongshu shook her head in amus*ment, “Alright, no more talking to you, let go of me, Doctor Lin is waiting.”

Fu Jingting raised his head and glanced towards the man not far behind her, leaning against the door and spinning his scalpel, “Let him wait for a while, it won’t be a problem.”

After saying that, he lowered his head, and kissed her on the lips.

When Lin Tianchen, who was leaning against the door frame, had one hand in the pocket of his white coat and the other hand was leisurely spinning his scalpel, saw this scene, a few black lines slid down his forehead, and he stopped spinning his scalpel and said in an unpleasant manner, “Enough you two, go back and make out, not in my office, do you think my office is a place for you to show your love?”

Hearing these words, Rong Shu instantly blushed and pushed Fu Jingting away, after glaring at Fu Jingting, she turned around and wiped her mouth and smiled at Lin Tian Chen in embarra*sment, “Sorry for the delay, let’s go.”

Only then did Lin Tian Chen not say anything else and walked away first.

Rongshu turned back and glared at the man again, “Look, I told you yesterday to stop messing around on other people’s turf, someone will always be upset, isn’t that so?”

Fu Jingting raised his eyes to look at the direction Lin Tianchen had left, his thin lips pursed, “That was jealousy on his part.”

“What does he have to be jealous of?” Rongshu rolled her eyes.

Fu Jingting arrogantly returned, “He’s a single dog, of course he’s jealous.”

“……” Rongshu was instantly silent.

That made so much sense, she suddenly couldn’t refute it.

Shaking her head in tears and laughter, Rong Shu hurriedly said to the man again, “Well, I should go, or else Dr. Lin will come back later to rush, do you want to wait for me here or do you want to go back to Fu’s? If you want to go back to Fu’s then hurry back, I reckon it won’t be over until the evening.”

“Not back to Fu’s, I’ll stay here with you.” Fu Jingting shook his head, “You’re doing all kinds of tests in the hospital, how can I leave you alone, of course I have to be here to guard you.”

Rongshu’s heart warmed and a gentle smile appeared on her face, “So you Fu’s not busy?”

“There’s Zhang Cheng, I’ll let him go back later.” Fu Jingting acted as a shirker.

Although Rongshu felt that it was not good for him to do so, out of selfishness, she did not say anything.

There were many items to be included in the comprehensive medical examination, some of which were enough to make her fearful and uneasy.

And at this time, having someone with her in the hospital, waiting for her and guarding her, would make her feel much safer in her heart.

Therefore, she actually wanted Fu Jingting to stay at the beginning, and that’s why she was so happy when she heard him take the initiative to say he would stay.

Of course, if he said he wouldn’t stay and wanted to go back to Fu’s, she wouldn’t stop him, she would just feel a little lost in her heart.

“Alright, go now.” Fu Jingting rubbed Rong Shu’s hair, “The projects at the beginning will be finished soon, and for some of the big projects later, I’ll accompany you and won’t make you feel scared.”

“Mm.” Rong Shu nodded her head heavily.

She then walked out of Lin Tian Chen’s office under Fu Jing Ting’s gaze.

Although Lin Tianchen had long since left the door, he hadn’t gone far and was waiting for her against the wall at the lift.

When he saw her coming, he stood up straight and pushed his gla*ses and spoke, “Finished getting bored?”

Rong Shu face again, “He was afraid that I was afraid of doing the physical examination, so he specially comforted me more and told me that he would accompany me during some physical examination items that would make people feel a little nervous and scared, or have pain, so he talked a little longer, sorry for making you wait.”

“It wasn’t too long.” Lin Tianchen nodded, followed by, “So he stayed with you all day today?”

“Mm.” Rongshu nodded her head.

Lin Tianchen twirled his scalpel, “Not bad, not bad for a man.”

“He was supposed to be a man.” Rong Shu couldn’t help but emphasise.

Lin Tianchen raised his eyebrows and stared at her, his gaze slowly moving down from her face and finally settling on her neck.

There, a little bright red mark was faintly revealed, ambiguous and extremely ambiguous.

Lin Tian Chen suddenly smiled, his smile meaningful, “A man indeed, well, let’s go.”

Dropping these words, he went into the lift first.

Rongshu then followed, but her heart was not quite at ease.

Just now, what was the meaning of his eyes and laughter?

Rongshu tilted her head, puzzled.

A medical check-up is a very tedious matter, especially a comprehensive one, with dozens or hundreds of items, all of which can take a day or two to complete.

Although Rongshu said she was doing a comprehensive medical check-up, she still eliminated some items, such as vision tests, hearing tests and a dozen others, which could be deleted for the time being and would not affect the final result.

But after eliminating these dozen items, it was already eleven o’clock in the evening when Rong Shu had done the entire medical examination.

From the time she left the hotel to now, almost twelve hours ago, she had not drunk a sip of water, had not eaten anything, and with all the running around, she was now so tired that she was almost deflated, leaning on Fu Jingting’s arms, not even wanting to move.

It was a good thing that the hospital had a canteen and the taste was not bad, so Lin Tianchen asked the nurse to call up three points.

The three of them, right in the office, started eating late …… snack.

After eating for a while, Rong Shu finally had some strength and could sit up straight on her own without having to lean on Fu Jingting.

Fu Jingting put down his chopsticks and twisted his head to look at the woman beside him, asking in a concerned tone, “Feeling better?”

“Yes.” Rongshu nodded, “Much better.”

From the opposite seat, Lin Tianchen heard the conversation between the two, took a sip of soup and said blandly, “You have a slight hypoglycemia, so a little over ten hours without food makes you weak, and you need to be toned.”

“I know.” Rongshu nodded her head.

She had hypoglycemia, and she knew it well.

So it wasn’t a surprise.

Fu Jingting wasn’t surprised either, looking at Lin Tianchen and speaking, “You’ll arrange her conditioning.”

“I will arrange it without you saying so.” Lin Tian Chen elegantly wiped the corner of his mouth and glanced at him.

Fu Jingting frowned, “The results of the medical examination, when will they come out?”

“It’s already being expedited, in half an hour.” Lin Tian Chen said as he glanced at his watch.

Fu Jingting got the answer and didn’t ask anymore, continuing to eat with Rong Shu.

Really hungry, Rong Shu had eaten almost everything on her dinner plate, eating this, far beyond her usual normal meal size.

When Fu Jingting saw her eat so much, his face became worried, “Eat so much, your stomach will get sick later!”

Rongshu leaned back in her chair and lazily replied, “I can’t help it, I’m too hungry, but I did eat a bit too much, I’m a bit propped up.”

She touched her stomach and clearly felt it bulge.

Seeing this, Fu Jingting also put his hand on it and gently touched it, it was hard, then he let go of his hand and looked at Lin Tianchen, “Get some anti-food tablets for her.”

It’s good to be in a hospital, especially with a hospital doctor.

If you want any medicine, just open your mouth.