I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 995

Rongshu nodded quickly, “Yes, you let me have a full medical check-up and worry about my health, I do the same ah, I can’t be the only one who does it and you don’t, right? That’s not fair!”

She said, giving him a sultry look.

It was not a good job to have a medical check-up.

Especially when it came to gastroscopy, she found it the most torturous.

Fu Jingting looked at the accusatory look the woman cast over him and fell silent.

Well, he also knew that it would indeed make her feel unfair if he only asked her to do a full medical check-up and not himself.

At the same time, it would also make her suspicious.

Since this was the case, then it seemed that he had to agree to it as well.

Fu Jingting coughed lightly, “Okay, I’ll do it.”

Rongshu smiled happily when she heard that, “That’s great, wait for a few more days, I’ll accompany you.”

Fu Jingting watched her smile as her eyes curved up, helplessly spoiling her by shaking her head, “Good.”

It was already two o’clock in the morning when they returned to Repulse Bay.

Rongshu couldn’t bear to sleep and fell asleep in the car halfway.

Even when he arrived at Repulse Bay, Fu Jingting didn’t bother to wake her up, but bent down and picked her up in his arms, taking her into the lift and back to his flat.

After returning, he removed her makeup, washed her face, brushed her teeth and wiped her body, serving her like a little ancestor.

When all this was done, it was almost three o’clock. Even though Fu Jingting was in excellent physical condition, he could not help but feel a little tired at this moment.

The woman who felt the heat source and then consciously burrowed into his arms and rubbed herself in his arms, gave a low laugh and said good night before turning off the light and lying down, wrapped the woman in his arms and closed his eyes to rest.

When he woke up again, it was six o’clock in the morning.

The moon was still visible outside the half-drawn curtains, and the grey sky was still visible.

But Fu Jingting didn’t look much, he took one look outside and withdrew his gaze, grabbed his mobile phone and answered the call.

But he didn’t put the phone to his ear, but first twisted his head to look at the woman sleeping in his arms.

Seeing that she hadn’t been woken up, only then did he speak with rea*surance, but of course, his voice was still pressed, “What is it?”

“Mr. Fu, that old thing got in touch, and now the man has been arrested and returned.” At the other end of the phone, a*sistant Zhang said in a serious tone.

Once Fu Jingting heard this, his eyes instantly narrowed, “I know, I’ll go over right away and keep an eye on the person.”

“Yes.” a*sistant Zhang answered.

Fu Jingting put down his phone and the call ended.

The old thing that Zhang Cheng had just said was the owner of the factory that was working with Rong Shu.

After Zhang Cheng’s side knew that Su Cheng’s a*sistant had gone to Zongshi and Yu Tu, he instructed Zhang Cheng to investigate what Su Cheng’s a*sistant was doing at these two companies, and whether he wanted to disadvantage Rong Shu.

After all, both of these companies had worked with Rongshu in the past.

During the day yesterday, Zhang Cheng went to Yu Tu’s side, but since Yu Tu had been bought back by Mr. Tal, and was currently not working with Tiansheng, Mr. Tal said that there was indeed an a*sistant surnamed Li who went to him to ask about his affairs with Tiansheng, and left after learning that he had not worked with Tiansheng for two months.

After that, Zhang Cheng went over to Zongshi, only to find out that the owner of Zongshi had run away two days earlier and Zongshi had been secretly expedited out and sold to someone else.

So Zhang Cheng went there a step too late and did not find out what people from Su Cheng had done when they went to Zongshi.

But fortunately, the former boss of Zongshi didn’t get too far and was caught by the people Zhang Cheng sent over there.

Now, it was time to go and see what that old thing had promised Su Cheng, and actually ran away.

If not, he would pry that old thing’s teeth off one by one!

The woman’s face was a little more than a little bit of a mess.

Probably because it was a little itchy, Rong Shu couldn’t help but shrink her head, and her brow furrowed, her voice muttering, “Stop it.”

Fu Jingting laughed lightly and withdrew his hand.

Rongshu heard his laughter and at first thought she was dreaming, until she opened her eyes slightly a small slit and saw the man sitting up from the bed, then she reacted that the laughter she heard was real and not a dream.

“What are you …… getting up?” Rongshu asked with a snort.

Fu Jingting hmmed, “Just now Zhang Cheng called over, there are some matters that need to be handled by me over there.”

“But it’s not even dawn yet.” Rongshu lifted her neck slightly and looked across to the floor-to-ceiling window, where the moon was still high in the sky.

Fu Jingting touched her face, “I know, but the matter is a bit urgent, so I have to go over there.”

“So.” Rongshu blinked her eyes, “Alright then, you go.”

Fu Jingting nodded slightly, “Go back to sleep, I can see that you’re not quite awake yet, it’s only after six, you can still sleep for a while, I’ll ask someone to bring over breakfast then, you remember to pick it up.”

“Mmm.” Rongshu responded with another yawn.

When Fu Jingting saw that tears were spilling out of the corners of her eyes from her yawn, he smiled gently and lowered his head to kiss her on the forehead, “Go to sleep, I’m leaving.”

With that, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed, then without putting on his shoes, he stood by the bed to straighten her quilt so as not to catch a cold.

Rongshu was still very sleepy at this moment, her eyes were half open, and her voice was soft and soft, making her heart melt, “Okay, be safe on the road, drive slowly.”

“Okay.” Fu Jingting lowered his head again and gave her a kiss on her red lips before he straightened his body and watched her for a while, seeing her close her eyes and fall back asleep before he gently walked out of the room and left again under the stars.

It was two hours after he left that Rongshu finally woke up.

When she woke up, she sat dazed on the bed, rubbing her forehead, her eyes full of confusion.

In the morning, had she woken up once and then spoken to Fu Jingting?

Rongshu twisted around, looked towards the spot where Fu Jingting had been lying, and reached out to touch it, which was already cold.

It was evident that the man had indeed been gone for a long time.

Then to think that what she had just felt was correct, she had indeed woken up once in the morning when the man had left, and had said goodbye to him.

This was the first time she had said goodbye to a man when he had left so early in the morning.

Rongshu smiled.

So many times before, the man had left early, and when he left, she was completely unaware of it, and there had been a twinge of regret about it.

But now, that regret, it could finally dissipate.

Rongshu scratched the messy hair on her head, lifted the covers and got up, walked out of the room and headed for the entrance hall to get her breakfast.

After eating breakfast, she rested for a while before changing her clothes and putting on her make-up and going out, driving to Tiansheng Group.

Secretary Tong was already waiting for her outside her office door.

When she saw her coming, she smiled and greeted her, “Chairman, good morning.”

“Good morning.” Rong Shu returned a smile and stopped in her tracks, her gaze falling on Secretary Tong’s stomach, “When are you planning to go this time?”

Secretary Tong lowered her eyes and smiled lightly as she returned, “This weekend.”

Rongshu gave a hint, “The weekend is good, it’s better to do it earlier and recover sooner.”

“The chairman is right.” Secretary Tong opened the door to her office for her.

Rong Shu lifted her foot and went in.

Secretary Tong followed her, “Right Chairman, you didn’t come up yesterday and said you were going to the hospital for a medical check-up, is your health alright?”

Secretary Tong asked with concern.

Rong Shu’s heart warmed as she pulled back her office chair, “Don’t worry, it’s fine, it’s just a routine checkup, don’t worry.”

“That’s good.” Secretary Tong nodded, didn’t ask any more questions and handed over her itinerary for today.