The Real Dragon Chapter 4784

        It was only then that the crowd reacted to the fact that Charlie wade had broken free from the tie. When they were too shocked to think about how Charlie wade had done it, Charlie wade had already gently shaken the black gold card in his hand.

        He then threw the card directly at Ma Kui and sneered, “Come on, open your eyes wide and take a good look at it, do you recognise this thing?”

        Ma Kui reached out his hand in a panic before he managed to catch the black gold card, and then he took a good look and was shocked!

        Although he had never seen a Citibank black gold card in person, he had heard of it.

        He couldn’t help but think in his mind, “D*mn, there are only a few dozen of these black gold cards in the world, and whoever can get one of these cards must have a*sets of more than $10 billion, not to mention how much money is on the card!”

        “What is the concept of $10 billion in a poor country like Mexico?”

        “It’s so f*cking much already that there’s no concept of it ah f*ck!”

        As he thought about this, he couldn’t help but lower his head and take a closer look at the black and gold card.

        The card was extremely well made, both the texture and the feel of it was like nothing he had ever seen on a card in his life.

        The embossed, frosted surface of the card was a work of art.

        And in the bottom left corner of this black and gold card, there were also English letters punched out with a steel seal, which were the capitalized pinyin of Charlie wade’s name.

        At this moment, Ma Kui exclaimed in his heart, “This is the real f*cking deal!”

        In the next second, Ma Kui’s hands were trembling involuntarily.

        Ma Kui was also considered a practitioner, don’t look at his age, his hands were much better than those of ordinary people of his age.

        This guy could hold down a repeating AK47 with one hand, but now his hands couldn’t hold a bank card that weighed only a few grams.

        At this moment, when he was looking at Charlie wade, his eyes were already filled with awe and fear.

        He couldn’t help but shiver and ask: “Brother …… oh no …… Mr. Wade …… don’t know… …I don’t know …… what you have …… to do with your sudden big visit… …”

        Ma Kui was not a rash two-bit fool.

        When he saw the card, he knew that Charlie wade must be extremely powerful, and even his a*sets should be above US$10 billion.

        And at this moment, he no longer felt that he had any initiative at this point.

        Because he knew very well that if a person of Charlie wade’s stature still dared to use his real identity and take his own flesh and blood to test himself, then this risk was absolutely no threat in his eyes.

        The reason why Charlie wade dared to use his real name to contact these people was that, on the one hand, he had no fear of retaliation from these people, because in his opinion, one of these people had to die!

        On the other hand, he knew that Olivia zhen had no connection with them.

        Ever since Olivia Zhen had fled Providence, she had cut off all contact with her a*sociates, this was this old fox’s way of protecting herself, within a short period of time, even the Ten Thousand Dragons Temple could not find her whereabouts, which was proof enough of how cautious she was, so even if he used his real name, he did not have to worry at all that this organisation would get through to Olivia Zhen after his appearance.

        When Charlie wade saw Ma Kui’s panicked face, he sneered, “Look at your frightened look, is having a gun in your hand and so many dogs around you not enough to give you courage?”

        The more arrogant Charlie wade was, the more panicked Ma Kui and Gibby next to him became.

        When Charlie wade saw that Ma Kui’s cold sweat was running down his forehead and onto his face, he smiled faintly and said, “All right, to tell you the truth, I have a shortage of yakuza like you who specialise in dirty work and dirty deeds, so I came over to check out how much weight you really have.”