The Real Dragon Chapter 4795

Juarez was scared out of his wits by now!

        He had already heard the name of the Ten Thousand Dragons Temple.

        Even if the most powerful crime syndicates in Mexico were to be brought together, they would not be able to compete with the Dragon Palace, because all the members of the Dragon Palace were well-trained soldiers, and there were some top masters among them.

        There was a time when the bosses of Mexico’s top crime syndicates all looked to the Maroon as their role model.

        There was not a single one of them who did not wish that they too could have a powerful mercenary team like the Ten Thousand Dragons.

        But they knew very well that their own strength was a hundred thousand miles away from that of the Ten Thousand Dragons. It was impossible for them to compete with them.

        So, many of the leaders of the big groups even offered extremely generous prices and made humble gestures in the hope of getting the masters of the Hall of Dragons to train their soldiers for them.

        However, the Dragon Palace has never dealt with such groups, so it has turned a deaf ear to their requests, and even when the biggest drug lord in Mexico came forward himself, he still could not invite the Dragon Palace.

        And the more this happened, the more the reputation of the Temple of the Ten Thousand Dragons grew in Mexico.

        In Juarez’s mind, the Temple of the Ten Thousand Dragons was a god-like existence.

        But he could never have imagined that this young man in front of him, Charlie wade, was the master of the Hall of Ten Thousand Dragons!

        No wonder he had the Black Gold Card, the value of the Hall of Ten Thousand Dragons alone would be tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars!

        What he couldn’t have imagined was that his men would be wiped out by the famous Ten Thousand Dragons Hall today.

        Terrified to the core, he subconsciously asked Charlie wade, “We, Crazy Juarez, have always respected the Ten Thousand Dragons Temple, but I don’t understand, I have no grudge against the Ten Thousand Dragons Temple, why did they kill my 200-odd men?”

        Charlie wade sneered and said, “As I said earlier, all of you, without exception, are the most vicious and unforgivable people, so killing you is to do justice to the gods and remove the evil for the people.”

        Juarez was upset and asked, “We are not the only criminal group in Mexico, why don’t you target the strongest ones, but us Crazy Juarez? Do you have to pick on the less powerful ones even when you are doing justice for the people?”

        Charlie wade grunted and looked at him and asked, “You’re still playing moral kidnapping with me? Let me ask you, is Olivia Zhen one of your people?”

        “Olivia Zhen?!” Hua Reis suddenly remembered that when Ma Kui had reported to him on the phone, he had revealed on the phone that Charlie wade had previously examined Olivia Zhen.

        Now hearing Charlie wade mention Olivia Zhen’s name again, Juarez hurriedly said, “Olivia Zhen is only one of our peripheral members in the United States!”

        Charlie wade asked him, “A peripheral member is not a member? Let me ask you again, those contraband goods that Olivia Zhen lured fellow countrymen to help her transport in the US, were they yours?”

        Juarez subconsciously slyly argued, “No …… It’s not mine ……”

        “Not telling the truth?” Charlie wade coldly snorted and said to Wan Breaking Jun, “Breaking Jun, scrap both of his legs!”

        Before Juarez could come back to his senses, Wan Bajun lifted his gun without saying a word and fired two shots in quick succession.

        Juarez only felt a sharp pain in both knees, and when he looked down, he saw that both of his knees had been completely shattered by the bullets.

        The pain was so intense that he almost fainted on the spot, but he immediately regained consciousness from the brink of fainting.

        The uncontrollable pain caused her entire body to collapse and scream out.