I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1018

When there are difficulties in the future, she will not run away anymore and will seek help from Fu Jingting.

However, she will also keep Fu Jingting’s help in her heart every time and return it in her own way.

Only help that is not lost or owed will not give her any psychological burden.

Hearing what Rong Shu said, Lu Qi was also completely relieved.

Afterwards, Rong Shu picked up the wine and looked at the bank president across the table, “Bank president Li, please approve my loan application, the funds I need to be in place today, Tiansheng continues this money for now, please.”

With that, she handed over the gla*s of wine.

Governor Li also smiled as he picked up the gla*s and clinked his gla*s with Rong Shu, “Don’t worry, I will explain to the bank side, the funds will be in place by nine o’clock tonight at the latest.”

“That’s great, thank you, Governor Li.” Rong Shu was excited and grateful, then she thought of something and bent down to lift a gift box from the ground and handed it to Governor Li with both hands, “Governor Li, this is a small token of my appreciation for your help, please make sure you accept it.”

Before she came, she had made enquiries and found out that Governor Li’s greatest preference was to collect antiques.

When she came to meet with Governor Li this time, she had specially brought an antique vase over from home, and was going to give it to him as a gift.

After all, if you’re asking for something, you can’t come to the door empty-handed.

It would be impolite.

It was also a kind of killer gift that would satisfy the other party.

What if the other party is initially reluctant to approve her loan application, but is willing to do so when she finally sees the gift?

Even if she doesn’t want to see the gift, she might be able to give her some other useful advice.

In any case, no matter what, sending a gift is a must, and it won’t go wrong, and it will also make the other party feel more favourably about herself. Even if she can’t work together this time, the next time the other party is willing to see that she has sent a gift in the past and is willing to talk to her about other cooperation.

Anyway, sending gifts is no longer only to achieve a certain purpose, but also a necessary culture at the negotiation table.

Governor Li was not too surprised to see the gift that Rong Shu had sent up.

After all, he had seen the gift she carried through the door at the very beginning, and knew very well that it was for him.

So at this moment, when faced with the gift from Rong Shu, he did not push back, but smiled and reached out to accept it.

If he had not agreed to the loan, then of course he could not accept the gift.

Now that he had agreed, he naturally had no psychological burden in accepting the gift. Moreover, this gift was the culture of the negotiation table, so it was not good for him not to accept it.

As expected, seeing Governor Li accept the gift, Rongshu sighed in slight relief.

Governor Li put the gift on the table, opened it and looked at it, and when he saw the antique vase inside, his eyes lit up, “Miss Rong, this is an official kiln from the Ming Dynasty period, right?”

“Yes.” Rong Shu nodded her head with a smile.

After confirming that it was indeed an official kiln from the Ming Dynasty, Mr. Li’s face lit up with laughter, and he could not help but pick up the vase and look at it carefully.

As she sipped her wine, she smiled and said, “My grandfather was an archaeologist, and this vase was awarded to him by the state, and then he gave it to me as a birthday present. The vase is probably not worth much in terms of value, but the number of preserved pieces is small and rare, so please don’t dislike it, Mr. Li.

The value of this vase, which is probably only about a hundred thousand, is really nothing compared to other antiques.

However, it was still very collectible due to the scarcity of intact preserved quantities.

“No, no, no, of course I don’t mind.” The official kiln is not yet in my collection, and this one is just what I need to fill a regret, so I can’t help but be happy and like it. ”

Lu Qi also looked at Rong Shu.

To be honest, when he was in the car, he had asked her what exactly was the gift she had given to Governor Li.

But she didn’t answer, so it made him itch to ask about it all the time.

As a result, he now realised that she had actually given this vase out.

Facing Governor Li’s question, Rong Shu still smiled blandly, “Don’t worry Governor Li, there will be no problem on my grandfather’s side, the reason why I can inherit Tiansheng is because my grandfather has made a great effort in it, now I am giving the vase to you, also for Tiansheng, I believe my grandfather will support me.”

“In that case, then this vase, I’ll accept it without ceremony, many thanks to Miss Rong.” Governor Li fondled the vase lovingly.

Rong Shu nodded her head, “Governor Li doesn’t need to be polite.”

For the rest of the day, Governor Li spent his time there joyfully admiring the vase.

Rongshu and Lu Qi, on the other hand, discussed how to perfectly resolve the consequences of the missing parts after they got the loan.

After all, it’s not just a matter of having the money and throwing it in, but also the best planning to get the money used just right.

If you just throw the money in without any planning, you don’t know where it will be used.

The interview lasted at least three hours before it was over.

By the time Rongshu and Lu Qi said goodbye to Governor Li and walked out of the box, it was already 5pm.

After settling the bill, she and Lu Qi waited at the front door of the hotel for the chauffeur arranged by the hotel to bring the car out of the car park.

There was no other way but to let her and Lu Qi both drink and had no way to drive, so they could only let the hotel arrange for a chauffeur to take them back.

“Ah-choo.” Suddenly, a cold wind blew, and Rong Shu couldn’t help but sneeze, and her body shivered along with it.

Lu Qi turned his head to look at her, seeing that her face was white with cold, he hurriedly unzipped his jacket and was about to put it on her.

At this moment, Rongshu was rubbing her hands together, trying to warm up her cold hands.

She hadn’t made the mistake of rubbing her hands together twice when she felt a warmth on her back and something was added to her body, and when she turned her head to look, it was a fancy suit jacket and Lu Qi’s hands that were about to withdraw.

It turned out that he had seen that she was cold and had taken the initiative to take off his own jacket and put it on her.

“What for?” Rongshu looked up at the man beside her.

Lu Qi put his hands together and put them in front of him and breathed in, “Aren’t you cold, so I’ll put the jacket on you so you won’t be cold.”

I’m cold, but I’m not shivering with cold, look at you, just a shirt after taking off your jacket, I’m cold. What if you get a cold later?”

“No, I’m a man, I’m not afraid …… Ah-choo!”

Before Lu Qi could say the word cold, a sneeze just spurted out.

Then, he couldn’t say anything else.