I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1040

Because of the disparity in status and standard of living, netizens generally have a kind of malice against the rich in their hearts for those who have status, so they prefer to see them fall from the altar than to see them get better.

After they fall, netizens will not pity them, but will only mock them more, gloat and even throw stones at them.

It is as if this is the only way to vent the imbalance of status and standard of living in the hearts of the netizens.

In short, in this world, the most frightening thing is not ghosts and gods, but the hearts of people.

So now, even without reading the comments below, she could tell how unpleasant they were.

Netizens are inherently herd mentality and rarely have their own judgement, and there is a kind of blind faith in the media.

Basically, whatever the media says is what it is, and they rarely question it.

Of course, there are some people who are clear-headed enough to doubt the truth of the news.

But so what?

For those of them who are jealous, this part of the netizens who are clear-headed will take the news released by the media as true even if they think it’s fake, and will even say things in the comment section that are even harder than those who believe it’s true news, and maybe even add fuel to the fire.

As she thought about it, Rongshu mixed her mouse and moved the page to the comments section below.

As a matter of fact, there were a lot of unpleasant comments.

“Hahaha, laughing my a*s off, a while ago two people were still showing love online, Mr. Fu confessed his love for her all over the internet, but the result is that so soon she has slapped Mr. Fu’s face and cuckolded him.”

“My God, what have I seen, Mr. Fu is so handsome, he must be much more handsome than this man whose face is not even visible in the photo. What about this man is better than Mr. Fu?”

“Upstairs, don’t you know that there is a saying that domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers? This saying is not just for men, but also for women. He has no time to spend with Rongshu, so maybe she’s just lonely and can’t resist.”

“I could tell from the beginning that Rongshu was not a good woman. Think about it, the Rongshu family fell years ago, while the Fu family has always been at the top of the world. Although Rongshu explained at the press conference that it was because she saved the Gu family’s daughter that Mr. Fu thanked her and married her, but with Mr. Fu’s wealth, wouldn’t it be better to give him money and resources? Why did he have to use marriage as a thank you? So I guess there must be another reason for this. Maybe it was that Rong Shu’s trick to cook the rice with Mr. Fu that made him responsible for marrying her?”

“It makes sense, no wonder Mr. Fu didn’t have a good feeling about her for those six years, that must be the reason, if it were me, I wouldn’t give her a good look either, but what I can’t figure out is, Mr. Fu divorced her, shouldn’t that be a relief? Why do you want to get back together again later?”

“Who knows, there must be some reason we don’t know, maybe they have caught some handle on Mr. Fu and are blackmailing him so that he has to get back together with her and show love with her on the internet, if that’s the case, then Mr. Fu is too poor and this woman is too scheming.”

“The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

“If that’s true, that’s really great, Mr. Fu can break up with her, that sit and wait for news of the breakup, add me to the list, I’ll sit and wait too.”

“And me, if Mr. Fu really succeeds in breaking up, then it will be a real celebration for all.”

In a flash, the internet was actually full of words that could not wait for Fu Jingting to break up with her, and even started congratulating her in advance for this, as if she was really a bad woman with a deep heart who had caught Fu Jingting’s hand and threatened him to stay with her, as these comments said.

There were even worse words, saying that she was a Sl*t, a Sl*t, a Sl*t, and that’s why she couldn’t stand her loneliness and gave Fu Jingting a cuckold.

These comments made Rong Shu’s heart burst with anger, her little face puffed up and her eyes were red.

Such bad comments about a person who was not related to them, these netizens, their hearts were really dark.

“Chairman, are you alright?” Opposite, Secretary Tong looked at Rong Shu’s appearance and knew why Rong Shu was angry, and hurriedly asked with concern.

Rong Shu rubbed her temples, “Nothing, it’s just a little hard to feel in my heart.”

Secretary Tong sighed, “The comments on the internet are so dirty, anyone who reads them will feel bad, let alone you yourself, so Chairman, you’d better stop reading and turn it off.”

Rong Shu picked up her coffee and took a sip, “There’s no rush, Tong Xi, there’s something I want to talk to you about.”

“Chairman, you say it is.” Secretary Tong looked at her.

Rong Shu bit her lower lip, “It’s like this Secretary Tong, the gossip on the internet, it’s not true, me and Ah Qi went to the hotel as you know, it was to meet Governor Li, we didn’t do anything, you ……”

“I thought you wanted to say something to you and me, Chairman.” Secretary Tong laughed, “So it is to say what, chairman you worry too much, of course I know that you and Mr. Lu is nothing, you and Mr. Fu so in love, only not those online netizens said that, you also can not betray Mr. Fu and Mr. Lu always have something, if there is long ago, will wait until now do not know?”

“But those photos ……”

Secretary Tong shook her head, “Those photos, those of us who know you, we all know they are fake, only a fool would believe them, so Chairman, you don’t have to think I would care about the scandal between you and Mr. Fu, as I said, I gave up on Mr. Lu, then for everything related to Mr. Lu, I wouldn’t care, not to mention, it would have been fake.”

Hearing her say that, Rong Shu sighed with relief, and the heart she was carrying, sort of fell back into place, “It’s good that you don’t think much about it, I was worried that you would care about this and cause any discomfort in your body.”

“Don’t worry Chairman.” Secretary Tong smiled at her, rea*suring her once again.

Rongshu hmmed, “Good.”

“But Chairman, don’t you find anything wrong with the photos?” At this point, Secretary Tong suddenly pushed her gla*ses and asked.

Rong Shu rubbed her temples, “Of course I found it, you just said that the photo is fake, and I also know that the photo has been P’d in a few places, so much so that what was a normal photo has become a misleading and ambiguous photo.”

“No.” Secretary Tong shook his head, “Chairman, that’s not what I’m referring to.”

“Then what is it?” Rong Shu blinked.

Secretary Tong stepped forward and came to her side.

Rong Shu took the initiative to let her have the mouse.

After she held the mouse, she swiped down, and while doing so, she said with a serious face, “It’s this photo, General Manager Lu’s face is all a bit hard to see, while your face, Chairman, is very clear, this is obviously the Squirrel Department’s side, deliberately blurring General Manager Lu’s face.”


Rong Shu was so angry that she directly slapped the table, her small face was red with anger, “What a squirrel department!”