The Real Dragon Chapter 4839

After Yohiko Ito had put on the uncomfortable prosthesis, several male servants helped him to change into the tattooed hakama.

        Standing in place, the newly dressed Yohiko Ito did look a bit like his old self again.

        However, the pain he felt was only known to him.

        After just two or three minutes of standing while dressing, he felt pain and numbness and some itching where his body was in contact with the prosthetic.

        He was tempted to throw the prosthesis aside and return to his wheelchair, but when he thought of his daughter’s comment about taking photographs, he had to resist the urge.

        Originally he wanted to walk out on his own, but after a few attempts he had some difficulty getting around due to his prosthetic leg, so he had to let the maid help him out of the room.

        Unbeknownst to him, no one in the Ito family was still busy with his birthday, and everyone was preparing for the trip to New York that was about to begin.

        Emi Ito directed the maids to pack all the meals into the traditional wooden lunch box before the helicopter arrived, along with a birthday cake that Nanaiko Ito had made especially for Yohiko Ito in advance.

        Ito Nanae was already not bothered to change her clothes, and while directing and coordinating, she called her a*sistant to deal with her recent work schedule, postponing those that could be postponed, and those that could not be postponed but could be solved remotely, she would solve them remotely in New York, and if they could not be postponed and could not be solved remotely, she would arrange for someone to do it for her.

        Koichi Tanaka was at a loss as he had nothing to prepare, but he could not help much, so he had to sit by himself in his wheelchair and watch everyone go about their business.

        When he saw Yohiko Ito come out with the help of his servants, Koichi Tanaka was very excited and hurriedly operated his electric wheelchair and said respectfully, “My lord, you look as good as ever!”

        Ito Yohiko laughed bitterly, “What elegance, it’s just an illusion supported by two false legs.”

        He looked at Tanaka Koichi and said, “Tanaka, let’s go to the front hall together.”

        Tanaka Koichi was about to say not to go, when Nanaeko Ito came running over in a breeze, excited to see Ito Yuuhiko’s renewed appearance, and said, “Father-sama, you really look …… good now”

        Ito Yohiko grabbed the words, “You really do look good, don’t you? Tanaka already said that ten seconds ago.”

        Ito Nanaeko pursed her lips and said seriously, “I would say that the style is better than it was then, you have a little more white hair between your temples now, although you look older, but overall you have more grandeur!”

        Ito Yohiko smiled and laughed to himself, “It’s just a bit of a bluff when you’re still.”

        Nanaeko Ito looked at him and smiled slightly, “Father-sama, this tattooed hakama looks very spirited, so why don’t you wear it to America?”

        “What?” Ito Yohiko asked with a frown, “What are you going to do in America?”

        Ito Nana-chan said in a rush, “Charlie wade-kun wants us to go to America, right away!”

        “Immediately?” Ito Yuuhiko asked tentatively, “When you say immediately, you can’t mean right now, right?”

        “It is now.” Ito Nanaeko looked at her wristwatch and said, “The helicopter will arrive in five minutes, let’s go straight to the airport, the business jet is ready!”

        Ito Yohiko hurriedly said, “I don’t want to go to America! I’m not fit to go out in this condition, I’d rather stay at home!”

        “How can that be!” Nanaeko Ito said, “Charlie wade-kun asked me by name to take you and Tanaka-san with me!”