The Real Dragon Chapter 4842

        “Okay Mr. Wade, see you later.”

        Fifteen minutes later, the helicopter Flynn Phoebe was on landed at the top floor of the Buckingham(Shangri-la) Palace Hotel.

        Charlie wade took Xion, as well as Isaac Cameron and Don Albert, and boarded the helicopter together.

        Half an hour later, the helicopter arrived above a remote building on the outskirts of New York City.

        This was the Flynn family’s medical technology centre.

        The building was the only one within a two-kilometre radius and was 25 storeys high, with very tight security around it.

        As soon as he got off the helicopter, Flynn Phoebe took the initiative to walk ahead, leading the way while saying to Charlie wade, “Mr. Wade, this is a medical technology centre that grandfather funded before, mainly to develop and test some relatively high-end and advanced treatments and drugs, including the most advanced proton therapy system and cellular immunotherapy in the current cancer field, all of which are available here, and they are are the best in the world.”

        At this point, Flynn Phoebe remembered something and added, “Oh yes Mr. Wade, you should have heard of the Mayo Clinic, right? It is known as the world’s top cancer hospital.”

        “I’ve heard of it.” Charlie wade nodded and said, “Mayo has a long-standing reputation worldwide, there should be very few people who don’t know about it.”

        Flynn Phoebe smiled faintly and said, “The members of our cancer team here overlap with Mayo by more than 60%, and their top experts, who also serve here, even go a little further than Mayo in terms of cutting-edge scientific research, after all, Mayo itself has to consider profit, but here there is no consideration for profit.”

        The freezing centre is located on the fifth floor of the bas*ment and is designed to operate for three hundred years, and grandpa said before that if he left, he would be sent here immediately to freeze, to give the future a chance. A ray of life, maybe the technology two or three hundred years later can bring him back from the dead.”

        Charlie wade nodded and sighed, “It seems that maintaining such a medical research institution costs the Flynn family quite a lot every year.”

        Flynn Phoebe sighed, “At least a billion dollars a year to start with, and there were times at the peak when they were burning two to three billion dollars a year.”

        The medical industry is like that. The medical industry is like this, although the input cost is high, but once the top special drugs or very good new treatments are developed, it’s not difficult to earn one or two hundred billion dollars a year, bet on a single product, it’s possible to turn a loss into a profit.”

        Charlie wade agreed and said, “In the medical industry, the biggest fear is not to invest in research and development costs, some pharmaceutical companies, for a few years or even decades, just hold on to a few drugs, it is difficult to make any social contribution, or to invest a lot of money in research and development to benefit society.”

        Flynn Phoebe nodded and said seriously, “Mr. Wade is right, for the medical industry, R&D is very important, so after I took over the Flynn family, instead of scaling down the budget here, I added a flexible budget of 30% tract 50% on top of the original one.”

        As the two talked, they had arrived at the top floor lift entrance.

        At that moment, the lift came up just in time, and when they opened, three men came out of it. One of them recognised Charlie wade at a glance, and immediately afterwards, he said to Charlie wade with great excitement, “Mr. Wade! My goodness! It’s really you, Mr. Wade!”

        Charlie wade frowned and looked at the man who was speaking in front of him, then he was surprised to find that the man in front of him was James Smith, the head of the US FDA, whom he had contacted before!