The Real Dragon Chapter 4849

The moment the Remodelling Pill was placed into Li Yalin’s mouth, Charlie wade could feel that Li Yalin’s body was, almost, wrapped in a dense aura.

        The aura then began to reshape his body.

        Although Li Yalin’s body was wrapped in a special frozen suit, and he could not see the changes inside the frozen suit at all, Charlie wade could feel that Li Yalin’s body, which was riddled with holes, was being reorganised at an unbelievable speed.

        The first organ that Li Yalin recovered was his heart, his almost shattered heart, which had by now completely recovered its health, and immediately afterwards, it started beating again.

        However, at this time, the blood vessels in his body were no longer filled with blood, and instead, they were filled with cryogenic protective fluid.

        However, under the effect of the Remodelling Pill, the blood-producing organs in his body had begun to recover one by one, gradually, and immediately afterwards, a large amount of fresh blood was continuously created, while the original cryogenic protective fluid was directly expelled from his body by the pressure of fresh blood.

        And then, his body, began to regain its autonomous temperature, and at the same time, all of his body wounds, also began to heal in the fastest time possible.

        The others could not see the change in Li Yalin, they only noticed that his complexion seemed to start to change from a miserable white to a slightly blood-coloured one.

        However, Charlie wade saw all the changes in Li Yalin’s eyes and sighed in his heart: “The Remodelling Pill is really worthy of the word Remodelling. It’s like a gla*s that has fallen from a height and been shattered into pieces, if you just glue every single gla*s fragment back together, then this can definitely not be considered as remodelling. cracks, not a trace, before it can be considered a remodelling!”

        “The part that is broken, it can fix it for you, the part that is lost, it can grow back for you, this kind of elixir, it is really overbearing!”

        At this time, Li Yalin’s body organs, limbs, and even blood, had all returned to the level they were at when they were fully healthy, and as his blood continued to replenish until it reached a normal blood volume, his heartbeat became more and more powerful.

        At the same time, he gradually regained the ability to breathe on his own.

        Others could already see the rise and fall of his chest cavity with their naked eyes.

        Flynn Phoebe’s whole body felt like a thunderstorm, and said in shock, “Mr. Wade …… Li …… Li Yalin is really alive?!”

        Charlie wade nodded and said indifferently, “It’s almost time to wake up.”

        As soon as the words left his mouth, Li Yalin slowly opened his eyes!

        Flynn Phoebe subconsciously took a step back at this point, her heart still racing like a million horses.

        Although she had guessed that Charlie wade must have a way to save Li Yalin, she really didn’t expect that it would be so quick and easy, just a pill that could revive Li Yalin in such a short period of time!

        You know, this man had been in a low temperature of nearly minus two hundred degrees, for many days, not to mention saving him, it would have taken several hours just to thaw the freeze, and he had come back to life just by saying so?

        Don Albert’s feeling was even more shocked, he couldn’t help but exclaim out of his mouth: “Crap …… The first thing you need to do is to get a new one. That big lump of ice just now, it’s f*cking alive so soon?!”

        Li Yalin was still blinking his eyes at this moment, because his visual nerves could not immediately adapt to the bright light at this moment, his eyes only felt white and he could not see anything clearly.

        To Li Yalin, it was like he was having a never-ending dream.

        If he had been told that he had been dreaming for 100 years, he would not have had any doubts, because that dream was, indeed, too long.

        During this dream, his consciousness was increasingly chaotic.

        He felt more and more as if he had fallen into a world like the one framed in the movie “Inception”, falling through multiple dream states, and the more he fell, the further he was from waking up.

        And the more he fell, the more the sense of time became blurred, as if the timeline was enlarging, and the day he had been unconscious no longer seemed to be a day, or not just a year, but a century long, to the chaotic senses.

        What he did not know was that in the extreme deep freeze, his brain, although still alive, had also entered an extremely slow metabolic state due to the extreme cold.