The Real Dragon Chapter 4879

Hearing Charlie wade’s instructions, Isaac Cameron immediately said, “Okay Young Master, I will go and arrange it now.”

        After saying that, he hurriedly turned around and left.

        Ito Yohiko was a little embarra*sed at this point and said, “Mr. Wade, you don’t have to be so polite, there is no need to celebrate the birthday, if there is anything you want, just give direct instructions.”

        At the side, Nanaiko Ito could not guess Charlie wade’s real purpose for asking them to come to New York, so she also said very sincerely, “Charlie wade-kun, if there is anything you need from the Ito family, please do not be polite to us! No matter what you ask, the Ito family will definitely do its best!”

        Charlie wade smiled, “If I really want to say that there is something I need the Ito family to do on my behalf, it’s actually not nothing.”

        Saying that, Charlie wade gave a slight beat and added: “I recently happened to get a medicine that is somewhat helpful to the disabled, that’s why I want to ask Mr. Ito and Mr. Tanaka to try the medicine for me later.”

        Ito Yohiko had never dreamed that Charlie wade had called him all the way to the United States to ask him to try the medicine.

        If it was an ordinary person who heard that he needed to try the medicine himself, I was afraid that his heart would be a little drummed.

        However, Ito Yohiko was totally at ease with Charlie wade.

        After all, it was thanks to Charlie wade’s magic pills that he and Koichi Tanaka had been able to recover quickly from their amputations.

        So, without thinking, he said, “Mr. Wade, you can give me the medicine directly, I will take it now!”

        Tanaka Koichi likewise said without hesitation, “Mr. Wade, I am also willing!”

        Charlie wade laughed, “Don’t you two want to ask first what all the effects of this medicine are?”

        Ito Yohiko blurted out, “No matter what medicine you have for me to try, I, Ito Yohiko, will never hesitate for a second!”

        Tanaka Koichi followed suit, “Mr. Wade, my humble servant is the same as Your Excellency!”

        Charlie wade nodded and smiled, “In that case, then let’s go in and talk about it, this medicine of mine is rather peculiar, you can’t just open your mouth and take it directly, you need to soak the whole person into the bathtub first, then take the medicine.”

        Ito Yohiko immediately said, “Not to mention soaking in the bathtub and taking it, even if I were to take it upside down, I would have no problem with that!”

        Charlie wade smiled, “Okay, the room is ready for the two of you, come with me.”

        Ito Nanaeko walked up to Charlie wade with some curiosity at this time and asked in a low voice, “Charlie wade-kun, can I ask, what kind of medicine did you make Father-sama take? What are the effects of it?”

        Charlie wade said in a mysterious manner, “Heaven’s truth cannot be revealed, you will know exactly what effects there are in a moment.”

        Ito Nanaeko nodded gently and did not pursue the question further.

        With her understanding of Charlie wade, she believed that Charlie wade would definitely not let his father take any risks.

        If it was simply to test the goodness of a drug, he would not have needed to go to the trouble of getting his father to come over from Japan.

        Soon, the Ito family, led by Charlie wade, arrived at a luxury suite that had been prepared long ago.

        Although this suite was not as big as the presidential suite, it still had three bedrooms and four bathrooms.

        In two of these bathrooms, green beauty mud had been put into the bathtubs.

        After Charlie wade brought the Ito family into the room, he then first had several people sit down on the sofa, and then said, “I have already had two bathtubs prepared, and later on, I will have Don Albert, together with the butler, take Mr. Ito and Mr. Tanaka to separate bathrooms, and I will give the medicine to the two of you after you have lain down in the bathtub.”

        Ito Yohiko couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Wade, is there anything we need to be aware of?”

        “No.” Charlie wade smiled, “The bathtub is already prepared with a large amount of beauty mud, so you two just lie down in it and just close your eyes and relax, and don’t worry about the rest.”

        “Good!” Ito Yohiko nodded heavily and said, “In that case, we won’t take up Mr. Wade’s time, let’s start straight away now!”