I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1092

“What? The party that should have won the case ended up losing and gotten a jail sentence?” Rongshu was a little dizzy from such a reversal.

Captain Lin nodded, “Yes, a civil dispute can be sentenced to jail, so you can imagine how damaging that lawyer Zhang is, in addition to that, there is also a case, this case involves a fraud case, B borrowed 100,000 from Party A, and eventually did not pay back in the specified time, Party A will take Party B to court in the name of fraud, and also invited this lawyer Zhang to be a lawyer. ”

“And then the lawsuit was won?” Rongshu guessed.

Captain Lin shook her head.

Fu Jingting beside her even had a smile in his eyes.

Seeing this, Rongshu hurriedly said, “Captain Lin, please speak quickly, I’m really curious.”

“Okay.” Captain Lin no longer sold the story and continued, “This lawsuit, the lawyer hired by Party B, is only a lawyer who just came out of practice, plus originally was the party who borrowed the money and did not repay it. 200,000, and the costs of the lawsuit, too, were borne by Party A.”

“……” Rong Shu was completely dumbfounded by such a reversal.

It was only after a while that she regained her voice, “This is actually possible?”

“That’s right.” Captain Lin had a sip of tea, “In short, this lawyer Zhang not only in the lawyer world, or your business world, has a famous record, as long as you seek his help in the lawsuit, and do not offend him, the final result, will definitely satisfy you, even if the judge’s verdict is very much in line with the laws and regulations, as long as you feel it is lighter, lawyer Zhang can even make the judge re-declare the verdict, and re-declare the result, more serious than the one at the beginning, and this is still a case in point.”

“How so?”

Captain Lin looked at Rong Shu, “For example, two years ago, a suspect committed a crime that was not particularly bad, and according to our laws and regulations, he ended up being sentenced to ten years, but the victim’s family was not satisfied with the result, and felt that it was too light, and then lightened Lawyer Zhang, and under a series of operations by a*sistant Zhang, the sentence was finally changed to twenty years, and the most powerful one was a life sentence that was changed to a death sentence .”

Rong Shu exclaimed, “so powerful, no wonder you guys would say that people in the circle, all like to find this one to fight lawsuits, with this one’s undefeated record, plus the ability to achieve the employer’s wish to make the employer 100% satisfied, no wonder people in the circle are united to protect him, after all, less such a talent, is a loss ah.”

“That’s right.” This time it wasn’t Captain Lin who responded, it was Fu Jingting, “I had thought of poaching him to Fu’s before, but was rejected.”

“Turning down an invitation from your titled Great President Fu, this man has quite a personality.” Rongshu smiled as she looked at the man.

“Yes, quite a character.” Fu Jingting lifted his chin in agreement with this statement.

“You weren’t angry when he declined your invitation?” Rongshu asked with a tilted head.

He is a talented person, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t do without such a talent, so he refused, I don’t mean to force him to work for me, moreover, everyone has the right to choose, I can choose him, so naturally, he can also choose me, he is not willing to choose me so he refused my invitation, it is also normal. It is also very normal, and I will not be ashamed of this and cannot tolerate him.”

“Mr. Fu is very generous, I really admire you.” Captain Lin looked at Fu Jingting and said with sincere praise.

It was important to know that rich people were people who were high-minded and arrogant, and had particularly strong self-esteem.

They have been standing on high for too long and are used to the flattery of others and the pandering of horses.

So in their dictionary of life, there is no longer the word rejection.

In their view, when they see someone they fancy and invite them to work for them, the other party should patronise them and agree, or even be grateful, rather than refuse.

As soon as the other party refuses, they think that the other party is not looking down on them, and even feel that they have made a joke of the others, and feel very angry about it, and may even take action to destroy the other party.

It was as if this was the only way they could vent the anger in their hearts.

And these, not that he slandered them out of thin air, they were all facts, and as a servant of the people, he had seen too much of them.

So now when he heard Fu Jingting say that everyone had the right to make their own choices, and that it was a very normal thing for the other party to reject them, and that there was no need to feel angry about it, how shocked he was in his heart.

After the shock, there was admiration.

No wonder Mr. Fu is so young, he can outsmart those old guys in the mall and bring Fu’s to the top, just this kind of heart and open-mindedness, it is not the circle of those small-minded like a needle’s point rich people can compare.

Not to mention how much respect Captain Lin had for Fu Jingting at the moment, even Rong Shu gave Fu Jingting a thumbs up and praised him.

The actual thumbs up is a very important part of the process.

It was a good idea to give her a kiss.

Rongshu was frozen, and so was Captain Lin on the other side.

When she reacted, she hurriedly lowered her head and didn’t look.

But in his heart, Captain Lin was cursing.

D*mn, what’s wrong with these two people?

Now that we’re talking about business, why are they showing off their affection?

Also, where was this place?

This was a police station, such a solemn place, and they were actually, actually ……

The two of them were in the same room, and the two of them were in the same room.

The two people he could not afford to offend!

So what can you do?

The only option was not to look?

Here, Rong Shu also reacted, hurriedly pulling her hand out of the man’s hand, and then subconsciously looked towards Captain Lin.

When she saw Captain Lin with his head bowed and his cup of tea in his hand, he looked like he didn’t know anything and didn’t see anything, a trace of embarra*sment sprang up on his face.

This look of Captain Lin’s was obvious, he saw everything and that was why he pretended not to see it, which in turn made people feel even more embarra*sed.

It was all the fault of this dog man!

Taking advantage of her at every opportunity.

How many times had she told him not to do that in public or in front of others, it was embarra*sing.

But this dog man just wouldn’t listen, no matter how much he was told.

So now, she didn’t even want to talk about him anymore.

After glaring at the man, Rongshu barely maintained a smile on her face to look at Captain Lin, “Captain Lin.”

Captain Lin lifted his head and coughed, “Miss Rong, are you guys done?”

He looked at her, and then at Fu Jingting.

When Rongshu heard this, her face became even more embarra*sed.

Fu Jingting, on the other hand, was as thick-skinned as anyone, and only returned Captain Lin’s glance indifferently, and then did not react.

Rongshu took a breath, resisting the urge to rub her burning face, and said back with an embarra*sed expression, “Sorry Captain Lin, I just made you look ridiculous, we ……”

“No, no.” Captain Lin hurriedly waved his hands, “It’s normal for the two of you to have good feelings, we understand, we understand.”

“Then …… Thank you Captain Lin for your understanding.” The corners of Rongshu’s mouth twitched.

Captain Lin coughed again against his fist, “So what, Miss Rong, let’s continue to talk about what happened just now, how about it? Where did we say that earlier?”