The Real Dragon Chapter 4894

        Hearing Charlie wade’s words, Ito Nana-chan turned back to him with excitement and asked with wide eyes, “Charlie wade-kun! Are you really willing to accompany me to enjoy the cherry blossoms next year?”

        Seeing her expression of unbridled anticipation, Charlie wade subconsciously nodded, “Yes.”

        Ito Nana-chan immediately became excited and said with a face full of anticipation, “Great! I will definitely show you the best cherry blossoms in all of Japan when the time comes!”

        Charlie wade saw that he had already put his words out, so he didn’t hesitate any longer and said straightforwardly and readily, “Tell me the other two as well, and we’ll try to help you achieve them all next year.”

        “Really?!” Ito Nanaiko’s expression was so happy that it was about to melt away. She subconsciously took Charlie wade’s arm and said softly, “I also want to walk with Charlie wade-kun along the Shonan coast in the summer and enjoy the autumn leaves of Hokkaido with Charlie wade-kun ……

        Charlie wade couldn’t help but ask her with a smile, “Snowy nights in winter, cherry blossoms in spring, the sea in summer and the red leaves in autumn, right?”

        “Right!” Ito Nanaeko nodded heavily, her big eyes fixed on Charlie wade, asking with immense expectation, “Charlie wade-kun, is it okay?”

        Charlie wade asked her, “Why are they all places in Japan? There are plenty of cherry blossoms, the sea and red leaves in China too, and as long as you choose the right time and place, it may not be worse than the scenery in Japan.”

        “I know ……” Nanaeko Ito said seriously, “The reason I thought of these places is not that I am arrogant enough to think that cherry blossoms, the sea and the red leaves are all only the best in Japan …… It’s just that the snow in Kyoto, the cherry blossoms in Hirosaki, the seaside in Shonan and the red leaves in Hokkaido have all left a very deep impression on me. When I visited these places and enjoyed the scenery in the respective seasons, I made a wish in my heart that I could revisit these scenes with the person I love in the future …… This is like a small wish and obsession in my heart ……”

        Saying that, Ito Nanaeko added hurriedly, “But if Charlie wade-kun wants to take me to enjoy these beautiful scenery in China, I have no problem with that!”

        There were many women who had confessed their love to Charlie wade, but Ito Nanaeko’s confessions always gave Charlie wade a different feeling.

        Other people’s confessions made Charlie wade subconsciously want to politely reject them, or want to digress, but Ito Nanaeko’s confessions always made him want to respond deep inside.

        So, when Nana Ito said that she had made a wish to relive the scenery with her beloved, Charlie wade could not find any reason to refuse.

        So, he said with great certainty, “It doesn’t matter, since it is what you have in mind, then it will all be according to what you want.”

        When Ito Nanaeko heard Charlie wade’s reply, she was happy and her eyes were a little moist.

        She took Charlie wade’s arm and added, “By the way Charlie wade-kun, just now I said that there is only one time when I will wear a kimono to go out, and that is when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, I will wear a kimono to go out to enjoy the cherry blossoms, and if you come to Japan next spring, I will wear this outfit to accompany you to enjoy the cherry blossoms!”

        Charlie wade nodded and smiled, “I have to state in advance that I will not wear your traditional costume then.”

        Ito Nanaeko smiled sweetly and said, “I understand, if I were to marry a Chinese in the future, I would not let my husband wear our traditional dress either, tradition is something that only concerns you, don’t force it on others.”

        Saying that, she suddenly remembered something and added with a smile, “In fact, if I were to marry a Chinese in the future, then I would be more than willing to wear the traditional Chinese dress to get married! Charlie wadejun, do you think I would look good in a Chinese dragon and phoenix dress or a show gown?”

        Charlie wade nodded, “It will definitely look good.”

        Remembering something, Nanae Ito blurted out in excitement, “Then how about this Charlie wade-kun, next spring when you come to Japan, I’ll wear the Hide-Ho to enjoy the cherry blossoms with you!”