I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1137

a*sistant Zhang naturally saw the heartache in Rong Shu’s eyes for Fu Jingting, and was happy for Mr. Fu in his heart.

Miss Rong’s heart felt for Mr. Fu, which meant that the more Miss Rong loved Mr. Fu, the more she loved him.

Otherwise, Miss Rong wouldn’t care so much about how Mr. Fu was.

“Yes, after I told Mr. Fu about this matter, Mr. Fu’s reaction at that time, I feel scared even thinking about it now, if I didn’t know that Mr. Fu’s wisdom was still there, I would have thought that Mr. Fu was going to go straight to kill Su Cheng once and for all.” a*sistant Zhang wiped a handful of hair and said with a sigh.

Rongshu squeezed her palm, “Su Cheng dares to threaten Jing Ting like this, it must still be because of the backing behind him, I just don’t know, what is the backing behind him, exactly.”

“No matter what it is, I believe that in the end, no one can protect Su Cheng.” a*sistant Zhang narrowed his eyes and said.

Rong Shu smiled, “That’s right, no matter what people are behind Su Cheng, evil will never suppress right, but he threatened Jing Ting so much this time, he can’t just let it go, did Jing Ting say what to do? And what is that relic?”

As for what the relic is, I’m not sure, Su Cheng didn’t reveal it, but I think since Su Cheng was able to threaten it and said outright that other people were interested, then I think it must be something like the wife’s personal effects before she died. If it was something valuable, instead, it might not necessarily be able to threaten Mr. Fu, after all, the Fu family is not short of money, and if Madam’s valuable things are lost, so be it, Mr. Fu is not distressed, but personal items are different, and are most likely to be taken for a ride.”

Rongshu nodded thoughtfully, “You’re right, then if it’s really a personal item, this kind of thing must be retrieved, otherwise if it’s really taken for an article, the face of the Fu family and Jingting will definitely be affected.”

“No, but I just don’t know what Mr. Fu is thinking.” a*sistant Zhang scratched his head, “I wouldn’t dare to ask.”

“I know, don’t worry, leave this matter to me.” Rongshu looked at a*sistant Zhang and smiled.

a*sistant Zhang was overjoyed, “That’s great Miss Rong, I’m counting on you for this matter.”

“Mm.” Rong Shu nodded her head.

Just as she finished speaking, a figure appeared in front of the car.

It was Fu Jingting who had returned.

Seeing this, Rong Shu’s gaze flickered and she hurriedly said to a*sistant Zhang, “Alright, don’t say anything first, Jing Ting is back.”

a*sistant Zhang hurriedly turned his head back and really saw Fu Jingting coming this way, then smiled gratefully at Rong Shu while opening the car door to greet him.

Soon, Fu Jingting got into the car.

Seeing the USB stick in his hand, Rongshu smiled and asked, “Did you get it?”

Fu Jingting did not deny it, “Got it.”

“Then let’s go.” Rongshu glanced at her wristwatch.

Fu Jingting gave a hint, “Let’s go, drive.”

The last two words were Fu Jingting’s instructions to a*sistant Zhang.

a*sistant Zhang responded and started the car.

An hour later, Tiansheng Group arrived.

Rongshu kissed Fu Jingting on the cheek, said goodbye to him and got out of the car, then walked towards the Tiansheng building.

Fu Jingting was sitting in the back seat, one hand touching the handsome face he had been kissed on, and his whole body was obviously stunned.

As for the reason.

That was because in the past, Rong Shu had never taken the initiative to give him a goodbye kiss when they parted, it was only when he asked that she complied.

So much so that when she took the initiative to give him a goodbye kiss when she didn’t receive his gesture now, he didn’t even react.

This scene was naturally seen by a*sistant Zhang, who saw Fu Jingting’s dumbfounded look and of course understood what it was about, so he snickered and said, “Mr. Fu, congratulations, you got a fragrant kiss early in the morning.”

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market. wWw.YshUge.org”

The a*sistant Zhang instantly rolled his eyes.

The first thing you need to do is to get a kiss.

There is still nothing to congratulate.

If you have the guts, don’t laugh, sink the corners of your mouth, put away the smugness on your face.

Isn’t it funny to say these things now?

Of course, a*sistant Zhang thought so in his heart, but he didn’t dare to say so on his mouth, and after he had a couple of chuckles, he turned his head back, not seeing eye to eye.

The first thing you need to do is to get your own food, so that you don’t have to eat it if you say anything later.

Outside the car, Rong Shu, who had just gone a few steps away, suddenly thought of something and stopped and turned around to walk towards the car again.

Inside the car, when Fu Jingting saw that Rong Shu had returned, he immediately called on a*sistant Zhang, who was about to drive, to stop.

Zhang’s a*sistant received Fu Jingting’s instructions and stopped the car again, following suit and looking out of the car window.

Rongshu arrived at the car and was just about to raise her hand to knock on the window when the window was rolled down by the man first.

The man’s handsome, tao-free face was exposed to the air, and he turned his head up slightly, showing her a gentle smile, “Forgotten something?”

It was probably that kiss just now that had really surprised the man too much.

So much so that when he spoke here, his tone was tinged with glee and joy.

Rongshu coughed, “I haven’t forgotten, I just want to tell you one thing.”

“Go ahead.” Fu Jingting lifted his chin.

Rong Shu gave a glance at a*sistant Zhang, who was also clearly a little nervous.

Quickly, Rong Shu withdrew her gaze, smiled and spoke, “It’s late now, I’m in a hurry for a meeting, so I want to talk to you, we’ll talk about it when we get back in the evening.”

Once these words came out, a*sistant Zhang obviously breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Of course he knew what Rong Shu was going to say, and it was nothing more than what he had told her about in the car just now.

After all, hadn’t she said that the matter was left to her?

So, he was afraid that Miss Rong would talk to Mr. Fu about this now, then Mr. Fu would definitely know that he was the one who had blabbed, and then he would not be able to get away with it.

After all, he wasn’t there at that time, so even if he was annoyed with him, he wouldn’t be able to get him in trouble right away, and maybe Miss Rong would stop him from getting him in trouble.

Fu Jingting didn’t know what his a*sistant was thinking, his entire attention was on the woman’s right now.

Faced with the woman’s words, he raised his eyebrows, something more clearly in his eyes, “Is it something important?”

Without hesitation, Rongshu nodded, “Yes.”

“Good, I’ll pick you up this afternoon.” Fu Jingting agreed.

Rongshu waved her hand at him, “Bye.”

Fu Jingting returned a goodbye and closed the car window.

Rongshu stood by the roadside, waving her hand, watching the man’s car go away until it was out of sight, and only then did she turn around and enter the Tiansheng building again.

Of course, the two of them were naturally seen by some of the employees of Tiansheng from the time they arrived to the time they separated, and all of them were envious of the good relationship between the two.

Rong Shu also took in the reactions of the employees, smiled lightly and shook her head, while responding to the staff’s morning greetings, she walked into the lift.

Just as she entered the office, there was a knock on the office door.

Thinking it was Secretary Tong, Rongshu didn’t look up, minding her own business as she put her bag away, took off her coat and hung it up while responding, “Come in.”

The crisp sound of high heels caused Rong Shu to pause in hanging her coat, and then raised her head to look towards the person who came.

Seeing that the visitor was not Secretary Tong, but another secretary, she could not help but ask in confusion, “Is Tong Xi not here?”

“You don’t know, Chairman, Secretary Tong has taken a leave of absence.” The secretary stopped in front of Rong Shu’s desk and respectfully spoke back, “Secretary Tong took leave yesterday afternoon, so for the next period of time, I will take Tong’s place until she returns.”

Rong Shu slapped her forehead in chagrin, “Yes, yes, there is such a thing, sorry, I forgot about it.”