I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1143

These words of Rong Shu were not at all polite, and only made Liu’s father furious.

But that wasn’t the end of it. After that, Rong Shu continued, “As for what you just said about the relationship between the Liu family and the Fu family, so I have to befriend your Liu family so that I can be with Fu Jingting properly, I find that even more amusing. As for the reason, I don’t think I need to say more, your daughter likes Fu Jingting, so she wants to knock me down to take the top spot herself.”

Father Liu turned to the side with an embarra*sed expression.

I didn’t expect Rong Shu to know even this.

Rong Shu gave a cold chortle and went on, “Besides, even if I flattered you, forgave you like a licking dog, and put in a good word for you with Jing Ting, would you really not stop me from being with Fu Jing Ting? I don’t think so. Your father, Mr. Liu, who is also Fu Jingting’s teacher, said bad things about me to Fu Jingting even before he knew what his granddaughter had done on the Internet, saying that I was not good enough for Fu Jingting and asking Fu Jingting to break up with me, so it is clear that no matter what I do, your Liu family does not want to see me and Fu Jingting together, just because if I am with Fu Jingting, the daughter of your Liu family will not be able to way to rise to the top, so from this, it can be deduced how false and ridiculous your words just now, Mr. Liu.”

At this moment, Liu’s father only felt that all the shameful cloths under his body had been ripped off by Rong Shu, and his whole body stood awkwardly and stiffly in place, unable to say a word.

Even the a*sistant behind him wanted to find a crack in the ground.

He had lost all his face.

As if she could not see Liu’s father’s embarra*sment, Rongshu put down her teacup and smiled, “Besides, even if Old Mr. Liu did nothing, your Liu family has no idea that they must let their daughter rise to the top, and there is no need for me to flatter you.”

“What do you mean?” Liu’s father looked at her with eyes wide open.

Rongshu ruffled her hair, “It’s simple, we’re not relatives, so why should I flatter you? Will you help me to strengthen my relationship with Jingting if I flatter you? I’m afraid not. What’s more, my relationship with Fu Jingting is our own business, what does it have to do with others? What does it have to do with other people? Do we need other people to strengthen it? Finally, I’ll say a fact that you can’t see and won’t accept, that is, compared to the Liu family and my position in Jingting’s heart, I’m afraid I have to be far superior to your Liu family, even if your Liu family’s old man, who is Jingting’s teacher, can’t change this fact, no, as soon as your Liu family messed with me, Jingting cleared it with your Liu family.”

Like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, Liu’s father immediately jumped up and pointed at Rong Shu’s nose and yelled, “So what if you are important to Jingting, but that definitely doesn’t mean that you are more important than our Liu family, Jingting was just angry at our Liu family for doing something wrong for a while, he would never clear up the relationship with our Liu family, absolutely not!”

Rongshu looked at his stiff-lipped, deadpan manner of not admitting the truth, she was not angry, her face still maintained a warm smile, “Since you won’t, then what did you, Mr. Liu, come to me today to apologize for? Isn’t it just to ask me to forgive you and help you put in a good word with Jingting so that he won’t be angry with your Liu family? Unfortunately, your Liu family has made a wrong calculation from the beginning, not even having the sincerity to apologize, and still presuming to ask me to forgive you and help you speak up, it’s simply whimsical.”

“You ……” Liu’s father’s fingers were shaking, so angry that he could not speak.

Rong Shu lightly waved her hand, “Mr. Liu, don’t you, you, you, since you are not willing to admit the reality, then you should not come to me, but continue to maintain the pride of your Liu family, waiting to see if Jing Ting will take care of your Liu family is, but since you are here, it means that there are still people in your Liu family who know the reality, only a pity, so what if you know, do not do the right thing is still If you want me to forgive you, show me your sincerity, or else forget about it, and don’t be ridiculous in thinking that because of your relationship with the Fu family, I should flatter you.

“What nonsense are you talking about, our Liu family flattering you?” Liu’s father looked at Rong Shu as if he had heard a big joke, and the expression on her face was ridiculous.

Rong Shu’s expression remained unchanged, looking at him indifferently.

Go ahead and laugh.

In a moment, it would be time to stop laughing.

“Nonsense?” As I said, I am obviously much more important in Fu Jingting’s heart than your Liu family, and for my sake, Fu Jingting can break with your Liu family, which clearly shows that your Liu family is really not that important in Fu Jingting’s heart, and can be discarded and ignored at any time, while if your Liu family wants to cling to If your Liu family wants to cling to the tree of Fu Jingting, then of course you have to find the most suitable way, and I am the most suitable one, so you should flatter me, you should coax me well, only after coaxing me well, coaxing me happy, only then I may say good things about your Liu family to Jingting, so that your Liu family can continue to cling to the Fu family, instead of offending me.”

Speaking here, Rong Shu wagged her finger, “If you offend me and I am not happy, I will naturally have to say bad things about your Liu family to Jing Ting, making Jing Ting’s impression of your Liu family even worse, and I can even just blow the wind out of my ears, making Jing Ting completely cut everything off with your Liu family, you shouldn’t not know how powerful the wind out of your ears is, right, Mr. Liu? ”

The moment these words came out, Liu’s father’s face changed instantly, his pupils contracted, and he looked at Rong Shu for a long time before making a sound, “You …… This woman is really vicious, actually ……”

“Malevolent?” I don’t have any grudge against your Liu family, do I? Don’t stand on high ground for too long and think that everyone has to obey you.” “I’ve said enough for today, there’s no point in going on.

She made an invitation gesture towards the door.

Father Liu clenched his fist, “I’m not leaving!”

How could he leave before his purpose was achieved?

Before he came, he had repeatedly promised his father that he would definitely speak up to make this woman stop counting on this matter and get this woman to promise to say something nice to Jing Ting.

But now nothing had been accomplished, and he was not willing to leave just like that.

Looking at Liu’s father, Rong Shu smiled coldly, “Not leaving, are you? That’s fine, I’ll ask you to leave, someone!”

As soon as the words left his mouth, the office door opened and four security guards walked in from outside.

“Chairman.” The security guard in the lead took the lead to look at the two Liu fathers before finally placing his gaze on Rong Shu’s face, “Chairman, are they the ones?”

Rong Shu nodded her head, “It’s them, leave it to you guys.”

“Chairman, don’t worry, we will bring the people out.” The security guard nodded and led the three behind him towards Liu’s father and the two.

Liu’s father’s eyes widened in disbelief as he yelled, “Rong Shu, how dare you come at us hard?”