I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1154

Of course Rongshu felt the malice coming from Duan Xingbang.

After all, this kind of malice is not something that only exists now, it has existed from the very beginning.

So when she faced Duan Xingbang’s malicious gaze, her expression didn’t even change in the slightest, as if she didn’t see anything at all, and she walked forward without looking away, directly brushing past Duan Xingbang and exiting Tian Sheng’s gate.

Duan Xingbang’s hands were shaking with anger when he saw Rong Shu, who had ignored him completely.

The cronies behind him were even more righteously indignant and arching fire, “Mr. Duan, she is also too arrogant, even if she is the chairman of the board, she is still your junior, not even a greeting when she sees you, no manners at all.”

Duan Xingbang sneered, “She has a Fu Jingting behind her, of course she has this qualification to be so arrogant, but just wait, one day I will make her not arrogant.”

“What Mr. Duan said is true.” This crony was very agreeable and confident in his words.

“Alright, cut the flattery, let’s go.” Duan Xingbang twisted his head to glance at the direction Rong Shu had left, then withdrew his eyes, barely calming down and heading in the direction of the lift.

Rong Shu didn’t know what Duan Xingbang and the others had been talking about themselves behind her back after she left.

She didn’t want to know, nor was she interested in knowing. After seeing Fu Jingting’s car, she smiled and waved as she jogged over.

Seeing this, Fu Jingting quickly opened the door and got out of the car, opening his arms wide.

The next second, Rong Shu directly jumped into his arms and was hugged by him.

“What are you doing running so fast, aren’t you afraid of falling down?” Fu Jingting wrapped one hand around Rong Shu’s back and placed one hand on top of her head, gently touching it.

Rongshu lifted her head to look at him, “I don’t want you to wait too long, do I?”

“Even if you don’t want me to wait too long, you can’t do this, in case you really fall, it’s you who will be in pain, and it’s me who will be heartbroken, not to mention, I never feel that waiting for you is a troublesome thing, I wait for you willingly.” Fu Jingting said as he kissed her on the forehead.

Rongshu saw some pa*sers-by pa*sing by them, seeing them kissing and smiling with ambiguous, blessed smiles, her face flushed and she was immediately a little embarra*sed.

“Okay, I know, you let go of me first, let’s get in the car first, there are so many people here, everyone pa*sing by is looking at us, it’s quite embarra*sing.” Rongshu said as she gently patted the man’s chest.

The man knew she was thin-skinned and didn’t like to be seen being intimate with them, after dotingly rubbing her hair, he respected her wishes and let go of her, “Okay, get in the car.”

He took her hand and walked around the front of the car to the other side to follow the pa*senger side, pulling open the pa*senger door.

Rongshu bent down to get in, took the bag off her shoulder and put it on her lap, then handed another bag to Fu Jingting, “You can put this in the back seat, it won’t fit here.”

“What’s this?” Fu Jingting took the bag and opened it to take a look, but the contents were covered up tightly by other bags, so he couldn’t see what was inside.

As she fastened her seat belt, Rongshu replied, “Aren’t we going to see our grandmother tonight? But I didn’t have time to prepare a gift during the day, so I went to Tian Sheng in the afternoon and brought a lot of dried mountain treasures from my aunt’s mother’s house, and I thought they would be good for the old people’s health, so I set aside some of them to take to the old house for my grandmother.”

“A gift from Lu Qi?” Fu Jingting frowned at once.

Rongshu knew that he was having another taste, thinking that it was from his love rival, she couldn’t help but shake her head in amus*ment, “It’s not from Ah Qi, it was specially brought to me by my aunt back at her mother’s house, she knows that I love to eat these, so these are from my aunt, she just asked Ah Qi to bring them to Tiansheng for me, it doesn’t have much to do with Ah Qi, how about that my Mr. Fu, are you feeling a bit better in your heart now? ”

The first sentence of ‘my Mr. Fu’ immediately soothed the sour taste in Fu Jingting’s heart and made him feel better.

He slightly raised his chin, his expression was still clear and elegant, but in his eyes, there was already a faint smile and satisfaction, “It’s better, I’ll thank my aunt for my grandmother.”

“Don’t worry, I will convey your thanks to your aunt, well, let’s go, it will be late later.” Rongshu took the buckle of the seat belt and inserted it into the buckle lock.

Fu Jingting also opened the back seat door and put the bags on the back seat, then closed the back seat door and said back, “Let’s go.”

He went around the back of the car to the driver’s seat, opened the door and got into the car, driving to the Fu family’s old mansion.

Meanwhile, the Liu family.

Liu Linlin had returned to the country in the morning, and after returning, unable to resist her physical exhaustion, she went straight back to her room and fell asleep, only waking up until now.

When she woke up, as soon as she went downstairs, she heard the sound of grandpa and dad arguing from downstairs, as well as the soothing and persuasive voice of her mother in the midst of it.

Liu Linlin subconsciously lightened her footsteps and slowly descended holding onto the railing.

As she got closer and closer to the floor, the sound of voices coming from downstairs became clearer and clearer.

The first thing that came was her father’s humble and timid apology, “Dad, don’t scold me, I know I’m wrong, you’ve been scolding me all afternoon and you’re still not done yet? You’ve been scolding me all afternoon and you still haven’t finished?” “It’s no use scolding me any more, things have gone wrong, how can you scold me and still solve things?”

“Yes dad, please take it easy.” Liu father’s wife sat beside Liu father, pouring tea for both father and son while helping Liu father to persuade Liu Lao.

Liu Lao took the teacup and looked at the two across the table with anger, “You still have the nerve to say that.”

He heavily put down the teacup, his fingers trembling as he pointed at Liu’s father, “Before we went, I told you to be more nice, to deliver the gifts, to apologize to that woman, to coax her into being nice, that Rong Shu is a down-on-her-luck daughter, she must be very vain in her bones, otherwise why would she repeatedly hold on to Jing Ting? As long as we cajole her and promise to think of her in the future, perhaps she will soften her heart and say good things in front of Jingting, and then Jingting will forgive us. You also promised well at the time that you would do so, but what happened? How did you actually manage to do that? Bringing no gifts and having a C*cky attitude, you simply P*ssed me off!”

Speaking of this, Liu Lao blew out his beard and glared, “Not to mention Rong Shu, even if your old man and I saw someone come to my door and beg me, without bringing a gift and with an arrogant attitude, I would have to kick them out.”

At first, I promised to apologise properly and send the gift, but then I thought, “Why? What kind of relationship do we have with Jingting? Even if we did something wrong, she, an outsider, should have forgiven us without waiting for us to ask, and helped us to intercede with Jingting, after all, you are Jingting’s teacher, and our Liu family has a good relationship with the Fu family, if she didn’t do so, don’t blame our Liu family for not supporting her to be with Jingting, and just make some stumbling, she can break up with Jingting, so …… ”

“So you just threw my instructions right out the window?”

Liu father lowered his head in silence.

Liu Lao’s face turned blue with anger, pointing at Liu father’s nose and scolding him straight, “You …… You are simply foolish, no wonder so many people in the company say that you are rotten to the core and that leaving the company in your hands will sooner or later collapse.”

“Who? Who dares to say that? I’ll fire him!” Liu’s father stood up in a flash of anger.