The Real Dragon Chapter 4975

Over the headset, Wan Bajun said to Charlie wade, “Mr Wade, can you be sure that the plane that flew to Sweden was to pick up someone and not send another group of people to Sweden for another mission? I’m afraid they might have other operations in Sweden.”

        Charlie wade said, “I just heard their conversation, they came this time not mainly to kill people, but to bring back some target people who were important to the organization, so they had to have a safe enough retreat path, moreover, the plane they came from has now gone back in order to avoid exposure, so I presume that the plane that flew to Sweden is the one that came to pick up them.”

        Said, Charlie wade added: “Moreover, there is no border control for land traffic between EU countries, and the convenience of driving through is as easy as driving at home and commuting between two provinces, but, although everyone is an EU country, law enforcement agencies each serve their own country, so once they arrive in Sweden, it will cause a lot of difficulties for the Nordic police to investigate, from Sweden out of the country would be a perfect fit.”

        From the other party’s conversation just now, as well as the successive dynamics of the two planes, Charlie wade had probably smoothed out the mission of these eight people this time.

        They had flown all the way to Northern Europe to capture someone who was extremely important to the organisation.

        And the route they had arranged was Northern Europe in and Sweden out.

        After they had finished stealing the day from Bergen and taken their target, they would drive more than 600 kilometres to Sweden, from where they would take a flight out.

        It just so happened that another Boeing 777 had taken off from Nigeria, and by the time the plane landed in Sweden, these people should be able to make it to Sweden as well.

        At this point, Wan Bajun spoke up, “Mr. Wade, my subordinates feel that we still have a window of seven to eight hours to make a quick deployment, if we send someone to Sweden now and keep an eye on the plane from Nigeria to Sweden, we should be able to run through their exact pulse and maybe follow the vine to find the exact location of one of their bases! “

        Charlie wade smiled slightly, his eyes fixed on the eight a*sa*sins stalking in the darkness, and spoke: “There is no need to go to their bases yet, the trail of these six planes is a huge advantage for us now, as long as we don’t hit these six planes, don’t follow these six planes towards their bases, they won’t realize that it’s these six planes that have gone wrong. “

        Charlie wade knew very well that even if he had taken out these eight killers at Bergen, Wan Breaking Army’s side could still continue to work on that plane.

        After all, as long as it flew out, even if it couldn’t pick up anyone, it would definitely have to go back, and it might really be able to follow the trail and find out some information.

        However, Charlie wade did not intend, for the time being, to do anything about the six Boeing 777s of Yuantai International Express.

        He said to Wan Bajun, “In my opinion, these six Boeing 777s are like six telephone lines that the enemy has exposed but is still unaware of, just like a communication code that has been deciphered by the enemy in a war. That way, we will be able to figure out the other side’s specific movements without any contact with them, and as long as we can ensure precise strikes every time, they will not realise which part of the process has gone wrong.”