The Real Dragon Chapter 4978

        She grabbed the three copper coins at the bottom left and threw them sharply on the table, her expression even more appalled as she said, “The blood in the trigrams is extremely heavy, there will be killings today ……”

        At this point, she couldn’t help but mutter, “It’s not right …… I started my trigrams last night, and although the trigrams showed that I was bound to have a disaster, there was no danger ……”

        After saying this, she hurriedly grabbed the remaining three copper coins and threw them onto the table with one hand.

        However, due to her nervousness, one of the three coins slipped off the table top and onto the floor due to excessive force. After seeing the two on the table top, the girl was just about to get up and take a good look at the ones on the ground as well, when someone outside suddenly screamed and shouted, “Quick! There’s a killer!”

        Immediately afterwards, the sound of bullets coming in and objects being shot in all directions was heard.

        The old man’s expression suddenly flinched and he blurted out, “Miss …… They’re looking for us ……”

        The girl’s expression couldn’t help but be horrified, she was about to see the last coin, but the old man had already taken out a pistol from his waist and stepped back in front of her, his expression was solemn as he said, “Miss, don’t worry, as long as the old slave is still alive, he will protect you to the death!”

        Just as he finished speaking, he heard a sound of footsteps approaching, and many bullets even hit the walls of the study.

        Immediately afterwards, the door of the study was suddenly kicked open and several men in black with carbines quickly rushed in.

        The old man did not hesitate to shoot at the leader of the group, but the leader of the group easily dodged the bullets fired from his gun, then rushed forward and grabbed the wrist of the old man holding the gun, making the old man unable to move.

        Then, with a cruel smile on his face, he suddenly took out a dagger from somewhere with his other hand and raised his hand to cut off the old man’s arm by the roots.

        The girl hastily said in a loud voice, “Take whatever you want, just don’t touch my grandfather!”

        The man at the head of the group looked at the girl with a cold smile and said, “Sorry little girl, we’re not here to rob you, we’re here to take you two away.”

        A hint of panic flashed across the girl’s expression, but she said with an air of calmness, “We are just ordinary people, we don’t have much money or family money, kidnapping us won’t bring you any benefits ……”

        The man at the head said with a smile, “Little girl, when I came in just now, I noticed that the bowls used to feed the cats in your house are all official kiln Yuan celadon, and the celadon in this house alone is worth at least a few hundred million dollars, right? Do you really think I don’t know anything and would be fooled by a young girl like you?”

        When the girl heard this, she said without thinking, “Since you know what you’re doing, take all the porcelains, just let me and my grandfather live!”

        The man at the head said in a cold voice, “Don’t worry, I won’t kill you, because the order I got was to bring you two back alive!”

        As soon as the old man heard this, he hurriedly said, “Good! I’ll go with you, but my granddaughter is still young, so you should give her a break!”

        The man at the head of the group laughed disdainfully, “Old man, all your men outside are dead, what qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?”

        After saying that, his expression instantly changed to one of reverence and he said with reverence, “Lord Ying has ordered that you two should go to him alive! Remember, this is an honour for you both! Even I have never had the chance to see the true face of the Ying Lord!”

        At this point, he suddenly smiled with excitement and said, “But this time, thanks to you two, maybe I will have the chance to meet the British Lord after I have made a miraculous achievement!”

        At that moment, a cold voice suddenly came from outside the door, “Sorry, you won’t have that chance!”