I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1187

Yet on the surface, he still had to apologize with a smile, “Sorry Mr. Fu, I didn’t know things would be like this, and I didn’t mean to.”

Anyway, whether it was his fault or not, he had to apologise and say that it was his fault.

Only then could this ancestor’s anger be dispelled, lest this ancestor keep thinking about himself in his heart and hold on to him.

As expected, at this stage, there was no one who knew Fu Jingting better than a*sistant Zhang.

After a*sistant Zhang finished apologising, things went just as he had thought.

When Fu Jingting heard his apology, his face did look better, “Don’t give me any ideas in the future, or else you’ll just go and dig in Africa.”

“Yes, yes, yes, Mr. Fu, I will definitely not give out random ideas anymore, I will definitely not.” a*sistant Zhang smiled fawningly on the surface and said back, but in his heart he was cursing.

Hmph, talking as if he liked to give ideas.

Obviously the idea of suggesting watching TV and reading novels wasn’t his initiative to bring it up either, it was only when Mr. Fu himself asked him what could make a woman feel romantic about the act that he said it.

All in all, he had never taken the initiative to be the dog-headed military advisor to a*sist in the relationship between Mr. Fu and Miss Rong.

But now Mr. Fu was saying this as if he had taken the initiative.

Isn’t this a backhanded attack?

Hmph, just wait, when Mr. Fu and Miss Rong quarrel in the future, he will definitely not help Mr. Fu how to please Miss Rong and how to coax Miss Rong either.

Just let General Fu figure it out on his own.

Who let Mr. Fu blame him for everything now, it really P*ssed him off.

a*sistant Zhang drove his car with an unhappy face, thinking indignantly in his heart.

Fu Jingting didn’t have time to think about what his subordinate was thinking, nor did he have any interest in it. He propped his head up and looked out of the car window, his eyes sunken, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhang a*sistant saw it in the rearview mirror and guessed in his heart that Mr. Fu had already started thinking about something serious.

So a*sistant Zhang also stopped thinking about it, collected his mind and drove more seriously, trying to drive the car more smoothly so that Fu Jingting could concentrate more on thinking about things.

Soon, the destination arrived, the private hospital where Su Cheng was located.

a*sistant Zhang parked the car, unbuckled his seat belt and turned his head to the man in the back seat, who was still in deep thought, and reminded him, “Mr. Fu, we’re here.”

Fu Jingting’s eyes wavered for a moment, put his hand down, straightened his head and swept a glance out of the car window, and the four big words of Lin’s Hospital caught his eye.

Fu Jingting raised his eyebrows in slight surprise, “It’s actually the Lin family’s hospital.”

The Lin family is a medical family, although its power and financial resources are not even comparable to the Liu family, its status is very high in the city of Shanghai, so the Lin family’s private hospital is far more much more trustworthy.”

Lin’s Hospital, the private hospital of Lin Tianchen’s family.

The Lin family was a medical family, not a business family, so naturally, in terms of financial power, it was a great deal worse, but even so, the Lin family had several private hospitals, and they were located separately in several first-tier cities across the country.

Lin Tianchen’s parents are currently the president and director of Lin’s Hospital in Hai City, while Lin Tianchen, on the other hand, is the young proprietor of Lin’s Hospital.

Only, this is not acknowledged by Lin Tianchen’s parents.

Lin Tianchen and his parents did not get along, and Lin Tianchen’s parents also saw Lin Tianchen as a monster, not their son. Even though Lin Tianchen’s status and fame in the medical world today was higher than even theirs, the couple were still unwilling to accept Lin Tianchen as their son, and even saw Lin Tianchen as their son as a lifelong disgrace, an imperfect presence in their perfect lives, and even a stain, and had clearly said that they would not let The company also said clearly that it would not let Lin Tianchen become the heir of their Lin family.

The fact that Lin Tianchen himself has not many human emotions, not even for his parents, so he has nothing to be sad about when his parents disown him.

This is the reason why, as the young leader of the Lin family, Lin Tianchen did not take up a job at the Lin hospital, but at the public First Hospital.

To Lin Tianchen, everything in the Lin family was not something he could see.

Moreover, Lin Tianchen had already become the next heir to the First Hospital, and with Lin Tianchen sitting at the First Hospital, the First Hospital would only be worth going to more than a private hospital.

After all, Lin Tianchen’s presence would mean that treatment at the First Hospital would be life-saving.

Speaking of which, a*sistant Zhang was very puzzled by the Lin family couple’s brain and thoughts, to disown such an excellent son.

Even if one cannot accept that the child one gave birth to has an emotional disorder, he is always one’s own child, and having been born, one should be responsible, one should try to accept, to care, and perhaps cure this difficult condition.

If not, if you can’t cure it, if you can’t accept it, you can maintain a superficial relationship between parents and children, or at least do it for others to see, for the outside world to see.

After all, his own son is so good, the outside world can not mention how envious, so what if he has this disease? So what if he has this disease? Compared to his ability, this disease is not a big deal at all, not even a minor flaw.

However, the Lin family couple, the odd couple, did not think so, no matter how good Lin Tianchen was, they said they would not recognize him, even if the outside world laughed at them for having a son who would bring glory to their own face and honor the Lin family’s ancestors, and even pushed him away.

However, the Lin family is also quite admirable, even if the outside world laughs at them for having a brain problem and not even recognizing their own child, they still insist on their own ideas and insist on not recognizing it, unmoved by the outside world.

This kind of persistence is not something that ordinary people can achieve.

So how can one not admire them.

Of course, he admired them, but he still did not approve of their behaviour.

If he had such a son, even if his son was sick, he would still hold people high, at least he could bring himself glory ah.

Of course, he was still young and did not have such a son yet.

Fu Jingting saw a*sistant Zhang standing by the side dazed, occasionally skimming his mouth and shaking his head, showing a look of contempt, and occasionally sighing and lamenting, showing a look of regret, he just thought if he was sick in the head.

“What are you thinking about standing here and not moving?” Fu Jingting pursed his thin lips and looked at a*sistant Zhang impatiently.

a*sistant Zhang came back to his senses with a jolt and met Fu Jingting’s disgusted eyes, awkwardly rubbing the tip of his nose and smiling, “It’s nothing, Mr. Fu, let’s go in.”

Saying that, he hurriedly made a gesture of invitation.

Fu Jingting wasn’t really interested in his just wandering off, seeing that he didn’t want to talk about it, he didn’t ask more questions and lifted his feet and walked towards the hospital’s main entrance.

When a*sistant Zhang saw him go, he exhaled slightly, then hurriedly adjusted his mind and quickly followed him.

After walking into the hospital, a man dressed in black soon came to meet the two men.

“Mr. Fu, a*sistant Zhang.” The man stopped in front of Fu Jingting and greeted him with a respectful nod.

Fu Jingting gave a faint hm in response, “Where is Su Cheng?”

“In ward five on the VIP floor of the inpatient department.” The man said back.

Fu Jingting pursed his lips, “Lead the way.”

“Yes.” The man answered and walked ahead to lead the way.

This man was the person Fu Jingting had asked a*sistant Zhang to send over to keep an eye on Su Cheng’s movements at all times.

Knowing that Fu Jingting was coming over, he had waited in the hospital lobby early, in order to show the way to the two.