Always Been Yours Chapter 121

After speaking, he got straight into the car.

“Thank you, Mr. Feng.” Wen Shiyu also followed him and got into the back seat.

When Wen Jingchen saw his own sister following him, he also followed him into the car.

On the one hand, he was not at ease with Wen Shiyu, little Bao’er was lost in the orchestra, no matter what, in the end, it would be blamed on Wen Shiyu, and he could not stand by and do nothing.

He couldn’t let his sister face all these accusations and criticisms alone, he was going to be there for her no matter what.

On the other hand, he felt that he might still be of some use.

Feng Shenye made no comment on the two siblings getting into the car, and simply said to the driver driving in front of him, “Drive.”

The Maybach, which was already a great performer, roared and rushed directly towards the direction in which Little Treasure had sent her location.

After an hour or so of fleeing, the man in black’s mobile phone rang again, and an icy voice came, “Now immediately, throw away all communication devices on that child.”

Little Bao’er smiled and was vaguely nervous, the phone watch was also considered a communication tool ……

However, this was now used for location, if it was lost, daddy would have no way to find him.

He was covered again and couldn’t speak, so he could only shrink his hands anxiously and pray that they hadn’t found the watch.

His small movements, however, obviously did not escape the eyes of these men in black.

He violently removed the watch and padded it in his hand again, “OK, little one, you still know how to use this to reveal our whereabouts?”

Little Bao’er was a little frightened, but did not cry or fuss, and looked at the kidnapper with forced composure.

The latter smiled contemptuously, “This little brat is smart, and knows not to cry at this time, don’t be afraid, uncle won’t hurt you, just want some money, this watch, I’ll throw it away for you first, your old man will buy you a new one later.”

After saying that, he threw the phone watch out of the window in front of Xiao Bao’er.

Halfway through Feng Shenye’s car, the driver then noticed that the positioning had stopped at a place and stopped moving, “President, the positioning has stopped at this place for a long time.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, use the fastest speed to get there.” Feng Shenye gave the order with a cold face.

He wasn’t sure if Little Treasure was there.

But even if there was only a glimmer of hope, they had to rush over there with all their might.

However, when they arrived at the place, there was not a single house around, only a tarmac road.

Feng Shenye immediately got out of the car to check the situation, and saw only the remains of a nearly broken telephone watch on the ground, with Xiao Bao’er’s favourite sticker on it.

Not far from the wreckage, there was a red light that marked the location, flashing little by little.

The car that had kidnapped Xiao Bao’er had long since drowned in the traffic and was nowhere to be seen.

Feng Shenye’s face became very gloomy.

More than an hour had now pa*sed since Xiao Bao’er had been taken.

The fact that the other party could lose his phone watch meant that those people had already found out something.

This made Feng Shenye even more unsure of the current situation of Little Treasure.

The news from the traffic police was interrupted here as well.

Now even the only lead they had was broken.

When he thought of this, Feng Shenye clenched his teeth and slammed his fist on the steering wheel, his face had become somewhat ghastly, as if death had come, and even the air around him seemed to have dropped to freezing.

No one dared to speak for a moment.

No one knew what little Bao’er would suffer, and Feng Shenjin’s face was no better.

On the one hand, he had to find Xiao Bao’er as soon as possible, and on the other hand, he had to hide this matter from his family.

Feng Shenjin muttered, “Who the hell is so bold as to kidnap Bao’er ……”

“The Feng family is a big tree, these years is even more popular, but by many people coveted, in the middle also blocked the way of many people, made countless enemies, anyone could be, where to start looking ah.”

Wen Shiyu smiled, and was even more worried about crying.

Little Bao’er was still so young, and if he fell into the hands of those desperadoes, he would definitely not be treated well.

If anything really happened to him, then even if she herself died, there would be no way to forgive herself.

Just as the group of people were frozen at the roadside, waiting for the latest news from the traffic police, Feng Shenye’s mobile phone rang and the caller ID was an unknown number.

It was estimated that only the kidnappers would contact him in this way, so Feng Shenye pressed the answer button without saying a word. Are you curious about who I am?”