I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1199

Seeing the woman’s serious face and the seriousness of her words.

Fu Jingting knew that if he was still unwilling to do as he was told, she would definitely come true.

Because women, that was the kind of character they had.

Even with their current relationship, she was not willing to take much advantage of him.

“You!” Fu Jingting shook his head helplessly and pulled her office chair over to sit down, “Is that okay now?”

Rongshu nodded her head in satisfaction, “It’s fine.”

With those words, she also sat down on another chair that was slightly worse, then added, “Jingting, you should not think that I am stubborn and unwilling to accept your kindness to me, I know that you want to do more for me and also want me to sit more comfortably, I am touched in my heart and also accept it, but if I really accept it all, especially this kind of time when you are still paying for me, I If I accept all the good things you do for me, it will only fuel my greed and make me greedier and greedier, so much so that in the end, I will take all the good things you do for me for granted, and over time, I will even forget to do something for you and pay for you as well, and then become a person who only knows how to enjoy the good things you do for me and pay for me, but does nothing for himself, such a person is selfish, and even one day you may slightly treat me badly or neglect me a little, I will become unacceptable and maybe act unreasonably, so Jingting.”

She looked up at the man, “If you do that, you’ll only spoil me, and I don’t think you want me to become such a faceless woman, do you? That kind of me is not me anymore.”

The man locked eyes with her and after staring at her for a while, he finally sighed, relieved, “I understand, in the future, I will think more about the consequences before making discretionary decisions on things that are good for you, you’re right, bottomless spoiling does make a person change too much and become less and less like they were in the beginning, it’s my fault. ”

“Good to know, well, start teaching me, let’s get these done early and get back early, I’ll make you some soup.” Rongshu carried the pile of papers over and placed them in front of the man.

The man’s eyelids jumped, “Soup?”

At this moment, the soup he had had in the morning at the old mansion came back to his mind, and for a moment, resistance was written all over his face.

“No, I don’t feel like having soup for a while.” He picked up the top book of papers and said back in a somewhat raw voice.

Even on his expression, a hint of fear came to the surface.

It was evident how great the fear dominated by that soup was, how serious the psychological shadow was.

It was the first time that Rongshu had seen such an emotion of fear in a man.

It had always seemed as if the man was omnipotent, he had never seen him be afraid, be scared.

It was as if, these emotions would never appear in him by nature.

So now it was quite refreshing for her to see such emotions that shouldn’t appear in him, but instead appeared in him.

Of course, she also knew why such emotions appeared.

It seemed that the soup had really brought him a great deal of psychological shadows.

Rongshu couldn’t help but smile.

Of course, the soup had brought her some shadows as well.

But compared to the man who had drunk it straight from his stomach, the shadow was nothing, and when she thought about it now, it was more of a sigh of relief than fear.

“After all, your arm has not yet recovered completely, although it seems to have healed, you still can’t lift too many heavy objects, nor can you shake it significantly. This time, when she returned to her mother’s home, she specially looked for the kind of big stick bones.” Rongshu said.

When Ah Qi delivered it yesterday, she didn’t know exactly what her aunt had gotten for Fu Jingting and told her to make sure she stewed it for Fu Jingting.

It wasn’t until after Ah Qi had left and she was distributing the specials to her grandmother that she saw that it turned out to be beef daikon.

“You said Lu Qi’s mother?” Fu Jingting was slightly surprised.

Rongshu nodded, “Yes, apart from her, which other aunt?”

“When I went to the old mansion yesterday, I know she prepared a lot of local specialties for you, and you sent some over to your grandmother, but I didn’t hear that she prepared something for me as well.” Fu Jingting added.

Rongshu smiled, “I forgot to tell you, but maybe I didn’t think it was necessary because I didn’t think it would be brought to the old mansion.”

The man nodded at her forehead, as if to say that she could forget this too.

“What exactly is the big stick bone that you need your aunt to make a special trip to her mother’s house to get it? Can’t you tell us and we’ll buy it over here?” Fu Jingting’s long, slender fingers twirled the pen, expressing curiosity.

It couldn’t be the bones of some wild animal, could it?

He expressed his doubts, feeling that the possibility was very high.

Seeing the man’s face full of seriousness, Rong Shu knew what he was thinking.

Because she had wondered if it was something of this sort before, and had even sent a message asking her aunt about it, and only after she was told by her aunt did she realise that it wasn’t what she had thought, that the big stick bones, were the big stick bones of a cow.

It was because the cows in the countryside of her aunt’s family were purely fed with gra*s and grain and even herbs, which was better than the cows fed with fodder in the city, and the stew was also more fragrant and effective, so that’s why they were specially sourced from the countryside, rather than bought in the city.

Knowing this put her mind completely at ease, otherwise she would have been worried if she would have been in the bureau.

“Don’t worry, it’s just ordinary pork bones, the reason why auntie won’t let us buy it ourselves is because it’s not easy to get it in the city, not to mention the city, those farms abroad can’t even buy it, because almost every household on auntie’s mother’s side grows Chinese herbs, it’s the biggest Chinese herbal planting base in China, so the pigs there are also considered to have grown up eating Chinese herbs, it’s only when you drink this kind of pork bones that the soup is stewed It’s good.” Rongshu said in a half-truth.

What was false was that she had referred to the cow as a pig.

It couldn’t be helped, who made the man drink that whatever ton of tonic soup from the cow just this morning, and probably already very much disliked animals like cows in his heart.

If she knew that the soup she was going to make for him tonight was made from a cow, she wouldn’t drink it.

So it was better for her not to say anything.

As expected, when he heard that it was pork big bones, there was not the slightest resistance on the man’s face, instead, there was a touch of gratitude written on it, “Thank auntie for me, I’ll ask Zhang Cheng to send a gift over later.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve thanked you, but for the gift, you shouldn’t prepare anything too expensive, otherwise auntie mother won’t accept it.” Rongshu cautioned.

The man nodded slightly, “I know.”

“But speaking of which, auntie mother is really good to you, when Ah Qi delivered it yesterday and told me about it, don’t mention how much she ate it up.” Rongshu teased.

Fu Jingting first raised an eyebrow, then his thin lips curled up in a curve, “Yeah, that’s quite good.”

Anyway, knowing that Lu Qi was unhappy made him happy.

Rongshu, who could not know what the man was thinking, shook her head with a tearful smile, “You’re really …… Well, it’s getting late, hurry up and teach me, take care of these back.”

The man nodded, “Sit a little closer.”

“Mm.” Rongshu responded, lifting her chair to sit closer.

After that, the two sat next to each other, head to head, immersed in study and work.

Fu Jingting had a cool personality, the kind that didn’t look like he had much patience.

Besides, he did not look like a person who would teach his students. When students saw his cold face, they were probably afraid of him and trembled at him the whole time, not to mention learning something.

Not only that, even if they did learn, they would have to worry about not learning well enough, not fast enough, not satisfying him, and being unilaterally expelled from his school.

All in all, with a teacher like Fu Jingting, the students are probably under a lot of pressure, right?