Always Been Yours Chapter 198

He said with some admiration, “It’s true that people with power and influence are quick to speak and act, they don’t drag their feet at all.”

Wen Jing Chen also smiled, “Alright, I’m going to fetch the certificates now and try to get the company up and running sooner.”

After getting the documents, Wen Jingchen thought, since Feng Shenjin helped solve this matter, if he directly accepted his favor without saying anything, it seemed bad and not very polite, so he had to treat him to a meal.

So, he sent a message to Feng Shenjin.

“Second young man, thank you for your help with the bar last night, also, the licensing agency also called me today, I’ve got my certificate now, and to show my appreciation, I want to treat you to a meal.”

Feng Shenjin was a little confused when he received the message.

He had only helped him last night when he saw an injustice, when did he help him with his documents?

Besides, he only found out about it last night and told his brother in pa*sing ……

That’s right, his brother!

It must be him!

This straight-talking guy, he only found out about it last night and said he was going to investigate who was behind it, but it’s only been a few hours and he’s already done it all ……

The fact that you have said that you are not interested in Wen Shiyu at all, but what you are doing is not like that, even her brother’s business, you are helping.

I can’t believe I’m learning from Lei Feng, doing good deeds and not leaving my name.

Giving him such a thank you feast for nothing.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

He must be given a banner.

Thinking about it, Feng Shenjin couldn’t sit still and closed the papers on his desk and went to Feng Shenye’s office to talk to his brother about this matter.

“Brother, I heard that you helped Wen Jingchen settle the matter?” As soon as he entered Feng Shenye’s office, Feng Shenjin shouted.

He looked at his brother’s face, which was unchanged even before the collapse of the mountain.

Feng Shenye raised his eyes to look at him, and after he gave a hint, he looked back down and started reading his own papers, “If you have nothing to do, go and sort out the reports for me.”

“Don’t, brother, I’m busy, I’m here, I just have a very important thing to tell you.” Feng Shen Jin was a little helpless.

Feng Shenye said in a cold voice: “Say it, and when you’ve finished, go down and sort out the reports.”

“I say, brother, if you were as good to me as you are to those two siblings, I would have been your man long ago.” Feng Shenjin said with some aggravation.

However, before his brother kicked him out straight away, he hurriedly said, “Wen Jingchen wants to treat me to dinner, saying that he wants to thank me for my help.”

At these words, Feng Shenye’s hands moved slightly, and then continued flipping through his documents while saying, “Then you go.”

Feng Shenjin was a little confused and said, “But, brother, aren’t you going?”

Feng Shenye spoke very calmly, “I will take Bao’er with me.”

At this moment, Wen Shiyu was at home, trying to think of a way to see if she could contact some friends who owned companies to help solve this matter.

She suddenly received a call from Wen Jingchen, “Sister, the documents have been issued!”

“Why so sudden?”

Wen Shiyu was a little elated and a little confused, obviously this morning, he was still worried and said to continue to think of ways, but it was only this afternoon and it was all done.

“It’s the Feng family’s second youngest, I met him yesterday when I was looking for someone to unblock the relationship, after he knew about it, he helped us out today.”

Because he was afraid that Wen Shiyu would be worried, when Wen Jingchen said it, he deliberately hid those things that happened to him at the bar.

At these words, Wen Shiyu froze, not expecting that she still owed the Feng family a favor.

Wen Jingchen heard the sudden absence of voice on his sister’s side, and also a*sociated that his sister might be afraid of owing a favor, so he said, “Sister, the matter of the favor, you are being worried, I have already made an appointment with the second youngest, and invited them to dinner tonight, you should also come along.”

Wen Shiyu thought about it, so she agreed, “Good.”

That evening, at the restaurant that Wen Jing Chen had made a reservation for.

As soon as Wen Shiyu entered, he saw that apart from Feng Shen Jin who was helping out, there were two other people who were unexpected to him, Bao’er and Feng Shen Ye.