Always Been Yours Chapter 216

What was it that made them turn away from her?

Just when she was thinking about what the problem was, her mobile phone rang, and it was the headmaster, Yue Dongtang!

When the call was answered, Yue Dongtang took the lead and asked, “Shiyu, are you, like, interviewing everywhere?”

Upon hearing this, Wen Shiyu was a little confused, she hadn’t told anyone about her interview, even Wen Jingchen didn’t know about it.

“How did the headmaster know about it?”

The head of the group sighed and said, “They are all in the same industry, I have some interactions with the other heads, naturally, so I know that you are interviewing around.”

“……” sniffing, Wen Shiyu didn’t know what she was going to say.

She had thought that she had hidden her interviewing around so well that even her own brother didn’t know about it, and it was even more impossible for outsiders to know about it, but who knew that the fact that she kept getting rejected had already spread all over the industry.

However, it was not the time to consider why everyone knew about it, what mattered most was still, why it had happened.

She paused for a long time before she spoke in a dumb voice, “But why ……”

“I know what you’re wondering, but would someone as smart as you not feel it? You’re being targeted, within Yuncheng, there won’t be any orchestra that will risk closing down to hire you, Shiyu ah, we’ve known each other for at least a while, I hope you, better give up the interview, no matter what, it’s an ending.”

Yue Dongtang had thought that Wen Shiyu would understand, but days had pa*sed and he still kept receiving it, she was running around, interviewing and rejecting every day, in a constant cycle.

Although she was repeatedly rejected, she was still like a gyroscope, tirelessly running around and asking questions, longing for an orchestra that would take her on.

He would have been reluctant to tell him such a cruel truth, but it was a bit hard to watch.

He knew how hard Wen Shiyu worked and how talented she was, and it was because of this that she couldn’t withstand such blows.

If she kept failing at auditions, she would most likely doubt her own abilities, and then she would be afraid that she would never have the courage to pick up a violin again.

It would be a great loss to the music world.

He couldn’t bear to see a rising star fall in this way, so he finally made the call to give her a heads-up, hoping she wouldn’t be discouraged because no one would accept her.

Wen Shiyu was shocked when she heard this, it was the Feng family again?

She had just felt strange when she was interviewing before, but she was so full of looking for a job that she didn’t think about the Feng family.

She had previously thought that it was because she had, over the years, offended other peers with her performances at Tianyin that they were unwilling to accept her.

Never did she expect that, as it turned out, it was the Feng’s who were behind it, making people back away from her.

Now that Yue Dongtang had said so, she had come to her senses completely.

She did not know how she hung up the phone, nor did she know what she had said before she hung up, she only knew that she was filled with the thought of rushing to Feng Shenye and questioning him as to why he was treating her so badly!

Why did he have to force her into this situation?

But when she thought about it, she had rejected the suspicion that Feng Shenye was behind it before, and it would never be him.

The two of them were so different, their identities so far apart, they were like two parallel lines, as long as they didn’t go askew, it was absolutely impossible for them to intersect.

If he really didn’t want to get close to her, he could simply stop seeing her, and there was no need to bring Bao’er to him once or twice like this.

Then, there could only be one answer, and that was Pei Xinyi.

Was it because, after she resigned and saw Bao’er a few times, she was treated as if she had broken her contract? Is that how she could not tolerate her?

Pei Xinyi had gone a bit too far in doing so, and Wen Shiyu was a bit angry and made an appointment to see her directly.

The two of them met at the cafe where they met last time.

Pei Xinyi had also heard that Wen Jingchen had opened a company, so she thought that Wen Shiyu wanted money to meet her this time.