Always Been Yours Chapter 222

Feng Shenye was silent.

This reason was true, but the siblings had not crossed paths with the old man, they had only met him a few times, and it was too much to ask them to pay such a price for one or two encounters.

And there was nothing between him and Wen Shiyu, so why did she marry into the Feng family?

The two of them were targeted by the old man in this way, things would not be so simple, there must be something inside that he did not know.



The aggrieved look in Bao’er’s eyes before she left, in particular, kept lingering in her mind, feeling like it was holding her breath.

She opened her phone and looked at the photo of herself and Bao’er together, reaching out to touch his smiling face in the photo, “I’m sorry little Bao’er, auntie didn’t mean to hurt you ……”

But now that the damage has been done, although Bao’er was coaxed back by Feng Shenye, using the same reason that she was busy, Bao’er is afraid that he won’t want to see himself in the future.

He already doesn’t like to talk to strangers, what about Bao’er in the future when she’s not around?

When she thought of the first time she met Bao’er, the way he held out his hand for her to hug him, Wen Shiyu felt her heart explode with pain.

She sighed and eventually withdrew from the album, no longer looking at the photos inside.

Every corner of this house seemed to have Bao’er’s figure in it as well, and it was too boring for her to be left alone.

Wen Shiyu picked up the keys and went straight out the door.

After she left the door, she realized that there didn’t seem to be any place she could go, Wen Jingchen’s company definitely wouldn’t work, and in her current state, if she went there, it would also be to worry him.

She then wandered through the streets with a purpose.

Without realising it, she walked near Tianyin, and when Wen Shiyu saw the familiar office building, she immediately froze.

She didn’t even work here anymore, what was she doing here?

Go back quickly!

With a turn, she ran straight into a man’s chest.

“Sorry, sorry.” Wen Shiyu hurriedly bowed her head and apologised.

“It’s alright, next time pay more attention to your walking, if you have something on your mind, don’t walk around on the road.” A warm voice exploded above Wen Shiyu’s head again.

This voice, this phrase …… how some familiar?

She hurriedly looked up, and when she saw the person standing in front of her, she was instantly confused.

When Pei Shixi saw that it was Wen Shiyu, he also froze for a moment, and then laughed, “It’s you, I’ve told you to look when walking, why are you still so presumptuous?”

Wen Shiyu was also a bit embarra*sed, twice in total she had not paid attention when walking, and he had bumped into her on both occasions.

However, Wen Shiyu was also a little happy to see Bae Se Hee again, “If I’m not mistaken, you’re Bae Se Hee, right?”

This time it was Bae Se Hee who was a bit confused, “You know me?”

Wen Shiyu smiled, “I’ve seen you perform, the principal violinist of the Berlin Music Ensemble, Bae Se Hee.”

“Your previous performance of the Italian masterpiece ‘The Devil’s Trill Sonata’ was one of the most emotionally encompa*sing versions I’ve ever heard, and ‘Gypsy Song’ illustrated the gypsy tonal style perfectly too.”

“If it weren’t, and I know you’re Chinese, I’d almost think you grew up in that part of the world.”

Pei Shixi had heard a lot of compliments, but they were almost always of the vapid kind, playing really well or something like that, it was rare for someone to critique his music like that, and instantly his eyes lit up.

“You’ve really heard it?”

Wen Shiyu smiled, “To be honest, I’ve fantasised before about becoming a player like you, famous all over the world.”

She hadn’t just heard it, she had almost heard the music of all the world’s famous musicians, her ears were almost calloused and she knew which one was playing it as soon as she heard it.

But even so, she still hadn’t found a job, a stage where she could play, and being on par with the world’s most famous people was now a dream.

Pei Shixi was a little shocked, “You’re a violinist too?”