Always Been Yours Chapter 223

“Yes.” Wen Shiyu nodded her head.

Pei Shixi looked up at the office building behind Wen Shiyu and was somewhat dazed, “No wonder I’ve seen you around here twice, you’re from Tianyin?”

A trace of complexity flashed in Wen Shiyu’s eyes, she lowered her head and said somewhat dejectedly, “Once was, but, not anymore?”

Pei Shixi was a little surprised, “How so? Is it a resignation?”

“This matter is all in the past, there’s no point in talking about it anymore.” Wen Shiyu lifted her head, pulled the corner of her mouth, and forced a smile of indifference.

Pei Shixi had asked the question casually, not wanting a clear answer.

And now, looking at Wen Shiyu’s expression, he could see that she had something on her mind and did not really want to mention it, so he was a sensible person, so he did not pursue the matter further.

However, he still vaguely guessed that there was a hidden agenda for Wen Shiyu to leave this music group.

She probably didn’t want to leave even though she had met her twice in a row in this vicinity.

The matter of revealing people’s scars could not be done, he smiled gently, “The two of us have talked for so long, we still don’t know your name, can you tell me your name?”

With that, he extended his own hand, “Hello, Pei Shixi.”

Wen Shiyu faintly stared, then smiled brightly and similarly extended her hand, shaking both of his, “Hello, Wen Shiyu.”

“So, Miss Wen Shiyu, I see that your comment just now was very interesting, I would like to talk to you for a while longer, if you are free, can I buy you a cup of coffee?” Pei Shixi said with a smile.

He could tell that Wen Shiyu was actually very pa*sionate about music, and her previous review was just right, so maybe she was a fellow musician.

He, who was always used to keeping his distance from anyone, inexplicably wanted to make friends with her.

To be able to chat with someone like Pei Shixi, of course Wen Shiyu was willing to do so, she might even learn a lot, without saying a word, she nodded her head straight away, “Okay.”

Pei Shixi took Wen Shiyu to a cafe called “Qin Zhan”.

Wen Shiyu stood at the entrance and read the name of the cafe in her mind, it seemed to be related to qin?

As soon as the two of them entered, they heard a melodious violin sound coming from inside, and Wen Shiyu’s eyes instantly lit up.

Pei Shixi hooked his lips, “I often come to this place, the violin playing here, although it’s not as good as the orchestra’s, it has a feeling of stillness in the years, it’s quite comfortable here.”

Wen Shiyu nodded approvingly, “Indeed, this place is indeed not as good as the professionals in terms of technique, but the slow melody is still quite good and relaxing.”

Having said that, Wen Shiyu looked at the violinist on stage with some longing.

It was just a pity that now, as long as she was within the territory of Yuncheng, even such a small stage, she would not have the chance to stand up there again ……

Seeing Wen Shiyu’s envious look, Pei Shixi smiled, “Do you want to go up and try?”

Wen Shiyu shook her head, “This place has its own team, it shouldn’t be just anyone, who can go up and perform.”

“Yes you can, this place is just open, if someone is willing to perform, go up, if no one is willing, just the café staff will come, you go and try.” There was encouragement in Pei Shixi’s eyes.

He had brought Wen Shiyu here just to see what she could do.

Her previous reviews showed that she had still put a lot of effort into this area again, and in practice, it shouldn’t be any worse.

Wen Shiyu was already eager to try, and now, looking at Pei Shixi’s eyes, she felt her blood boiling a bit, and her body was screaming, don’t be a coward, since she likes violins, go for it!

She got up straight away and, after communicating with the café staff, stepped right up to the centre of the stage.

Her arm wasn’t fully healed, but the softer rhythm didn’t bother her, so she chose a song called ‘Cinema in Paradise’.

From the moment she picked up her violin, Wen Shiyu’s aura around her immediately changed.