I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1216

Rongshu looked at the soup handed over by the man, and then looked at the man’s eyes begging for help, finally with a heartbeat, she nodded and agreed, “Okay, since you’ve said that, then I’ll begrudgingly help you have some.”

She ‘reluctantly’ took the bowl, picked up the soup spoon to the side, scooped a spoonful of soup into her mouth, and instantly squinted in happiness.


Looking at the woman’s delighted appearance as she drank the soup, the man shook his head with a low smile, “Well, then, thank you for helping Little Yezi.”

As she listened to the man’s thanks, Rongshu felt a little weak in her heart, and the tips of her ears flushed red, but on the surface she still put on a bashful look and said, “It’s nothing, I’m just afraid of wasting it, okay, you should drink it.”

After saying that, she lowered her head and continued to drink the soup to hide her embarra*sment.

Yes, embarra*sed.

She actually knew that the man had said that on purpose, in order to get her to drink some of the soup without brushing her off.

And she, too, was not in a position to say yes in one quick breath, which was why she had deliberately said the words reluctantly to help.

In fact, they both knew that there was no such thing as not being able to finish the soup, nor was there any such thing as being reluctant to do so.

One of them wanted her to drink, and the other wanted to drink but was too embarra*sed to say so, so they made this play.

And since she was thin-skinned, she would naturally look embarra*sed.

The man looked at Rongshu as she drank the soup spoonful by spoonful, his eyes filled with a doting smile.

How could he not initiate that she was drinking the soup so quickly to hide her embarra*sment and weakness of heart?

Since she wanted to conceal it, he didn’t expose her, she was quite cute like this.

The two of them finished their dinner quietly.

Rongshu cleaned up the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, then washed her hands and came out of the kitchen.

As soon as she came out, the man suddenly stood in front of her, slightly bending his knees and picking her up horizontally.

As her body lost its weight and rose up into the air, Rongshu was not prepared for this and let out a cry of fear.

The man looked at her frightened face, as if he had been amused, and laughed out loud in a low voice.

The sound was nice and sexual.

The sound of his laughter also made Rongshu slow down and realise that she had been picked up by a man, and that it was not a sudden paranormal event, so there was no need to make a fuss.

Realising this, Rong Shu breathed a huge sigh of relief, then let go of Fu Jingting’s neck and looked at the man hugging her with no good grace, “Fu Jingting, what are you doing, you scared me to death.”

Fu Jingting looked down at her and smiled, not answering.

She patted his chest, “What are you laughing at, put me down quickly.”

“No let go.” The man shook his head and replied immediately.

The bad feeling in Rongshu’s heart grew deeper and deeper, she swallowed and asked, “What do you want again, I’m telling you, don’t mess around.”

The man’s thin lips curled up, “I don’t want to mess around, I just want to do some exercise with you.”

“Do some exercise?” Rongshu froze for a moment, then her neck tilted back and she looked at the man with a more wary look, “What kind of exercise do you want to do?”

It couldn’t be which one, could it?

Seeming to see what was going through Rongshu’s mind, the man’s smile deepened, the meaning already self-evident.

Rong Shu’s eyes widened.

The actual fact is really.

No, absolutely not!

The first thing you can do is to get out of your bedroom and sleep on the living room sofa, so if you still want to have sex with me, there is no way. You heard me!”

The man ignored her words, “You did say that, but I didn’t say yes from the beginning to the end, so I’m definitely not going to sleep on the couch tonight, and I forgot to tell you that the soup my grandmother had made during the day was very effective, although I didn’t drink much of it, the effect is already there, so ……”

“Fu Jingting, who are you fooling?” Rong Shu did not have the good grace to interrupt him greatly, and at the same time could not help but roll her eyes at him greatly, “How long did you drink the soup? I don’t believe that the effect of that soup can be delayed and delayed for such a long time, don’t take me for a fool!”

“……” Fu Jingting was silent.

Well, this was indeed something he hadn’t thought through.

Anyone else would not believe it.

Seeing that the man was speechless by herself, Rong Shu’s face raised a small expression of triumph, patting the man’s arm, “Hurry up and put me down, if I didn’t care that your arm was still not healed, I wouldn’t care so much to come down directly.”

Fu Jingting laughed lightly, “I know you’re doing it for my own good, but I still won’t let you go, you’re right, the soup was consumed in the morning, so it wouldn’t have taken effect until now, but what if you add the soup you just had?”

Rongshu’s heart stuttered, “The soup just now? What do you mean?”

When the man saw her faint and panicked look, he smiled even more intensely, faintly revealing an evil charm, “It means, do you really think I don’t know that the soup we had tonight was not made from pork bones at all, but from beef bones?”

Rong Shu’s pupils suddenly contracted, “You …… You know?”

The man was noncommittal.

Rong Shu’s mouth opened for a moment before she made a sound, “You …… When did you know?”

“I looked in the pot when you went to take a shower, if I didn’t know how to cook I might not really know what kind of bones they were, but you counted on the fact that I could cook so I would be able to recognize them, and even if I couldn’t, I would be able to recognize them by the smell, after all, the smell of beef is completely different from pork, unless there is something wrong with your nose or you are just stupid enough not to recognize it. ”

The corners of Rongshu’s mouth twitched and twitched.

According to what he said, did that mean she was the fool?

After all, she could cook too, but had forgotten that someone who could cook was able to recognise the difference between beef bones and pork bones, and could tell the difference in smell between the two.

However, not only did she not realise such an obvious problem, but she also lied to him in a big way that this was beef bone.

Rongshu covered her face, “Well …… I have no face, since you recognized it long ago, yet you deliberately pretended not to recognize it when I repeatedly tried, believing that it was a pig bone, what do you mean by that? Is it a deliberate attempt to make fun of me!”

She showed her eyes slightly and glared hard at him, her eyes full of condemnation.

The man laughed out softly, “No, I just don’t want you to worry, I know you’ll hide it because you’re worried that after what happened during the day, I’ll have a rejection of anything made into soup from the cow, so that’s why you deliberately went to the trouble of hiding it from me, and I’m not deliberately pretending not to know this so that your hiding won’t go to waste?”

“Hmph, talking nicely, who knows if you are laughing at me in your heart when you watch me try you again and again.” Rongshu pouted and grunted unhappily.

Seeing this, the man lowered his head and gave her a light peck on her red lips.

“You ……” Rongshu looked at the man incredulously, “You caught a chance to take advantage of me again.”

The man licked his lips and said back with a smile in his voice, “I’m not laughing at you, on the contrary, I enjoy acting with you, it’s quite funny.”

“Where’s the fun in that, you’re just laughing at me on purpose.” Rongshu sulkily patted the man’s chest and muttered in a small voice.