The Real Dragon Chapter 5027

Charlie wade’s words left these seven primus guards, as well as the five-four-seven sitting on the other side, all dumbfounded!

        They did not know why Charlie wade would suddenly ask such a question, but all eight of them, at this moment, had somewhat agitated expressions.

        Five-Four-Seven was the first to speak, clenching his fists and saying sternly, “Mr. Wade, if it’s really like you said, we dead soldiers will definitely organise to kill our way out of the siege! Even if we have to die, we will die in the sunlight!”

        The man at the head of the primus guards also said subconsciously, “That’s right Mr. Wade …… If this really happens, the primus guards will definitely take the opportunity to fight to the death as well!”

        Five-four-seven sighed, “For all dead soldiers, the shackles of the organization are mainly the poison in their bodies and their own families, once the trouble of the poison is solved, the dead soldiers will be able to use their strength to defend the safety of their loved ones to the death, and have the chance to lead their families to escape, this is the greatest dream of every dead soldier’s ancestors for dozens of generations, once there is a chance, every dead soldier will do their utmost for this dream!”

        The words of Five-Four-Seven were shared by several other Primus guards and they felt the same way.

        Like these soldiers, they all longed for the day when they would be able to break away from the control of this mysterious organisation.

        The main reason why they had never stood up to the organisation was because the poison in their bodies was simply too strong to fight.

        It is not that they have not done so before, but whether they resist or escape, the maximum life span of each person who escapes is only seven days.

        So, this kind of thing that had absolutely no chance of success, no one was willing to do it for a long time.

        But if the kind of situation Charlie wade described really happened, where the severe poison in their bodies was suddenly and completely removed, they would also be like dead soldiers who would immediately stand up and resist to the end.

        After seeing the attitude of several people, Charlie wade nodded in satisfaction and opened his mouth to ask, “Does the sectarian need to take the antidote regularly?”

        “Not that I’ve heard of.” The primus guard at the head of the group spoke, “The sect leader is mysterious and low-profile, so we have no way of knowing whether he has to take the antidote like us.”

        Charlie wade asked, “Then how is the antidote distributed to you and all the dead soldiers each time it is delivered?”

        The man explained, “Each time the antidote is delivered, the sectional governor personally interfaces with the postman responsible for delivering the antidote, which is wrapped in ten pieces of waterproof wax paper and sealed with a special fire paint and seal. personal guards, who would then personally distribute them for us primus inter pares.”

        Saying this, he continued, “When the antidotes are distributed, we will line up by the establishment, queue up to receive the antidotes, and after receiving them, we must take them immediately and not take them away quietly.”

        “After we have finished taking the antidote under the supervision of the personal guards of the festival amba*sador, we will also join them and distribute the antidote to the dead soldiers and their families, the overall process is basically the same, and the dead soldiers and their relatives must also finish taking the antidote under our supervision, so that the whole process of taking the antidote at one time is considered to have been completed.”

        At the side, Li Yalin could not help but ask, “I have a question for you, since you can only live for seven days without the antidote, why do they still supervise that you must take the antidote? Could there be anyone else who would deliberately not take the antidote they gave you?”