I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1217

“It’s not.” The man shook his head, “I really just don’t want to put you on the spot, believe me.”

He made her look into his eyes.

Rongshu saw the seriousness in his eyes, and in her heart she actually believed it, but her mouth didn’t want to admit it, and she hummed twice more.

The man carried her towards the room.

Rongshu’s body immediately stiffened up, “Fu Jingting, I order you to hurry up and stop.”

Of course the man couldn’t listen to her and stopped, he still carried her towards the room, “Didn’t I say that drinking this soup at night stimulates the effects of the soup during the day, so baby, I can’t stop.”

At the same time as the words fell, the door to the room opened with a kick from his little leg.

Rongshu shouted, “Fu Jingting, I believe the hell out of you, you’re simply making excuses, I haven’t heard of the effects of the soup lingering in the body and being stimulated by other things.”

The man laughed out loud, “You hear that now? Anyway, I won’t let go of you.”

“Fu Jingting!” Rongshu let out another yell.

This time, however, her roar was quickly cut off by the bedroom door.

This night, Rongshu once again experienced the extreme strength of the man last night, and finally fell asleep in his arms, exhausted.

Several times she asked him to stop, not wanting to go on, she couldn’t take it anymore.

But the dog man said he couldn’t stop, the effects of the soup hadn’t worn off, so he had to continue.

He said that the effects of the soup had not yet dissipated, but that was just an excuse made by the dog man.


Rongshu spat at the man as she slept through the last lesson.

It couldn’t be helped, the dog man was too inhuman, she couldn’t help it.

Yet even so, the man hadn’t let her go, and he hadn’t even finished while she slept over.

It wasn’t until half an hour later that the man finally released and stopped, picking her up and going to the bathroom.

Fu Jingting put Rong Shu into the bathtub with the water in it and went to rinse her body under the shower himself.

It was probably because the warm bath was so comfortable that even Rong Shu, who had fallen asleep and couldn’t wake up, couldn’t help but raise a comfortable smile on her face at this moment, and leaned her head on the side of the bath, sleeping more peacefully.

Fu Jingting glanced at her and saw her face flushed and sleeping soundly, his eyes smiled gently as he picked up the nozzle and continued bathing.

Putting the sleeping Rongshu in the bathtub and bathing herself, Fu Jingting was not worried that Rongshu would slip into the water and choke.

After all, this bathtub was specially designed to have the effect of fixing the body.

Even if she fell asleep, she would not slip into the water.

That was why Fu Jingting dared to throw Rong Shu into the bathtub with confidence and take a bath himself.

After finishing his bath, Fu Jingting did not rush up to help Rong Shu wash, but put on his bathrobe and went straight out of the bathroom and back to the bedroom.

He stood by the bed, bent down and pulled all the bedclothes off the bed and threw them on the floor, then walked to the wardrobe, opened it and took out clean bedclothes from inside to change them again.

After doing this, he picked up the dirty bedclothes and went to the laundry room, throwing them into the washing machine to start the cleaning mode, before returning to the bathroom and squatting on the edge of the bathtub to give the woman a bath.

Fu Jingting was very patient and gentle as he bathed Rongshu, as if he was treating her like a rare treasure, for fear of hurting her.

By the time he had finished bathing Rongshu and carried her back to her room, it was already four in the morning.

Fu Jingting gently put Rong Shu to bed and covered her with the blanket before he had time to look at his phone.

The moment he turned his phone on, a message popped up, clearly visible on the screen.

The message was from a*sistant Zhang, and the time showed that it was three hours ago, around twelve in the morning.

Fu Jingting knew a*sistant Zhang very well, if it wasn’t something important, a*sistant Zhang would never send him a message at such a late hour.

This shows that there must be something important in the message sent.

Fu Jingting stood by the bed, holding a white towel in one hand to wipe the wet hair on his head, while holding his mobile phone in the other hand, unlocking the screen.

The room was dimly lit, but the suddenly lit screen was unusually bright in the room.

The light from the screen shone on the man’s handsome face, making him look even more dazzling in the dim surroundings with a mysterious aura.

However, the next moment, the man’s expression suddenly changed slightly, becoming gloomy, and his eyebrows locked together.

It was only because of the content on the phone: Mr. Fu, the identification came out, Su Man and Su Cheng, not father and daughter.

During the day, a*sistant Zhang said that he had gotten Su Cheng’s DNA sample and could do a paternity test with Su Man’s DNA sample to confirm whether these two people were really father and daughter.

Now that the results of the test have come out, it shows that they are not really father and daughter.

When he saw the result, Fu Jingting did not show any surprise, just because he actually had the answer in his heart a long time ago, he had long guessed that these two people were not father and daughter, only that he had not been able to confirm it.

Now that it was confirmed, he only had the feeling that this was really the case, but nothing else.

He had long since guessed from the way these two people got along at the police station that they were not father and daughter. If Su Man was really Su Cheng’s daughter, would Su Cheng be so indifferent to her?

If Su Man, again, would be afraid of Su Cheng?

Even if she was an illegitimate daughter, she was still her own daughter, her only offspring, and Su Cheng, in his cold blood, could not be so indifferent even to his only offspring.

So he was thinking that these two people, could not be father and daughter.

Now it was true.

Seeing this result, Fu Jingting did not feel a trace of happiness for his mother in his heart, even if Su Cheng did not make an illegitimate daughter, but Su Cheng broke the agreement with his mother and cheated on her without her knowledge. It was also a fact that Su Cheng had broken his agreement with his mother and cheated on her without her knowledge.

So with or without the illegitimate child, Sojo was still the same scum.

The reason why he wanted to determine if these two were really father and daughter or not was not for his own mother either, because there was no point and no need for that.

He just wanted to know, if these two were not father and daughter, why did Su Cheng let Su Man pretend to be his daughter, and what was the purpose?

Fu Jingting pursed his thin lips and pondered secretly for a while before walking out of the room with light steps and gently closing the door to the balcony of the living room, before calling a*sistant Zhang on the phone.

Within two seconds of the call being made, a*sistant Zhang answered, seemingly waiting specifically for a call from Fu Jingting, so he hadn’t rested, and now his voice was undisguisedly tired, “Mr. Fu.”

Great, Mr. Fu finally saw his message and called.

Woohoo, he was so happy that he finally didn’t have to keep waiting.

He originally thought that he would have to wait until dawn at least, then he wouldn’t even be able to sleep.

The good thing was that God still loved him and was not really so cruel to him.

a*sistant Zhang was touched in his heart.

On the other end of the phone, Fu Jingting naturally heard Zhang’s tiredness and sleepiness, and after a moment of silence, he coughed lightly and said, “Sorry for making you wait so long. Next time, unless something happens to the group or it’s about Little Yezi, you don’t have to wait for my call all the time for other things, just sleep by yourself.”

Hearing Fu Jingting’s faint words, a*sistant Zhang’s eyes opened wide in disbelief and froze.

What the hell?

Mr. Fu had been taken over?