The Real Dragon Chapter 5037

        Charlie wade asked him, “Do you have the movements of this ship?”

        “Grasped it.” Wan Bajun explained, “Their registration information is all very formal, so the information of the ships can also be found, it just so happens that the Iskenderun Line also has ships pa*sing through from the east of Cyprus to Turkey, as well as returning ships, we have been monitoring the nautical radar data of these ships, and on the nautical radar, the information of this ship’s position was found, this ship more than six hours ago departed from Iskenderun port and is now almost halfway there, and will arrive in Lima*sol in a little over three hours.”

        “Good.” Charlie wade nodded slightly and asked again, “Is the speedboat for me ready?”

        “It’s ready.” Wan Bajun said, “According to your request, a speedboat equipped with six Mercury outboard engines has been prepared, capable of reaching a maximum speed of one hundred and twenty kilometres per hour.”

        Immediately, Charlie wade said, “Take me there now!”

        Wan Bajun drove Charlie wade and brought him to a deserted coastline.

        At this moment, on the beach, a large modified pickup truck was parked, with the rear of the pickup truck facing the direction of the sea, and a six to seven meter long thing wrapped in a black tarp was attached to the back with a trailer.

        The tarp was lifted by Wan Bajun and a streamlined speedboat came into view.

        Immediately afterwards, Wan Bajun asked Charlie wade, “Mr Wade, do you want me to go with you?”

        Charlie wade waved his hand, “I can go by myself, you can take the helicopter and board the boat later to join the others and follow my orders on board.”

        Wan Bajun nodded and took out a backpack from the cabin and said to Charlie wade, “Mr. Wade, everything you asked me to prepare is ready, and the satellite communicator is also inside.”

        “Good!” Charlie wade jumped on board and briefly familiarised himself with the operation of this speedboat, so he said to Wan Breaking Jun, “Breaking Jun, go and back the boat into the sea.”

        “Okay Mr. Wade!”

        Wan Bajun drove the pickup truck and slowly backed the towing rack towed behind into the sea.

        As the speedboat entered the water, the whole boat floated.

        When Charlie wade started the engine, Wan Bajun’s voice came over the communicator, saying, “Mr. Wade, you will be able to reach that boat’s course after driving one hundred and thirty kilometres on bearing 320, and if nothing goes wrong, you should be able to reach the set location half an hour ahead of him.”

        “Good.” Charlie wade used his communicator to say to Wan Bajun, “Bajun, I’ll see you in Cyprus.”

        After saying that, he steered the speedboat backwards into the sea, then turned 180 degrees at the surface and sailed into the vast Mediterranean Sea.

        An hour or so later, Charlie wade had arrived at the set location on the route map.

        After stopping the speedboat about one nautical mile off course, he opened the package that Wan Bajun had prepared for him and took out a waterproof black night suit from it.

        He then changed into the suit and switched off the boat’s engine, even turning off the ship’s navigation radar.

        Over the satellite communicator, Wan Bajun’s voice came out, “Mr Wade, that ship is less than 20 nautical miles away from you, we will monitor its position in real time and report back to you in time.”

        About twenty minutes later, Charlie wade could already see the lights of that cargo ship, at sea level.

        After confirming with Wan Bajun that this ship was the one he was looking for, he picked up his own waterproof duffel bag, locked the locking buckle in the middle of the two straps, and kept his gaze fixed on the cargo ship that was getting closer and closer.

        When the other side was only less than two nautical miles away, Charlie wade used a soul piercing blade to decisively cut the speedboat off. As the speedboat sank into the sea, he poured his aura into his feet and used it to prop himself up above the sea with his whole body underneath his feet.

        Immediately afterwards, he was on the surface of the sea as if he was on level ground, dashing towards the moving cargo ship!