Always Been Yours Chapter 419

“Thank you, teacher!”

Wen Shiyu was surprised for a moment and then excitedly said thanks.

Hathaway smiled and said, “Don’t be too happy too soon, I’ll let you perform on stage, but before that, your practice tasks will increase and I’ll be more and more demanding on you.”

“It’s alright, the teacher is also doing it for my own good, I’ll hold on.”

Wen Shiyu didn’t think this was a problem at all.

She felt that her teacher was taking a fancy to her by increasing the practice tasks and being strict with her.

Then again, she also cherished every opportunity she had to go on stage, hoping that her performance on stage would be in the most perfect condition.

When she returned that evening, Wen Shiyu shared the good news with Feng Shenye and Xiao Bao’er.

“Auntie is great!”

Little Bao’er hugged Wen Shiyu and praised her happily.

Feng Shenye also smiled lightly as he stood by the side.

Over the next few days, Wen Shiyu became busy.

She left early and came home late every day, trying to turn one minute into two.

Although Feng Shenye felt sorry for Wen Shiyu’s hard work, he knew that this was her dream, so he didn’t say anything. Instead, he asked the family nanny hired by the family to cook nutritious meals every day to support her.

On the other hand, Song Ruhua also met Duan Kai once more during this period, and after knowing that Duan Kai planned to do it at the end of the month, she decided to buy a ticket back to South City.

Because she could not leave any suspicion behind.

In the blink of an eye, the 20th anniversary party of Hathaway’s band arrived.

That night, at the opulent hotel, the world’s most famous and wealthy performers gathered, mingling and laughing.

Wen Shiyu followed her teacher in a white strapless gown, her face painted with a light but delicate make-up, her seaweed-like hair half-pulled behind her head, revealing her fair and slender swan neck.

A pair of ta*seled silver earrings added a touch of femininity to her.

After Hathaway’s introduction, the guests in the audience were full of admiration for Wen Shiyu.

“Hathaway, this student of yours, I can see that she will definitely surpa*s your achievements in the future.”

“Now that I see you’ve got such a good student, I want to go and take another one.”

“Will your student be performing tonight?”

“Who is better, this student of yours or your daughter?”

Whether it was a compliment, or words with a sour taste, Wen Shiyu responded graciously, and made people think highly of her.

At this moment, a commotion came from the front door.

Wen Shiyu and the others subconsciously looked over and found that it was Bae Se Hee who had arrived.

Tonight, Bae Se Hee was wearing a tailored white suit, with a long and straight posture and a gentle and elegant temperament, just like a prince in a fairy tale, making people fascinated.

There were quite a few celebrity girls giving him swooning looks.

But he didn’t pay attention to them, his starry eyes looked around the venue and settled on Wen Shiyu with a stunning glint in his eyes.

He felt that tonight Wen Shiyu was extraordinarily beautiful and heartwarming.

Just as he was about to go and greet Wen Shiyu, a man came out halfway.

“Seh-hee, you’re simply handsome tonight!”

Kathleen happily took Pei Shixi’s arm, but her eyes were as if she was showing off, “I don’t care, you’re so handsome tonight, you have to play a song with me.”

The crowd around them let out good-natured smiles as they listened to Kathleen’s words.

“With the lead violinist of the Berlin Orchestra and Hathaway Ensemble playing together, I think it’s going to be an aural feast.”

“Not only an aural feast, but also a visual one, the orchestra’s version of Juliet and Romeo.”

“It seems to be the trend, and I think we’ll definitely hear good things from both orchestras soon in the future.”

Listening to the jibes from the crowd, Kathleen blushed shyly but did not retort.

She tilted her head and looked at Pei Shixi with an expectant expression.

Pei Shixi had a bit of a headache, but in the end, he didn’t reject Cathleen in front of so many people, so he could only nod his head and agree.

“Hey, hey, I knew you would agree.”

Kathleen was so happy that she kept sticking to Pei Shixi at the venue.

It wasn’t until the party was about to officially start that she dragged Bae Se Hee backstage to get ready.