Always Been Yours Chapter 423

Wen Shiyu nodded in response, but wasn’t in the mood to go.

Seeing this, the members of the orchestra could not say anything more and turned around to get ready.

Seeing everyone else leave, Wen Shiyu wiped the tears that spilled out of the corners of her eyes and steeled herself with the intention of seeing exactly why the strings had broken.

But she had no research in this area and could not see the difference.

At that moment, Pei Shixi came.

“Let me have a look.”

He stood in front of Wen Shiyu and held out his hand.

Wen Shiyu looked up with some surprise, but said nothing and handed the violin over.

Pei Shixi picked up the violin and began to examine it.

He held up the broken string and placed it under the light to observe, “This string seems to have been cut by someone with a foreign object, and the break is smooth.”

At these words, everyone immediately gathered around.

They frowned at Pei Shixi and asked, “Senior Pei, are you sure that this was cut maliciously?”

“I’m sure.”

Pei Shixi’s voice was very confident.

All of a sudden, the crowd was in an uproar.

“Oh my god, who the hell is so morally corrupt as to deliberately damage someone’s violin!”

“Is it just our orchestra backstage, is it someone from our orchestra?”

“You mean one of our own ruined one of our own’s violin, god, this is horrible, could she be jealous of Shiyu?”

The crowd was talking hotly when Hathaway’s voice, full of authority, came from behind.

“Who’s jealous of Tokiya?”

“The headmaster.”

The crowd made way for Hathaway.

Hathaway swept a glance at them and asked, “What were you guys talking about just now?”

With this, she was actually asking about Pei Shixi and Wen Shiyu.

Without waiting for Wen Shiyu to respond, Pei Shixi said first, “Senior, I just found out that Miss Wen’s violin was maliciously cut with a sharp instrument.”

Hearing this, Hathaway’s face immediately pulled down.

She fiercely stepped forward to snatch the violin from Pei Shixi’s hand to check it and found that it had indeed been cut with a sharp instrument, and anger instantly covered her face.

“Check for me, I want to see who dared to do such a dirty deed inside my team!”

Hearing this, Kathleen, who was standing next to her, started to get a little nervous.

Seeing Hathaway so angry, the crowd didn’t dare to breathe a single breath, and the a*sistant even immediately led the order to investigate.

Luckily, at that moment, the MC from the front stage came in to hurry up the show.

“Mr Bae, Kathleen, your ensemble performance is in two minutes, please get ready.”

Pei Shixi nodded, then said comfortingly to Wen Shiyu, “Since your teacher has already ordered someone to investigate, I believe we will have news soon, Kathleen and I will go prepare for the show first, and come back to see you later.”

Hearing these words, a wave of cynicism welled up in Kathleen, who was standing at the side, towards Wen Shiyu.

Pei Shixi had never treated her like this before.

Wen Shiyu didn’t notice Kathleen’s resentful look.

She urged Pei Shixi to leave, “I’m fine, you guys go get ready, the show is about to start.”

Just as the words left her mouth, the emcee’s side once again urged on.

Pei Shixi nodded his head and turned to greet Cathleen as she left.

And Kathleen gathered all her emotions as he turned around.

She smiled, “Mummy, I’ll perform later, will you come and watch?”

She actually didn’t want her own mother to be with Wen Shiyu, and even sometimes she had the feeling that her mother was on the verge of becoming Wen Shiyu.

It was because she found that her own mother was getting better and better to Wen Shiyu, sometimes more than her as a daughter.

Hathaway didn’t know what Cathleen had in mind, but she didn’t refuse either.

She waved her hand and said, “You guys go ahead and perform, I’ll come back later.”

Cathleen was a little disappointed, but the MC was pressing again and she couldn’t delay any longer.

“Okay, Mummy you remember to come out and watch my performance.”

With those words, Cathleen left with Bae Sae Hee.

Seeing this, Hathaway waved her hand for the others to leave as well.

Soon, everyone else had gone too.

Wen Shiyu sat where she was holding her violin, still in a lost mood.