Always Been Yours Chapter 430

Duan Kai was saddened.

Because he was happy, he had forgotten that there was a time difference of several hours between China and abroad.

“Sorry, I forgot about the time difference, but I’m calling you because I’ve done what I promised you before.”

As he said that, he pointed his phone camera at the unconscious Wen Shiyu on the ground.

Seeing this, Song Ruhua’s unhappy expression eased considerably.

At this time, Duan Kai turned the camera back to himself again and asked, “Do you really intend to have someone insult her?”

“Do you think I’m joking?”

Song Ruhua glanced at him coldly.

“Pretend I didn’t say what I just said.” Duan Kai looked at Song Ruhua with a smile, then turned his words around and said, “In that case, would it be enough if I let three people come? All of my men are strong, so I’m afraid that if there are more, someone will die.”


Song Ruhua didn’t want to get anyone killed either, so after nodding her head in agreement, she suggested, “You’d better have someone record the footage.”

She planned to take the footage and show it to Feng Shenye when the time came, so that Feng Shenye would know how dirty this woman, Wen Shiyu, was.

Duan Kai naturally listened to Song Ruhua’s words.

After hanging up the phone, he had his men find recording equipment to film at Wen Shiyu.

“You, you and you, I’ll leave this woman to you guys, serve her well.”

With everything ready, Duan Kai named three strong men, then dropped these words and turned to leave with the others.

The three big men who were named were so happy, they didn’t expect to have such a benefit.

Just as they were about to make their move, Wen Shiyu, who was originally unconscious, woke up early with a wailing sound.

“Why are you awake?”

The three men were a little surprised.

When Wen Shiyu heard the voice, she looked up in shock, while the images about the time before she fell unconscious replayed in her mind.

Apparently this was her being kidnapped.

Thinking of this, fear surfaced in Wen Shiyu’s eyes, but kept forcing herself to calm down.

The men’s unsuspecting voices came to her ears.

“Isn’t it better to be awake, you can have more fun.”

At those words, Wen Shiyu’s face immediately paled, her eye holes contracted violently out of fear, and her body trembled involuntarily.

Although she didn’t know who had kidnapped her, from the conversation of these kidnappers, she knew that the people behind this were trying to ruin her!

No, no, she couldn’t just sit there and wait for death, she had to do something.

“Three, although I don’t know who hired you to kidnap me, I can ransom myself for twice the price.”

She took a deep breath, forcing back the panic inside her as she tried to negotiate with the three kidnappers.

Even if she couldn’t save herself, she had to stall for time.

At this moment, she was very glad that she had sent a message to Feng Shenye when she entered the lift; she was sure that Feng Shenye would have sensed that something was wrong when he delayed waiting for her people.

The kidnappers did not know what Wen Shiyu was thinking, but they were surprised at Wen Shiyu’s courage and calmness.

Because they didn’t expect Wen Shiyu to take the initiative to negotiate with them at all.

The kidnappers looked at each other, suddenly not knowing whether they should continue or go to inform the boss.

Over here, Wen Shiyu was secretly relieved when she saw that they did not move.

After thinking about it, she increased her bargaining power and continued, “If twice the money you think is still less, you can name a price, as much or as little as you want, and I promise, if you let me go, I won’t call the police and pretend this never happened.”

Don’t say it, the price was really tempting.

The kidnappers were swayed for a moment, but were soon dissuaded.

Because they were afraid that they might not have the money to spend.

They had been with Duan Kai for many years and knew very well that their master’s methods were not comparable to those of ordinary people.

If they disobeyed his demands, they would be the ones who would be unlucky later.

“Although your price is very appealing, unfortunately we are only following orders, so don’t waste your efforts.”

With those words, the kidnappers once again approached Wen Shiyu unsuspectingly.

Wen Shiyu panicked.

She didn’t expect these people to want even if they had money.