Always Been Yours Chapter 471

For a while, sweet and creamy scents filled the air from the two of them in all directions.

Later in the evening, the waiter came over to serve the dishes, all of which were Wen Shiyu’s usual favourites.

During the meal, Feng Shenye was also very considerate to Wen Shiyu, and the smile on his lips never dropped.

“Eat more, the shrimp point of this place is very famous.”

As he spoke, he gave Wen Shiyu another piece of shrimp meat.

While eating the dish in the bowl, Wen Shiyu watched Feng Shenye.

Feng Shenye noticed her gaze and enquired, “What’s wrong?”

“I always feel that you are strange tonight, but it feels like you are in a good mood again.”

Wen Shiyu voiced out her thoughts, not expecting to receive Feng Shenye’s approval.

“I am indeed in a good mood today.”

“Did something good happen?”

Wen Shiyu looked at Feng Shenye curiously.

Feng Shenye stared back at her and did not say anything for a long time.

Seeing this, Wen Shiyu’s curiosity was aroused in her heart and she urged, “Stop looking at me and quickly tell me what good things have happened?”

“Nothing good happened.” Feng Shenye lost his smile and gave her another chopstick of food, saying in a warm voice, “I brought you here today as a reward for you.”

“A reward for me?”

Wen Shiyu repeated, her entire being unsure.

She couldn’t help but ask after her, “Why do you want to give me a reward?”

Feng Shenye smiled without saying anything and changed the subject, urging, “Hurry up and eat, or it will get cold.”

Wen Shiyu could see that Feng Shenye was reluctant to say anything, so she did not pursue the matter any further.

She believed that when Feng Shenye wanted to tell her, he would naturally tell her.

After finishing their meal later in the evening, the two of them strolled around the streets for a while longer.

It was only when the night was getting thicker that they went back.

Unexpectedly, just as they entered the living room, they saw little Bao’er sitting on the sofa, puffing up with anger.

When the little one saw them, his eyes lit up.

But then, as if he had thought of something, the little one let out a soft grunt of anger and turned his head away from the two of them with his hands on his chest.

When Wen Shiyu saw this, she didn’t know what the little one was thinking.

She let go of Feng Shenye and walked over with a doting smile on her lips, knowingly asking, “Why is Bao’er angry? Tell auntie who has made you angry, and auntie will help you clean him up.”

At his words, the little one couldn’t help himself.

He complained accusingly, “Daddy is bad, he promised to bring auntie to eat with Bao’er in the evening, but it turned out that Bao’er and Uncle Jing Chen were eating alone.”

Wen Shiyu was crying and laughing, but in her heart she really liked this feeling of being missed by the little one.

She took the little one in her arms and sat down on the sofa, and once again, the little one’s aggrieved crumbling voice came to her ears.

“It’s obvious that Bao’er has given up her auntie to daddy for the night time, daddy has to hog auntie for himself every time, daddy is too greedy.”

Little Bao’er circled around Wen Shiyu’s neck and said with a beak, “Auntie, let’s ignore daddy, okay?”

Hearing these words, Feng Shenye, who was standing at the side, slightly blushed.

He suddenly felt that he had not given birth to a son, but a love rival.

Naturally, Wen Shiyu could not ignore Feng Shenye.

She hugged the little one and coaxed, “It’s true that your daddy didn’t count on his words this time, look at it this way, no matter where auntie and your daddy go or what they do in the future, we will take you with us.”

Little Bao’er pouted, still very unhappy.

Wen Shiyu was also very patient and continued to coax.

In the end, she agreed to quite a few conditions before the little one showed her smile again.

After playing for a while, Wen Shiyu took Little Treasure to take a bath, as it was already very late after all.

After the bath, Wen Shiyu planned to go downstairs to pour a gla*s of water.

Unexpectedly, when she pa*sed by her brother’s room, she saw him squeezing his leg.

“Legs hurt again?”

She pushed the door and walked in, squatting in front of Wen Jing Chen with a concerned face, and went straight to help ma*sage.

Wen Jingchen was slightly stunned and nodded, “It’s a bit sore.”

“Have you not been taking care of your medicinal bath on time recently?”