Always Been Yours Chapter 512

At the entrance of the subdivision, Song Ruhua sat in the car with a resentful face staring at the car where Wen Shiyu was, and only when she could not see the car did she angrily withdraw her eyes.

When she thought of the news she had received in the past two days, a torrent of jealousy surged up inside her, all of which turned her delicate and pretty face into a hideous and terrifying one.

“Wen Shiyu, you brought this on yourself, what kind of man are you not looking for, but you want to steal a man from me!”

She almost squeezed these words out of her teeth.

After a moment, she took a deep breath, barely calming herself down emotionally, before picking up the mobile phone sitting next to her and dialing a number out.

“You guys stay close to that b*tch and give me a good deal on her!”

Arriving at the Oceanarium, there weren’t many visitors as it was a work day.

After Wen Shiyu bought her ticket, she led Little Bao’er into the Oceanarium.

“Wow, so many fish, so beautiful.”

“Auntie, there are sharks.”

“Auntie, what’s that, it’s so big!”

In the ocean tunnel, the little one kept making awe-inspiring noises as he tilted his head.

When he encountered a fish he didn’t know, he also looked at Wen Shiyu with an inquisitive face.

Naturally, Wen Shiyu would not spoil the little one’s fun and tried her best to explain.

Of course, when she encountered species she didn’t know either, she would also use her mobile phone to look them up and explain them to Little Treasure.

She also took a lot of photos of the little one, and planned to send them to Feng Shenye later.

The tunnel was quite long, and with the two of them walking and stopping, by the time they came out, half an hour had pa*sed.

I didn’t expect that just as they came out, they heard a staff member informing visitors that the beluga whale show was about to start.

“Auntie, let’s go see the beluga whales, okay? Bao’er loves beluga whales.”

Little Bao’er pulled Wen Shiyu with a look of anticipation.

Wen Shiyu naturally agreed and took Little Bao’er towards the beluga whale pavilion.

The beluga whale pavilion was one of the key projects of the Oceanarium, so it was built in a big way.

One of the blue pools took up a large area.

Upon arriving, Wen Shiyu found that the guest seats were already made up of quite a few people.

She took little Bao’er and found a seat with a perfect view.

Little Bao’er poked her little head towards the pool and enquired, “Auntie, why hasn’t the white whale come out yet?”

“Because it’s not time for the show yet, so Bao’er can see the beluga whales if she waits a little longer.” Wen Shiyu explained.

Little Bao’er nodded her head in a good manner.

A few minutes later, a staff member walked over to the pool to welcome the guests, and behind him in the pool, the white whale appeared.

“Look Auntie, it’s the white whale, it’s so cute.”

Little Bao’er’s eyes shone brightly as she stared unblinkingly at the beluga whale in the pool.

The atmosphere also became lively as the beluga whale appeared.

The staff then guided the beluga whale to start the show.

There was a lot of applause.

Little Treasure clapped his hands so hard that his palms were red, but he didn’t feel a thing.

His eyes glowed as he stared at the beluga whale, his mouth constantly chanting, “It’s so awesome, so cute.”

Wen Shiyu looked at the rare little treasure who was so excited and lost his smile a little.

Later in the evening, when the show was over, the staff suddenly announced, “We will now randomly select a lucky audience member to come down and interact with us.”

As soon as this was said, many young girls in the audience got excited.

After all, not many girls could resist a cute creature like the white whale.

At the other end, the staff had already finished drawing lots and said with a smile, “The lucky audience has been born, let’s see who the lucky winner is.”

As he spoke, the staff member opened the slip of paper in his hand and read it out, “This lucky spectator is seat number ……189.”

Upon hearing this, all the audience members went to check their seat numbers.

Little Bao’er was only four years old, but he could already count numbers up to two hundred.

When he saw that his seat number was the same as the staff read out, he excitedly grabbed Wen Shiyu and shouted, “Auntie, my seat is number 189.”

Wen Shiyu was stunned for a moment and then happily congratulated little Bao’er.