Always Been Yours Chapter 528

“How can I be that easy to bully?”

Wen Shiyu lost her smile, raised her eyes to look back at Feng Shenye and continued, “Don’t worry, in the future it’s just that you don’t get along well with Cathleen, but the teacher is still very communicative, moreover, we’re not in the same team, the Hathaway Orchestra has many performances coming up, again I don’t need to deal with her, it’ll be fine.”

Feng Shenye saw that the girl’s heart was in the right place and smiled without insisting.

Other than that he had just been talking, after all, this was Wen Shiyu’s dream.

Even so, he did not forget to urge, “When you go back, if you are bullied, make sure to tell me.”

“Yes, I will definitely tell you.”

Wen Shiyu promised as she smiled brightly and wrapped her arms around the man’s waist.

At this time, Little Bao’er also rubbed over.

He patted his little chest and said with conviction, “Auntie is fine, Bao’er will protect you too!”

When Wen Shiyu looked at his little manly appearance, she was simply adored to the core of her heart.

“Bao’er, how can you be so cute!”

She took the little one into her arms and kissed and rua.

Little Bao’er nestled in Wen Shiyu’s arms, happy as can be.

Feng Shenye sat next to her, his eyes doting as he watched the interaction between the little one and the big one, only feeling that life was very complete.

After a while, the two had had enough.

Feng Shenye took hold of Wen Shiyu’s hand again and asked, “When do you plan to leave?”

At that, Little Treasure also looked at Wen Shiyu.

Although Wen Shiyu was reluctant to leave, she still said what she intended to do.

“Let’s leave the day after tomorrow, teacher and the others leave tomorrow.”

Feng Shenye nodded his head and didn’t say anything.

On the contrary, little Bao’er did not expect it to be so soon and pouted, “Auntie, can’t you stay a few more days?”

Wen Shiyu knew that the little one did not want to leave, but still shook her head and said, “No. Auntie’s teacher has left, so if she stays, she will delay her studies.”

That night, I don’t know if it was because I knew Wen Shiyu was leaving.

Little Bao’er became even more pestering.

After she had easily put the little one to bed, Wen Shiyu was pestered by the big one again.

From the bathroom to the bed.

Wen Shiyu was tossed and turned by Feng Shenye.

Once again the battle was over, Wen Shiyu felt like she was falling apart.

She leaned helplessly into Feng Shenye’s arms and pouted, “What’s wrong with you tonight? It’s like you can’t get enough of feeding.”

Looking at the girl’s exhausted look, Feng Shenye was slightly distressed.

“It’s not that you’re leaving and can’t let go.”

He hugged Wen Shiyu tightly, his voice as low and nice as a cello.

Wen Shiyu cried and laughed, “Then you can’t toss and turn like this, right?”

She said, raising her hand and gently punched Feng Shen Ye on the chest.

Feng Shenye held her hand, lowered his eyes and lightly smiled: “Well, you’re right, next time I’ll be a little lighter.”

“Still coming ……”

Wen Shiyu’s startled cry fell and her voice was drowned in the tender kiss.


The next day, Wen Shiyu woke up again, her body was as sore as if she had been run over by a car.

The next day, Wen Shiyu woke up, sore as if she had been run over by a car, but Feng Shenye was full of energy and had an insatiable face.

He looked at the girl struggling in bed and said with a light smile, “Rest a little longer, there’s nothing to do today anyway, I’ll come back in the evening to pick you up for dinner.”

Wen Shiyu thought about it and thought it was reasonable, so she stopped tossing and turning to get up.

“Let’s call Jing Chen to join us.”

She proposed as she lay on the bed, but was unexpectedly refused by Feng Shenye, “No, just the two of us.”

Wen Shiyu didn’t understand Feng Shenye’s thoughts, so she felt sweet and helpless for a while.

In the end, she couldn’t argue with Feng Shenye and had to agree.

But since she couldn’t have dinner with her brother in the evening, she planned to wait until noon instead.

It was close to noon when Wen Shiyu took Little Treasure out and went straight to Wen’s company.

In the office, Wen Jingchen was a little stunned to see the two enter.

“Sister, Bao’er, why are you guys here?”

“I couldn’t have dinner with you tonight, so I thought then let’s eat together at noon.”

Wen Shiyu explained while leading Bao’er to sit on the sofa.