I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1222

Not only that, but the little belly had gone down too.

This is what surprised her the most.

If she hadn’t been carrying a small belly, she wouldn’t have looked good and people would have thought she was pregnant.

Thinking of the word pregnant, Rong Shu’s eyes suddenly dimmed.

Seeing this, the gentleness in Fu Jingting’s eyes changed to concern, “What’s wrong? Why are you suddenly in a bad mood?”

Rongshu’s hand on her belly tightened slightly, but she forced a smile on her face, “Nothing, I thought of something, not very important, let’s go, it’s time to go to work, it’s probably almost ten o’clock now.”

Come on, it was properly late.

However, the man suddenly shook his head, “It’s not ten o’clock.”

Rongshu’s eyes lit up, “Not ten o’clock? Is it only after nine?”

In that case, although she was still late, at least she wouldn’t be too late.

It would be a psychological relief.

Just as she thought that, she saw the man handing her his mobile phone to her.

She was wondering what he meant when she saw the man’s phone screen suddenly light up, and then the screen was a big time icon that just caught her eye.

Eleven twenty.

Hiss ……

Rongshu instantly sucked in a breath of cold air, her whole body stunned.

An illusion, it must be an illusion!

How could it be so late!

When she ate breakfast, it was only about eight thirty, and after she finished eating breakfast she lay down on the sofa because her stomach was propped up and let Fu Jingting help her press and rub her stomach to digest.

During this period, it didn’t feel like much time had pa*sed.

How could it be eleven o’clock all of a sudden?

Had she crossed over? Or was the time wrong?

Rongshu couldn’t believe that it was already eleven o’clock, so she kept rea*suring herself that she had made a mistake, while rubbing her eyes again.

It was still the same time, still the same numbers, not the slightest change.

At this moment, even though she did not want to believe it, Rongshu had to believe it now, it was after eleven o’clock.

Looking at the woman’s pouting red lips, with a look of unbearable love, Fu Jingting took back the phone, with a smile in his eyes, “Do you believe it now?”

Rongshu raised her eyes to look at him and pulled the corners of her mouth, “It’s after eleven, let’s go to the company, it’s lunch break.”

It was halfway through the day, again, and there was still nothing to do.

The man nodded noncommittally, “It did used to be lunch break.”

“Then why are you still standing around, hurry up.” Rongshu said, hurriedly putting her legs on the ground and about to stand up.

When Fu Jingting saw her hurry, he couldn’t help but be a little amused, then he took her hand and pulled her back onto the sofa, “There’s no rush, since it’s already this time of the day, it’s not too late to simply go after lunch, I’ve already told your secretary, she’s also rearranged your schedule for today, the important ones, they’ve all been scheduled for the afternoon, the unimportant ones, they’ve all been cancelled. ”

Hearing the man’s words, Rong Shu blinked, “You’ve arranged it all for me? When?”

“Just when I was rubbing your tummy again, at that time, you were about to fall asleep, so you didn’t know.” The man pointed to the phone she had placed on the coffee table.

Rongshu followed it and looked at it, and was left speechless.

She could say that she could still blame the man for going AWOL?

But even if she did, she couldn’t help it. If she was late, she was late.

So the man’s arrangement was the best and most logical one.

In any case, I have only myself to blame, for being greedy, eating too much and feeling uncomfortable when I move.

Otherwise there would not be late for this play.

Hey ……

Sighing, Rong Shu finally compromised and agreed to the man’s proposal to go back to work after the meal, sitting down rea*suringly before looking at the man with sultry eyes, “What’s for lunch?”

The man stroked her hair and asked in a soft voice in return, “What do you want to eat, I’ll make it for you.”

“Don’t!” Rongshu immediately made a stopping gesture, her face full of seriousness, “You’d better not do it, I’ll do it.”

“Why?” Seeing that she was on the verge of the matter of cooking for herself, the man was a little puzzled.

Was he not doing a good job?

Was that why he wasn’t allowed to cook?

Just as he was thinking, the man heard the woman’s explanation, “It’s because you cook well, and I’m afraid that if I encounter the morning again, I’ll accidentally not be able to hold back and eat too much again, and I won’t be able to go to work again, and then I’ll put it off until tomorrow morning.”

It was only after listening to the woman’s sultry complaint that the man emerged from his confusion and let out a low laugh.

So that was the reason.

He’d thought it was something.

Seeing that the man didn’t say anything and kept laughing there, Rong Shu thought he didn’t believe him and puffed up her cheeks and said again, “Fu Jingting, can you be more serious, I’m serious, anyway, you don’t cook today, I’ll go.”

After saying that, she got up and went to the kitchen to see what she was going to eat for lunch.

When Fu Jingting saw that she was so enthusiastic about cooking, he couldn’t go against her wishes and make her unhappy, so he could only give up and let her go.

But it wasn’t really that Rongshu was cooking alone in the kitchen, sitting by herself in the living room as a grandfather.

During the time when Rongshu was cooking, Fu Jingting was always at the kitchen door, leaning against the door frame and watching her, his eyes so gentle that they planned to turn into water.

Sometimes when he needed help, he didn’t need Rongshu to ask, he automatically went up to help.

He was a wonderful man, and that was all there was to it.

It was probably because he was not as talented as Fu Jingting in the area of cooking.

Rongshu’s cooking was delicious, but it was still a bit inferior to that of a man.

If she hadn’t eaten the man’s cooking, Rongshu would have been extremely satisfied with her own cooking, and would even have been proud of it.

After all, when she first learnt, she had learnt quickly and well, and had even enrolled herself in a cooking instruction course online, and even her teacher had complimented her on how well she had learnt.

But now, when compared to a man’s, that aura was gone.

Although there is a small sour feeling in her heart, it is not without its benefits.

At least she wouldn’t have to eat without restraint.

As she rea*sured herself, Rongshu felt a little bit better inside.

After eating lunch, Fu Jingting cleaned up the dishes and table and made a cup of hawthorn juice for Rong Shu, waiting for her to finish it before going out with her to the lift.

The moment the lift doors closed, Rong Shu suddenly breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Seeing this, the man asked curiously, “What’s wrong?”

Rongshu shook her head, “No, I’m just lamenting that I’m finally going out.”

The man patted her shoulder in amus*ment.

Soon, the lift arrived.

The two of them walked out of the lift to the car.

The moment she got into the car, Rong Shu suddenly thought of something and stopped pulling the door to the end, looking up at the man on the other side, ready to get into the car, “Wait.”

The man stepped into the car with one foot, immediately retracted, then looked at her with a questioning gaze, following the sound of her what was wrong.

Rongshu opened her mouth and asked, “Is tonight the day of the mall banquet?”

For so many days, all sorts of things, big and small, had happened that she had forgotten about it.

If not for a flash of light in her head just now, she really wouldn’t have remembered.

Hearing Rong Shu ask this, the man was first stunned, and then his expression was a little subtle, “It seems …… I think so.”

The corners of Rongshu’s mouth twitched, “You don’t know either? You’ve forgotten too?”

The man’s thin lips were slightly pursed, not answering, just silently looking at her.

But this look, already speaks for itself.

He had really forgotten.

After all, this kind of party wouldn’t matter to him at all, whether he attended it or not.

He himself didn’t want to go to it, and the only reason he had agreed to go in the first place was to keep her company.

However, after so many days, the date of the banquet had not arrived, so he had to forget about it after a long time.