Always Been Yours Chapter 538

“Let’s call tomorrow, it’s too late today.”

Feng Shenye looked at the time on his phone and knew that it was already late at night in Vienna.

He could not afford to let Wen Shiyu toil.

Wen Shiyu could not resist him and could only agree.

But as she lay on the big empty bed, she didn’t feel like sleeping for a while

The silence around her made her feel despondent, and she sullenly said, “Now that I live alone in this villa without you and Bao’er, it feels so empty and uncomfortable.”

Feng Shenye was actually not used to it either.

The happy days of the previous days had made him get used to Wen Shiyu being around.

Now that he was back to sleeping alone again, he was at a loss for food.

But he didn’t show it, lest he aggravate Wen Shiyu’s sadness.

“Don’t be afraid, am I not here with you?”

“But I still miss you guys so much, it’s only my first day abroad and I miss you guys so much, what can I do for the rest of my life?”

Feng Shenye looked at the fondness in the girl’s eyes, his heart almost turned into a puddle of water.

“In a few days, over try to find the time to go over and see you.”

“Better forget it, I don’t want you to be too tired.”

Wen Shiyu shook her head and refused.

The feelings were all mutual.

Feng Shenye cared for her, and she naturally cared for Feng Shenye as well.

Feng Shenye smiled and did not continue this topic.

He then put Wen Shiyu to bed.

I don’t know if it was because of Feng Shenye’s company, but gradually Wen Shiyu closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at the girl’s innocent and sweet sleeping eyes, Feng Shenye’s black eyes were thick with deep love that could not be melted.

“Good night, my girl.”

He murmured softly before he hung up the phone in a nostalgic voice.


The following days, Wen Shiyu started practicing again day after day.

Only after that day, she didn’t deal with Kathleen anymore.

It was mainly because Kathleen was also busy with her training every day.

The two seemed to be at peace with each other, but there were some changes within the band.

On this day, during a break in practice, Kathleen was sitting alone in a lounge chair.

She was surrounded by laughing and talking members of the group.

She knew that because of the incident against Wen Shiyu, there was a disconnect between the members and her.

Thinking of this, she stood up and clapped her hands, pulling everyone’s attention over and inviting, “Let’s go for a drink tonight, my treat, after so many days of training, it’s time to relax and unwind.”

If it had been in the past, her words would have been met with cheers and applause from the members of the group.

But now, the group members refused in droves.

“Sorry, I have something to do tonight.”

“I’ve got a date with my boyfriend so I can go back and keep him company.”

“I promised my dog I’d go back and sneak him.”

The smile on Kathleen’s face nearly fell off as she listened to the crowd’s increasingly unconvincing excuses.

Luckily, she managed to maintain her expression in the end and said, pretending not to care, “In that case, let’s do it another time.”

The members of the group nodded and went back to their own jokes.

Kathleen resumed her seat, her heart sinking as she listened to the sound of laughter coming from her ears.

Although she hadn’t heard the members of the regiment bad-mouthing her behind her back these days, she still had the distinct feeling that their attitude towards her had changed, becoming less reverent and respectful than before.

This was fine, but what nagged at her was the fact that the members were cold towards her, but increasingly keen on that woman Wen Shiyu.

Such a change made her feel extremely uneasy inside, and she felt that her position as chief was becoming more and more precarious.

There was nothing she could do about the current situation, so she could only secretly gnash her teeth in hatred.

That evening, after training, the members of the orchestra who had originally rejected Kathleen went to ask Wen Shiyu on a date.

“Shiyu, let’s have dinner together tonight, and then go out shopping later to relax.”

“That’s fine.”

Wen Shiyu replied with a smile.

She was alone at the villa, and she didn’t want to go back so early.

But before she could leave with her colleagues, she received a call from Mr. Louis, “Your piano has been repaired, come and get it.”