Always Been Yours Chapter 553

Kathleen smiled and deliberately bragged, “I think highly of you too.”

Seeing this, the others followed suit and complimented Cindy.

“With Sister Cindy’s ability, she will definitely win the competition.”

“When the time comes, Sister Cindy will be the chief violinist of the second orchestra, Sister Cindy will take care of us.”

These people still had the self-awareness that Cindy was indeed more powerful than them, whether in terms of round strength or seniority.

Cindy was also very happy and promised to take good care of everyone when she became the principal violinist.

Kathleen looked coldly at the laughing and joking few with a flash of disdain in her eyes.

But for the sake of her plan, she continued patiently, “Actually, to put it mildly, originally there was no such competition, but because my mommy preferred Wen Shiyu to be the principal violinist of the second orchestra, she brought up this competition, and originally the shareholders had decided long ago that Cindy would manage this orchestra.”

At these words, the smiles on the faces of those who had been laughing happily froze.

Cindy’s face also turned a little ugly.

She looked straight at Kathleen and questioned, “What the hell is going on here?”

Kathleen didn’t hold back, and added more fuel to the fire by telling how her mommy had fought for Wen Shiyu’s position.

“It’s undeniable that Wen Shiyu is indeed excellent, but I don’t think you’re bad either, and in terms of seniority, you’re even higher than Wen Shiyu, I think you’re more suitable for the second orchestra, and having some kind of competition is entirely because my mommy is biased and wasting everyone’s time.”

“The leader is indeed eccentric.”

“No, she’s not biased, we’re usually not allowed to go out and perform, but Wen Shiyu got an exception from her.”

A few others chimed in indignantly, fanning the flames.

The more Cindy listened, the angrier she became.

“What kind of thing is she, Wen Shiyu? I’ll make sure she knows what respect for seniors means in this competition!”

She thought it had to be first come first served anyhow.

Just because she was the headmaster’s student, everyone else had to stand aside.

Wen Shiyu didn’t even know what had happened at the bar.

The next morning, she walked into the orchestra with her violin case on her back, as usual.

“Good morning.”

She greeted the people around her with a light smile.

However, no one paid any attention to her, as if she didn’t exist.

Seeing this, Wen Shiyu’s smile froze on her face.

She looked around and saw that no one was still paying attention to her. She pursed her lips and went back to the practice room alone, but her mind was still on the change in the band members.

Could it be that all these people had been piqued by competition and had deliberately distanced themselves from her?

If that was the case, then these people were too scary.

A competition was a competition, but did they have to hurt everyone’s feelings for the sake of it?

During the lunch break, Mona came to see Wen Shiyu.

She intimately moved to Wen Shiyu’s ear and whispered, “Have you noticed that everyone is a bit off today.”

“Found out.”

Wen Shiyu nodded her head, while also saying some of what she had in mind, “I think they’re going too far with this.”

To which Mona agreed.

“Obviously when they usually compete, it’s not to this extent.”

She rubbed her chin, unable to figure out how to figure it out.

When Wen Shiyu saw that she couldn’t figure it out either, she simply looked away, “Whatever it is, it’s not bad now, there’s plenty of competition and it puts pressure on people, not to mention, I quite like this feeling, it can spur people on to improve.”

“That’s okay?”

Mo Na looked at Wen Shiyu in shock.

Wen Shiyu raised her eyebrows slightly, with an indescribably confident and powerful aura, “Why not? I have confidence in myself anyway, no matter how strong my opponent is, I will win the match if I meet the strongest!”

Mona was stunned as she looked at the girl who was shining brightly in front of her.

Lost in thought for a moment, she excitedly complimented, “Shiyu, that’s an amazing mindset you have, but I’m also sure you’ll win the competition and take the position of chief violinist!”