Always Been Yours Chapter 571

Looking at the confidence in the girl’s eyes, Hathaway nodded with satisfaction.

“Good luck.”

She patted Wen Shiyu’s shoulder as a gesture of encouragement.

The scene looked at the others, and they felt even more that Hathaway was biased towards Wen Shiyu.

Cindy, in particular, looked at Wen Shiyu with a gaze full of jealousy and anger.

She snorted coldly and said to herself that she would have to stomp this b*tch Wen Shiyu down today to do so!

Outside in the audience, Kathleen was sitting in the second row, just after the judges’ table.

Her eyes fell adoringly on Pei Shixi, who was on the judging panel.

Today Bae Se Hee was wearing a formal black suit with a white shirt and a black bow tie, his features were three-dimensional and handsome.

Bae Se Hee did not notice Kathleen’s sighting.

He was talking to the other judges about this a*sessment, and the topic unknowingly came up to Wen Shiyu.

“I heard that this time, that student of Hathaway’s will also participate in the a*sessment.”

“Speaking of which, I haven’t met Hathaway the student, but I have often heard some friends mention it, have any of you met her?”

“Se-hee, don’t you often go to Hathaway’s band, you must have met Hathaway’s student, tell us about this student of Hathaway’s.”

Three of the judges looked at Bae Se Hee curiously.

Without refusing, Pei Shixi smiled and introduced, “She is a very spiritual and talented person, just how good is she, you will find out later when the examination starts.”

At these words, the judges looked at each other and laughed, “It seems that Seh-hee has a high opinion of this student, Hathaway.”

“She’s a very dazzling girl.”

Pei Shixi did not hide his admiration for Wen Shiyu.

It was only when the words fell on Kathleen’s ears that they became harsh.

Kathleen gritted her teeth, unable to hear Pei Shixi praise Wen Shiyu so much, and said grimly, “I’m afraid that Wen Shiyu won’t have that kind of luck, I remember that Cindy also participated in this examination, and she is the best of our band.”

With these words, they managed to make Pei Shixi and the other four judges look over.

Pei Shixi frowned slightly and said with conviction, “I’m sure Miss Wen will be able to do it.”

Looking at the man’s trusting expression, Kathleen was on the verge of vomiting blood with anger.

Grinding her back teeth slot, she continued, “That’s not necessarily true, Cindy is not weak, she may not lose to Wen Shiyu.”

At that moment, a muffled voice inserted itself, it was Jobeel who was sitting in the middle.

“If Hathaway’s student is this girl called Wen Shiyu, I don’t think she should have a problem.”

Several of the other judges, including Pei Shixi, looked at Jobur in surprise.

It was because they sensed from Jobur’s words that Jobur had a high opinion of Wen Shiyu.

“What makes you say that?”

Edgar, who was sitting on the left, looked at Jobur curiously.

Jobur laughed, “Because before coming here, I had heard of this student’s name and it was said that there would be a surprise today.”

Hearing this, the other judges were surprised.

Pei Shixi was also stunned and enquired, “Senior, do you know Miss Wen?”

“No, I don’t know her, but an old friend of mine mentioned the name to me last night.”

Jobur replied with a smile, but didn’t say who that old friend was.

Kathleen’s lungs exploded with anger as she listened to a few people.

She had wanted to belittle Shiyu in front of the judges, but instead of the eye candy, she had let that b*tch get the attention of these judges.

At half past nine, the a*sessment officially began.

Hathaway, as the initiator, went on stage to say a few words and let the emcee preside.

Along with the emcee calling out the numbers, the members taking part in the a*sessment took to the stage one by one.

They were all violinists who had been carefully trained by Hathaway’s orchestra, and almost every one of them was a talented musician.

These people performed, naturally, in an extraordinary manner.

Each test was very exciting and the violin skills were superb.

More than ten down, each one was an aural treat.

Here, at last, it was Cindy’s turn to appear.