I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 53-54

Chapter 53

Gu Manyin took the man’s arm, her face raised in a smile, her tone light, “I’ve been asleep for so long, I can’t even ski anymore.

Fu Jingting looked at her foot and asked, “Is your foot okay?”

“It’s just a small injury, and I’ve been in hospital for so long that I’ve already recovered.” Gu Manyin smiled lightly and held his arm tightly, “It’s rare that you are free to accompany me out, and I want to share the fun with you.”

“Good.” The man responded indifferently.

After Gu Manyin was discharged from the hospital, she said she wanted to come out and have some fun, he happened to be not busy, so he accompanied her out, but he did not expect her to come to the Yabuli resort.

I guess Rong Shu got the information he gave him last time and had already come here to look for Talwei.


After entering the ski resort, Rongshu and Lu Qi went to the shop and rented a full set of skiing equipment and went to the changing room to change.

The ski clothes and shoes were a bit bulky, but Rongshu quickly adapted to them, and when she went down, she found that there were quite a few customers in each piste.

At a glance, she saw that everyone was wearing ski clothes and seemed to look pretty much the same ……

After finding a few trails, Rong Shu was tired and her eyes were a little sore, “This ski resort is too big, Lu Qi, have you seen where Boss Tal is?”

Half a day without a response, Rong Shu turned around only to find that there was no one behind her.

“Baby, looking for me?” Lu Qi skied down the high slope, a beautiful drift of the skis under his feet, and stopped firmly in front of Rong Shu.

Rongshu was so angry that she was speechless, “I asked you to help find someone and you ran off to ski?”

“There are so many people here, and they’re all spread out, so even a ghost can’t find them!” Lu Qi picked up his skis and pulled her along, “Come on baby, I’ll teach you to ski, under my tutelage, you’ll definitely become a ski killer that scares the hell out of me!”


Rong Shu looked around the large ski area, there were indeed many people and gave up on herself.

Lu Qi pulled Rong Shu to the beginner snow slope, “This is the beginner snow slope, the slope is small and suitable for newbies. When you get used to the skis and can slide freely, we can go to the intermediate slopes with a higher gradient.”

“No wonder there are fewer people here and someone to accompany them, so it’s a novice area.” Rongshu understood, and without a glance, she saw two people coming in to the snow slope.

What an unfortunate coincidence, they were also acquaintances.

Gu Manyin also saw Rong Shu, her eyes were cold for a moment, then she quickly raised her smile to greet her, “Miss Rong, what a coincidence to run into you and your boyfriend here.”

“Miss Gu we don’t know each other well, so don’t force yourself to say hello to us.” Lu Qi lazily said, “Why don’t you spill the beans with your family’s General Manager Fu and ask him to buy out this ski resort and ban us from coming, so we won’t run into each other.”

Gu Manyin pursed her pink lips, “Mr. Lu, I didn’t offend you, did I? You are also talking too much ……”

“The matter of the clubhouse, you forgot it so quickly?” Lu Qi finished, and oh again, “It’s also true, you only have Mr. Fu in your heart, afraid that this second-hand husband will be snatched away, of course you don’t care to remember other things.”

“……” Gu Manyin’s face was slightly white, looking soft and pitiful.

This Lu Qi, even if she had made a fool of herself at the club that time, this time, her mouth was even more poisonous than that day.

I hate him so much!

“Hey hey, I scolded you again, don’t look like that.” Lu Qi looked scared and said to Fu Jingting, “Mr. Fu, your girlfriend is more fragile than a delicate flower, take good care of her, don’t let her break!”

Fu Jingting’s eyes sank, but he didn’t say anything, taking Gu Manyin to the other side and helping her adjust her equipment.

“Come on baby, I’ll help you.” Lu Qi squatted down and helped Rong Shu fix her skis on her shoes, with a cold hum on his lips, “Chit! Who doesn’t know how to hurt people!”

Rongshu couldn’t help but laugh out loud at his teasing.

“What are you laughing at?” Lu Qi stood up and jerked his short hair, his thin lips slightly raised, “Do you think I’m handsome? Baby, why don’t you put on some weight, I can make you happier.”

“You shut up.” Rongshu smacked him hard with a snowball, “Don’t make me slap you!”

Lu Qi was smacked twice by Rongshu and stopped being a prudent person, holding her carefully so she could get used to the skis.

Gu Manyin was not far away from them and heard their conversation, her cheeks slightly red, she whispered “Although there are few people here, they can’t …… flirt so explicitly, it’s too shameless.”

The two of them are in the same room, and the two of them are in the same room.

He thought that Rong Shu had come over to talk business with the Jia Pao boss, but he didn’t expect her to be here flirting with Lu Qi skiing and having fun.

“Leave them alone.” Fu Jingting said in a deep voice, the temperature around him inexplicably dropping by several degrees.

Gu Manyin’s body shivered, and when she looked up at the man again, she saw that he looked pale, as if his emotions had never risen before and it was just her illusion.

After Lu Qi had taught her how to let go, she slowly used the snowball.

After skiing twice, her body involuntarily lurched and she fell into the snow.

This led to Lu Qi’s ridicule, “Baby you’re too stupid, you can still fall with a snowball, can’t your body find a balance point?”

“You shut up!”

After looking at Gu Manyin next to her, who was already skilled in using the snowball and sliding around freely, Rongshu was even more upset, gritting her teeth and getting up, continuing to learn.

After falling countless times, Rongshu was finally able to handle the snowball and move freely in the piste, and by this time she had also experienced the joy of skiing.

In the afternoon, when we went back to the ski resort, Rongshu went to the intermediate slope with Lu Qi.

There were more people here, and it was more lively.

Lu Qi had stopped teaching Rongshu and fixed his own skis, following her down the slopes.

He probably had too much time on his hands and kept chatting to Rongshu to distract her.

“Baby, why don’t you and Grandpa go to my house for dinner on New Year’s Eve?” Lu Qi said, “My mother even called and nagged me the day before yesterday, saying she wanted to see you.”

After she got married, Rong Shu had always spent New Year’s Eve with Fu Jingting’s family, and this year, she and Fu Jingting had divorced.

Rong Shu did not immediately agree, “Let’s talk about it when the time comes.”

She knew that Lu Qi felt sorry for her, but the Rong family still had her and Grandpa, and she didn’t want to go to someone else’s house to ruin the atmosphere on such a holiday, and she guessed that Grandpa didn’t want to either.

Lu Qi hey, “For the sake of me being so handsome, girlfriend, give a face?”

“Fake girlfriend!” Rongshu said without good grace.

She didn’t want to listen to Lu Qi’s bleeping, and with a forceful snowball in her hand, she brushed past Lu Qi and slid down.

Before she could slide out a few metres, Rongshu heard the sound of skis scraping across the snow behind her.

Before she could react, her back hurt, and the snowball hitting her couldn’t hold up on the ground, and her whole body rushed down the slope.

“Rongshu!” Lu Qi’s face sank and he immediately chased after her.

The slope of the slope was relatively high, and as Rongshu swooped downwards without the support of her snowball, her body soon lost its balance and swayed.

A silhouette followed her down the slope, and when she got close to her, she reached out and gave her a tug, quickly putting her hands around her waist and saying in a deep voice, “Hold on, don’t let go.”

Rongshu was in a panic, but after she heard the voice coming from her ears, she immediately hugged the man’s waist tightly.

Fu Jingting calmly manoeuvred his skis down the slope, even with one person with him, and soon reached the bottom of the slope and stood firmly.

“Miss Rong, here we are.” Looking at the woman who didn’t let go of her hand, Fu Jingting spoke out, “What, do you want to hold her for a while longer?”

Fu Jingting?

After recognising the man’s voice, Rong Shu immediately let go of her hand, and also pulled the distance between them.

She took off her helmet and revealed a calm as usual face, “Sorry, I thought it was my boyfriend, so I hugged him very tightly, thank you Mr. Fu.”


Chapter 54

At those words, Fu Jingting’s eyes sank.

Lu Qi quickly slid down and came to Rong Shu’s side, “Baby, is everything alright?”

“Um fine.”

“Just fine.” Lu Qi breathed a sigh of relief and took out his impatient tone again, shouting towards the person on the slope, “Hey, Miss Gu hurry up!”

When Gu Manyin slid down, he said nonchalantly, “Don’t think I didn’t just see that it was you who hit Rong Shu!”

“I was wearing a helmet and my vision was a bit blurry.” Gu Manyin bit her lip and apologised to Rong Shu, “Sorry Miss Rong, I bumped into you.”

“Rong Shu is in front of you is front, not side, you are blind if you can’t see!” Lu Qi took his hand and waved it in front of Gu Manyin’s eyes, “Are you really blind, Miss Gu, do you want me to find a doctor for you?”

“That’s enough.” Fu Jingting said unhappily, “I just saved Miss Rong, and Mangyin also apologized to her.”

Lu Qi sneered, “Mr. Fu, you know that this snow slope is high and my baby is a beginner, being hit by Miss Gu like that, if no one saves her, rolling down is going to break her bones!”

“Can I a*sume that your girlfriend is attempting to kill someone?”

“Lu Qi you don’t have to be so aggressive.” Gu Manyin’s eyes were red with anger and her voice trembled, “I really didn’t see it just now, if you want to be so calculating, I’ll slide up now and let Miss Rong bump me.”

“Fine!” The first thing you need to do is to get up there and let Miss Rong Shu hit you, I’ll save you, and then we’ll be clear.”

“……” Gu Manyin leaned against Fu Jingting’s side, her expression becoming more and more fragile and pitiful.

Rongshu saw Fu Jingting’s gloomy face, seemingly angered by Lu Qi’s aggressiveness, and tugged Lu Qi a little, “Go, go back.”

“I’m not leaving!” Lu Qi was very upset, “You’ve already divorced Fu Jingting, and it’s his girlfriend who’s bullying you, so you’re going to be a saintly mother?”

Rongshu leaned closer to him and whispered, “Cheng Huai gave me the acquisition information for Jia Puppet.”

Cheng Huai had a good relationship with Fu Jingting, so if Fu Jingting asked him to do something, he would also do it, and would not care about having cooperation with Rong Shu.

Rongshu didn’t want to let Gu Manyin go either, but she didn’t want Fu Jingting to step in and make it impossible for her to acquire Good Couple even more.

As soon as she said that, Lu Qi also understood the pros and cons of the situation, so he snorted coldly and didn’t bother with Gu Manyin any more, but turned around and gave them a middle finger as he was leaving.

Gu Manyin was furious.

She had never seen a man with such a poisonous and cheap mouth like Lu Qi!

Seeing the man’s cold face, Gu Manyin whispered, “I was just focusing on skiing, I didn’t see Miss Rong, I apologized to her too, I didn’t expect Lu Qi to be aggressive, cough ……”

She bent down and coughed twice, her small face whitening a few times.

Fu Jingting took one look at her face, his tone was not cold, and took her into his arms, “With me here, Lu Qi is only talking, he dare not make you do anything, it’s too cold, I’ll take you back to the hotel.”

“Mm.” Gu Mangyin gathered him with a light smile on her face.


When the two of them returned to the hotel, it was already five in the afternoon.

She went to ask the front desk and learned that Tanwei was in the chess room, and went there alone, taking out the shameless style that Lu Qi said, and insisted with Tanwei that she wanted to buy his company, and that the purchase price could be negotiated.

No matter what she said, Tanwei just refused to agree and finally got impatient, “I won’t sell even if you give me a higher price, just leave!”

He kicked Rong Shu out of the chess room.

Rongshu had a headache and wanted to call Lu Qi to come over, but she felt that even if she talked about it, Lu Qi would not be able to talk.

And if she didn’t talk to someone personally, how could she learn from that experience?

Rongshu thought of that man, opened WeChat, found him and sent a message. He is so difficult to deal with, no matter what price I offer, he doesn’t want to talk to me.

After sending the message, Rongshu realized that something was wrong, why should she look for this man in this kind of matter?

She wanted to withdraw the message, but the time had pa*sed and the message could not be withdrawn.

At this point, the man returned her message.

zh Talwei is high-minded and arrogant, he doesn’t like his company being invaded by other companies and managed by others, he went to ask for funds to save his company before, all because the other party wanted the right to run his company, he didn’t agree.

en he has a bad relationship with his father, you can start with that too.

In a sentence or two the man, Rong Shu quickly understood.

I will negotiate with him, I don’t want the right to run his company, but I can raise the percentage of shares I buy, or I can use his father to irritate him.

The company’s shareholding in the company can be increased.

The man was a little slow to return messages, and his words were few, but each sentence was useful to Rongshu.

The negotiation tips taught by the man have enlightened Rongshu, and she even knows how to negotiate with the owner of Good Puppy so that she is not at a disadvantage.

The man’s teaching of negotiation skills has given Rongshu a lot of clarity, even knowing how to negotiate with the boss of a good couple without being at a disadvantage. I see you know quite a lot.

I don’t call myself a big white goose.

I don’t think you’ve told me your name either, it’s okay, it’s just a name!

I’m not going to delete you, or you shouldn’t delete me either, right? I’m not sure if you’re a good friend, you’re very knowledgeable, and I’m missing someone to guide me.

I don’t want to waste your time, I’ll ask you for questions in the future, how much a message costs, you decide.

In the hotel room, Fu Jingting looked at the several messages sent by Rongshu and laughed in anger.

Because she had helped Fu Jinglin, he had only sold her a message, but this woman was climbing up the pole, and there was no end to it.

It took a while for Fu Jingting to reply to her with a good answer.

You are so knowledgeable and kind, as cute as your avatar!

The corners of Fu Jingting’s mouth twitched, he didn’t look at this WeChat, exited the dialog box and dialed a*sistant Zhang.

“Mr. Fu, what is it?” a*sistant Zhang answered the phone quickly.

“I had a micro signal for you to take care of before.” Fu Jingting frowned and said, “You have so many avatars to choose from, why did you get a goose?”

a*sistant Zhang said politely, “The goose looks cute and can make you look approachable.”

Fu Jingting was silent.

“Mr. Fu, you have taken this number back for a long time, why didn’t you change it before because you were uncomfortable with the goose’s avatar?” a*sistant Zhang indirectly showed that he was right, “If you can’t change your avatar, I’ll teach you now ……”

“No need!” Fu Jingting directly hung up the phone.


When eating dinner, Rong Shu and Lu Qi sought to go to the table where the Jia Pao boss was.

Rong Shu sat down opposite him with a shallow smile, “Mr. Tal, seeing that there are many empty seats on your side, do you mind if I dine with my friends here?”

Tal Wei looked down and ate, ignoring her.

“I know that you created Jia Pou, you treat it like a trip to your own child.”

Rongshu folded her hands on the table and said calmly, “After Tiansheng bought Jiayou, I promised that the control of Jiayou would be in your hands, so that Jiayou would operate independently and I would not parachute in senior management to monitor Jiayou.”

Hearing this, Tanwei finally raised his head and gave her a look, “Who taught you to negotiate like that, your ex-husband?”

Rongshu froze.

Tal Wei put down his chopsticks and said with an unhappy face, “Your ex-husband has always coveted my company, repeatedly sending senior executives to ask me to dinner and negotiate with me, I’m so annoyed, I just ran away for a trip abroad to come here to ski, and here you are again!”

“Fu and I divorced a long time ago, and the information on the acquisition of Jia Pou was given to me by another friend.” Rongshu explained this, but in her heart, she was suspicious.

Talking about what she had said, Fu’s people had also told him.

But these were the things that zh had taught her.

If these were true, the man that night was …… Fu Jingting?