Always Been Yours Chapter 712

They were thrilled to see the spectacle before them.

Many celebrities and bigwigs, all of whom they normally couldn’t photograph if they wanted to.

The guests ignored the media reporters, greeting each other if they knew each other and laughing as they walked down the long red carpet.

When they reached the entrance of the hotel, they were greeted by a special master of ceremonies, who led them into the ballroom.

In the ballroom, Feng Shenye was dressed in a straight black suit, his flawless face was as expressionless as ever, especially the innate noble aura on his body, which was impossible to ignore.

Feng Shenjin was also wearing a black suit. Unlike Feng Shenye’s cold and indifferent look, he always had a light smile on his face, gentle and courteous.

They were accompanied by the old man on the left and the right.

Today, the old man was dressed in an extraordinarily spirited manner, in a grey and black high-fashion Zhongshan suit, his white hair meticulously tended, and his wise eyes shining with a brilliant light.

He greeted the guests with his brothers Feng Shenye and Feng Shenye.

In a short while, the scene was mingling and the guests were talking and laughing.

For all of the country’s celebrities were gathered here, and each and every one of these celebrities was well-dressed.

It was no exaggeration to say that, banquet aside, these celebrities were comparable to a fashion show.

All the major high-fashion and limited edition dresses could be seen here, as well as expensive jewellery.

As Feng Shenjin watched, he couldn’t help but come over to his brother and whispered, “Brother, do you have the feeling that there are extraordinarily many female guests among the guests here today?”

Upon hearing this, Feng Shenye raised his eyes and faintly swept the surroundings and found that this was indeed the case.

Once again, Feng Shen Jin’s puzzled voice came to his ears, “Brother, what do you think Grandpa is up to, why has he invited so many female guests.”



“Think for yourself if you’re curious.”


Feng Shen Jin looked at his elder brother speechlessly and spat, “If you don’t know, just say you don’t know, it’s not like I’m going to say anything.”

Feng Shenye shook his head, not wanting to talk to his stupid brother anymore.

He followed the old man with his gla*s of wine, his heart more or less guessing at what the old man was doing.

Even so, he didn’t intend to pay any attention to it.

Later in the evening, the guests had all arrived and the famous host, who had been specially invited to the stage to open the event, moved the mood.

“Here is our main character today, Elder Feng, on stage!”

After the words were spoken, the host stepped back from the middle of the stage and a round of applause rang out.

At this time, the old man walked onto the stage with a smile on his face.

After raising his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, he said in a loud and powerful voice, “I am glad that you can come to my birthday banquet in the midst of your busy schedules, so I won’t say any more polite words, I hope everyone will eat well and have a good time.”

The birthday banquet, continued in an orderly manner.

After the speeches, the old man took the two Feng Shenye brothers to chat with the guests.

And almost all of these guests had one characteristic, and that was that they had a daughter in their family who was waiting to be married.

When Feng Shenye saw this, his face was slightly cold, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

It was Feng Shen Jin who had not yet noticed the first signs.

At this time, the old man seemed to have taken a fancy to an outstanding girl and praised the girl’s parents, “Your daughter is so outstanding, I wonder what your plans are for her in the future? Have you been promised a husband?”

The girl’s parents were also human beings and instantly understood what the old man meant.

“Our daughter is not promised to anyone yet, the reason why we let her intern in the company now is also because we hope that she will marry out in the future and can become a virtuous wife.”

“That’s right, when you marry a wife, you should marry a virtuous one.”

The old man nodded his head in satisfaction.

And their conversation did not avoid the others, so many people could see the hints.

A number of people brought their daughters up to greet the old man with earnestness.

“Elder Feng, this is my daughter, who is now also helping me manage the company.”

“Our family Rui Hui has now started a company of her own with a friend, if there is a chance, you can let her work with Feng Shao and see.”