Always Been Yours Chapter 729

The old man felt that only such a girl could help Feng Shenye in his career and be a virtuous helper.

The old man felt that a girl like Wen Shiyu, who was into art, was useless except for admiration, and could not share anything for Feng Shenye.

And all these things, Wen Shiyu did not know.

She recuperated at home for two days, and her health finally improved.

On the third day, she returned to the orchestra, intending to continue her training.

When the members of the orchestra saw her, they gathered around with concern.

“Shiyu, are you feeling better?”

“I see that you don’t look very well either, don’t try to be brave, your body is most important.”

“Yeah, there’s no rush to train.”

Everyone was worried about Wen Shiyu’s health.

They had actually all heard about what Kathleen had done and felt sympathy for what happened to Wen Shiyu in their hearts.

Looking at the worried expressions of the crowd, Wen Shiyu’s heart warmed up.

“I’m fine, thank you all for your concern.”

She spoke to the crowd for a while and then carried her violin case to the practice room.

At this time, Kathleen also walked in from outside.

She looked at the a*sembled band members and immediately frowned in displeasure, “What are they all doing gathered here? Nothing to do? Are you all familiar with the music?”

Many of the orchestra members looked at Kathleen, who had suddenly appeared and snapped, and their eyes turned cryptic.

“Come on, let’s go and practice.”

They dispersed without saying hello to Kathleen.

Kathleen didn’t care either, and went into the practice room on her own.

Later in the evening, she also learned from the members of the band that Wen Shiyu had returned, and her eyes clouded over.

For the next two days, the days seemed to return to their previous busy schedule.

Only Kathleen noticed something different.

In the past two days, she noticed that the way many of the band members looked at her had changed.

It became disgusting, defensive.

It wasn’t really any wonder that the other members had changed in this way.

They preferred Wen Shiyu, who had talent and a good personality, to the arrogant and unreasonable Kathleen.

When they thought of Wen Shiyu’s successive encounters, they were worried that if they offended Kathleen one day, they would also be afraid of those tricks.

Wen Shiyu didn’t pay much attention to these things.

After she resumed training, she planned to focus on her performance next month.

As for the baby, she wanted to wait until Feng Shenye came over during next month’s performance and then talk to him about it.

But the plan was not going to change.

Wen Shiyu began to have a pregnancy reaction.

At the beginning, she was able to bear it.

But as time pa*sed, the reaction became a little more severe.

On this day, she and Mona were eating in the canteen, and as a result, just after taking a sip of soup, her stomach lurched.

“Vomit ……”

She covered her lips and hurriedly trotted over to the bin for a bout of dry heaving.

Mona followed with a worried look on her face, “Shiyu, are you okay?”


Wen Shiyu shook her head weakly.

But Mona didn’t believe her, “You’ve been like this for days, how can you be fine?”

At this time there were also other members who noticed Wen Shiyu’s strange appearance and came over to care.

“Shiyu, why are you throwing up again, why don’t you go to the hospital?”

“Go and have a look, throwing up like this is not the way to go.”

“Yes, why don’t I take you to the hospital to have a look.”

Listening to everyone’s concern, Wen Shiyu was quite nostalgic.

“I’m really fine, it’s all an old problem, I’ll be fine in a few days.”

She thanked the kind members of the group, knowing in her heart that her situation was actually clear enough to know that it was normal and there was no need to go to the hospital.

But just as she finished speaking, she couldn’t help but dry heave again, making her face pale with vomit.

That night, Feng Shenye also saw from the video that Wen Shiyu was very pale and was extremely worried.

“Why do you look so bad?”

“There’s nothing wrong with me, I’m just a bit unwell, I don’t have much appetite.”

Wen Shiyu flashed her words.

Feng Shenye frowned, “Have you seen a doctor if you’re not feeling well?”