I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1232

The more she realised Fu Jingting’s willingness, the more resentful and angry Su Man became in her heart.

She did not understand, was Rongshu so good?

Was she so worthy of his love?

For the sake of Rong Shu, he could put down his stature and even lose his face, walking around outside with such a laughable thing on his head.

Did he have any dignity left?

Su Man bit her lips to death, and the finger holding the tablet, also got harder and harder, pressing the screen with water ripples, as if it was going to go white at any moment.

Because such a Fu Jingting, he could not accept.

In the beginning, when she went to all the trouble to get him, he was single-mindedly ‘in love’ with her, and he hadn’t seen him put down his dignity to do such a thing for her.

Even with the intrusion of foreign objects, the feelings that are intruded by foreign objects are no match for the feelings that are naturally loved?

Su Man’s eyes were red, as if she was about to eat someone, and she looked terrifying to the extreme.

She would definitely not just let it go.

Whether it was Rong Shu or Fu Jingting, she would not let either of them go.

These two people had brought her to such a state, and if she did not make them pay a painful price, she would be sorry for all the torture and pain she had suffered in the past few months.

And these two people, didn’t they love each other?

Wasn’t it possible to get back together even after a divorce?

Hadn’t feelings been lost and feelings rekindled?

She would like to see if this relationship of theirs could really last forever with her involved next!

In short, what she could not get, they could not get either.

Even Fu Jingting, she didn’t want it either.

After all, what you can’t get, you might as well destroy.

Su Man’s face revealed a twisted and hideous malicious laugh, that laugh was so brutal that it was creepy to hear.

Of course, whether it was Liu Linlin or Su Man, Rong Shu did not know the reaction of these two people after seeing the news online.

At this moment, she had already finished the work at hand and was leaning against the back of her office chair, resting while moving her sore wrists.

When her wrist was almost done, the phone on her desk rang.

Rong Shu’s body talked forward, first glanced at the caller ID and saw who the caller was before picking up the phone and answering it, “Hello, this is Rong Shu.”

“Hello Miss Rong, I’m Miss Sophia’s a*sistant, we met in the shop before.” At the other end of the phone, a polite female voice came out.

Rong Shu wasn’t surprised at all that the caller was her, after all she had just seen the caller ID.

She had saved the phone number of Sofia’s studio when she got the dress before.

So it was clear that the call was either from Sofia herself or her a*sistant.

“Hello.” Rongshu nodded slightly in response.

The a*sistant on the other end of the line smiled and answered, “This is Miss Rong, are you free now? Two hours ago, we received a call from Mr. Fu, who asked our studio to contact you at around four o’clock in the afternoon to ask if you were available so that we could send someone over to help you with your make-up and styling.”

This was something that Fu Jingting had also told her, so Rong Shu nodded and said back, “I’m already busy now, you can come over, I’m at the office, just say hello to the receptionist when you arrive, the receptionist will bring you up.”

“Okay, then we’ll send someone over right away, Miss Rong wait for a moment.”


The call ended, Rong Shu put down her phone, then clicked on a work group, and ate the two receptionists in the group, telling them the purpose.

She was the chairman of the board, and her appearance carried its own halo, even if the group was crowded and the messages were hundreds a second.

But once her message came out, it was still noticed at once, and the following sloshing of water welcoming the chairman made people dazzled.

Rongshu couldn’t help but smile and replied with a cute little bunny emoji bag of hello everyone.

Then, the messages in the group changed again from welcoming the chairman, to the chairman good ah message, the atmosphere can’t mention how cheerful it was.

Of course, Rong Shu also in these messages immediately saw the receptionist’s reply, and then only this rea*sured back out.

If you don’t back out and continue to reply, the employees in the group will definitely reply as well.

I don’t know when the cycle would end.

Putting down her phone, Rongshu took a sip of her coffee and then heard a knock on her office door.

She looked up and at the open office door, Lina was standing there with a smile, carrying a delicate handbag, “Chairman, the dress you asked me to help pick up has arrived.”

With that, she dropped her hand that was knocking on the door and took a step towards Rong Shu.

Rong Shu smiled and stood up, “Good, I know, it’s been hard on you.”

“You’re welcome, Chairman.” Lina handed the bag over with both hands, “Chairman, I’m not holding it wrong, am I?”

Rongshu lowered her eyes to look at the box in the bag and shook her head back, “Yes, this is it, thank you.”

Lina nodded with a smile, “Then Chairman, I’ll be out first.”

Rongshu hmmed and was about to say go ahead and get busy when she heard a commotion from outside her office door.

“Who are you? What do you want?”

The two men looked at each other.

“What’s the situation?” Rongshu asked with a frown.

Lina shook her head, which would also be your face full of confusion, “I don’t know.”

“Go check.” Rongshu didn’t care to take the gown out and hang it up to reduce the wrinkles, she hurriedly put down the box in her hand and took the lead towards the office door.

Lina followed closely behind.

As they exited the office, one after the other, they saw a man in black standing outside the door of the a*sistant secretary’s large office next door.

And inside the door of the a*sistant secretary’s large office stood her other secretaries and a*sistants.

They had their arms wide open, barring the door, obviously not wanting to let the man in black outside in.

The men in black, in turn, did not budge at all and looked at them.

The two sides, obviously, were facing each other, neither willing to let anyone in.

Seeing this, Rong Shu pursed her red lips and spoke in a light voice, “What’s going on?”

Hearing her voice, the secretaries’ a*sistants turned their heads in unison to look at her, as if they had seen a life-saving straw, and hurriedly returned, “Chairman, it’s great that you’re here, this person wants to go in and move Secretary Tong’s things.”

Saying that, they pointed to the man in black outside the door.

“Carry Secretary Tong’s things?” Rong Shu frowned slightly.

The a*sistant secretary nodded, “That’s right.”

“It’s not like you guys don’t know that Secretary Tong has already left, since Secretary Tong left so suddenly, all her things are still in the office and have not been moved, maybe they are friends of Secretary Tong and have been asked by Secretary Tong to move her things, why are you guys still stopping them from going in.” Lina said with some confusion.

Rongshu also nodded slightly, indicating that this was indeed the case.

People were here to help Secretary Tong take his things away, so it was indeed a bit wrong for his own staff to stop them like this.

However, in the next second, the secretaries’ a*sistants began to explain.

“It’s not like that Chairman, if he was really Secretary Tong’s friend and was asked by Secretary Tong to come, we definitely wouldn’t have stopped him, but we all know that Secretary Tong doesn’t have any other friends, so whether this person is Secretary Tong’s friend or not is still to be found out, and he wouldn’t open his mouth to answer even when we asked him.”

Being said so by the secretarial a*sistants, Lina also froze for a moment, then looked at Rong Shu, “Chairman, it seems that Secretary Tong really doesn’t have any other friends apart from the ones we can talk to, but could it be a relative?”

Lina guessed again.

This time Rong Shu shook her head and denied it, “No, Secretary Tong’s parents are divorced, she followed her mother, her relatives on her mother’s side are gone, her father’s side doesn’t recognize her at all, so it can’t be a relative.”

Saying that, Rong Shu narrowed her eyes and stared warily at the man in black, “Who the hell are you?”