Always Been Yours Chapter 968

At this time, Simon’s social account also vocalized his aide to Wen Shiyu.

It dawned on netizens when they saw this.

Some fans were even more excited, “Idol is simply amazing, not only is he a student of senior Sofia, but he also worships senior Simon as his teacher.”

“I’m especially looking forward to Idol performing again now.”

“Looking forward to it +1”

“Am I the only one who wants to beg for an original tune from Idol?”

“No, you’re not alone, I want to beg too.”

Netizens were begging for originals under Sofia’s band’s official website, and the noise was quite loud, even Sofia was alarmed.

She called for Wen Shiyu and smiled, “So many people on the internet are begging you to get an original, why don’t you go record it and post it on the official website.”

Wen Shiyu didn’t refuse and immediately went to the orchestra recording hall.

In the afternoon, she posted the recorded audio on Sofia’s official website and left a message saying, “The original you want, thank you for your support.”

As soon as this message came out, netizens couldn’t wait to click on the music.

It didn’t take long for the internet to be flooded with praise.

“As expected of a heavenly girl, it’s so good.”

“Listening to it makes me want to fall in love.”

“Same feeling, it’s a lot better than Vincent’s version, worthy of its original creator.”

“Upstairs, does Vincent’s rubbish deserve to be compared to our idol?”

“Icon’s song is full of emotion, it sounds like you’re telling someone you love what’s on your mind, Vincent’s song is nothing but a copy, it has no emotion.”

“Plagiarism is hardly a great thing after all anyway.”

Wen Shiyu was very happy to see these positive comments.

She took screenshots of those comments and shared them with Feng Shenye, “Look, they’re all praising me.”

On the other side, Feng Shenye saw the message and the corners of his mouth curled into a doting smile.

“They are very discerning.”

He edited the message and sent it out, then went to the official website to download the tune and also set it as the ringtone for incoming calls.

Later in the evening, the buzz continued online.

Although most people were praising Wen Shiyu, there were still some discordant voices.

“That’s it, it’s not that great, is it?”

“It’s true that Vincent doesn’t have much professional integrity, but he’s at least a senior in the industry, right? This Wen Shiyu is really scheming, going to talk to someone and deliberately recording them.”


Fans were furious when they saw these comments.

“You guys are the water army Vincent hired, right? What, trying to whitewash your boss?”

“With Vincent’s notorious reputation, are you guys still trying to whitewash him?”

“What’s wrong with recording? Vincent is a notorious tumour in the industry, so what if we don’t prepare for it?”

“How come he didn’t think of himself as a senior when he used someone else’s song?”

The fans and netizens were very strong in their battle, and in no time at all they disliked the discordant voices to the point where they dared not venture out.

Susan was furious as she watched the water army she hired couldn’t even scold her.

“Are you all trash?”

She took her mobile phone and scolded the head of the water army.

Of course, she didn’t expect Wen Shiyu’s popularity to be so high.

Now that things had greatly exceeded her expectations, she began to worry a little in her heart that she was being given up.

At the same time, she was also very angry.

“Why is this b*tch Wen Shiyu so lucky that every time something happens, someone helps her?”

She gritted her teeth, resigned to the extreme.

That evening, Susan ended her training in a bad mood.

Just as she was about to head back, she was surprised to receive a message from Hathaway.

“I’m having a training session over here tonight, do you want to come and listen?”

Tonight Hathaway had a special cla*s for training the other members of the band.

Thinking that Susan had a good talent, she called along.

And Susan felt it was natural to put on a full show and agreed.

Arriving at Hathaway’s Orchestra, many members greeted Susan.

She had been training over here for some time before and had gotten to know all these people well.