Always Been Yours Chapter 1041

“Why don’t you dare to compare, we are not bad, we are also a top international band.”

“It wasn’t bad before, but after what happened this time, I’m sorry, I don’t have a good impression of you.”

The netizens made no secret of their resistance to the fact that Twelve On had invited Eunice to join them.

They also used the incident to hit back at Twelve On’s fans.

The fans were so angry that they said, “Who invited Eunice? She was the one who offered to join Twelve On!”

The netizens cursed even more when they didn’t expect this to happen.

“If you want to join the band, you’re too principled, you’ll have to make a mess sooner or later.”

And when Eunice herself saw these comments, she was even more furious and vomited blood.

“What do you mean my lady backwards to go up, obviously it is that old man Hedges invited himself again and again!”

“And these netizens, what eyes, that b*tch Wen Shiyu is no match for this young lady!”

On the other hand, in the hospital, Susan was also going crazy.

It was obvious that she was the victim of the whole thing, yet she was facing jail time.

Looking at Eunice, who was the culprit, the man was not only fine, even after being thrown out of the band by Sofia, he quickly went to go to another top band.

Not to mention Wen Shiyu who had nothing to do with anything.

“D*mn it, what makes these people okay with nothing?!”

Susan shouted frantically from the ward.

What she couldn’t accept the most was that Hathaway had actually come out to help Wen Shiyu.

“And this nice mummy of mine, has she forgotten how I died?”

She gritted her teeth, and there was eerie hatred under her eyes.

Lauryn stood beside her, also frowning.

He was also a little displeased that Hathaway had stepped up to speak for Wen Shiyu this time.

Now that they were no longer in a relationship, why did Hathaway still stick her neck out and not take care of their daughter when she had the time to do so?

Susan’s fierce voice rang in his ears again.

“Wen Shiyu, Eunice, I will never let you go!”

Laurian looked at her and worried that she would disregard her body in order to take revenge, so he persuaded her, “Anyone who bullies you, daddy will help you clean up, but what’s important now is that you get well, get well so that you can start all over again.”

Susan felt that her father had a point, nothing was as important as her body.

As long as she got well, there was the chance to get back at these two b*tches!

Feng Shenye had also paid attention to what was happening online.

Originally, when he saw that Eunice still dared to throw dirty water on Wen Shiyu, he was ready to take some action to fix it.

It turned out that he didn’t even need to take action, and the matter was settled.

Even so, he did not intend to let Eunice off so easily.

He thought of what he had asked Xu Yan to investigate and called the man in.

“Did you find the child that Walter kidnapped?”

Looking at the cold-faced president, Xu Yan reported somewhat sheepishly, “This …… is not available yet.”

In the past two days, he had led people around to check the surveillance, but no matter how hard he looked, he couldn’t find the child’s whereabouts.

Feng Shenye frowned, somewhat surprised.

It was surprising that it had taken so long to find out.

After thinking about it, he ordered in a cold voice, “Since you can’t find it, then you send someone to keep an eye on Walter.”

Xu Yan nodded, turned around and went to make arrangements.

Meanwhile, when Ivan saw that three days had pa*sed but his son had not returned, and there was no news even from Xu Yan, he went to the prison to see the stage master.

When he found out that his son had not been released, he was so worried and angry that he asked to see Walter.

“I’ve sat on what I promised you, when are you going to put my son back!”

When he saw Walter, the master operator questioned through clenched teeth.

Walter, however, said in an old-fashioned manner, “Things have not subsided outside yet, and to prevent you from changing your mind again, so I intend to wait until this matter is over before I put your son back!”

“You’re not keeping your word!”

Master Operation was furious, but there was nothing he could do about Walter.